
Bremen Big Data Challenge 2022 Begins

The Cognitive Systems Lab invites you to participate in the Bremen Big Data Challenge (BBDC). Students from Bremen universities and surrounding areas can participate until March 31, 2022. In this data analysis competition, cash prizes totaling 1,500 euros and attractive non-cash prizes can be won.

Whilst developing this year's task, the BBDC team worked closely with researchers from the EASE (Everyday Activity Science and Engineering) collaborative research center and the Minds, Media, Machines high-profile area at the University of Bremen. Students have four weeks from March 1 to March 31, 2022, (CET 11:59 p.m.) to find patterns in the provided data using clever algorithms and analysis methods. The goal is to use this knowledge to make a prediction on unseen data. This year, the goal is to reconstruct missing data from motion sequences recorded through two different modalities. The only requirement for participation is programming knowledge and is possible individually or in teams of up to three people. For students of computer science at the University of Bremen, the competition can count as the practical part of a seminar. Participation is free of charge. The cash prizes are sponsored by the companies "JUST ADD AI," "neuland - Büro für Informatik," as well as by "Die Sparkasse Bremen" and range from 100 euros (5th place) to 500 euros (1st place). In addition, all participants from the 30 best teams will receive attractive non-cash prizes.


Further Information:



AG Cognitive Systems Lab
University of Bremen
Email: bbdcprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

Graphic with white, green, orange lettering and dark background
Students have until March 31, 2022, to enter the BBDC competition.