
Congratulations: Prize-Winning Economics Graduates

Prizes were awarded to economics graduates for outstanding scientific work at the Bremen Glocke.

Dr. Hüseyin Caferoglu and Dr. Nils Grashof shared the Segnitz Prize for Doctoral Dissertations, which is endowed with 10,000 euros.

The best six master’s and bachelor’s graduates received the WolfgangRitter Study Prize and monetary prizes amounting to 4,000 euros. The prize-winners are: Lea Hashagen, Daniel Hoffrogge, Ricarda Kochems (bachelor’s degree), and Franziska Frese, Martin Meyer, Sophie Gerdemann (master’s degree).

The Deutsche Bundesbank’s special prize for final theses related to the central bank was split between Jannik Althoff and Tobias Glas this year. The special prize is endowed with 2,000 euros.

A new feature was the honoring of the best exams for the certified derivatives trader qualification by the Bremer Wertpapierbörse Foundation. The award was handed to Natalija Mitrovic, Marcel Kosog, and Leon Maurer.

Additionally, Marketing Club Bremen also awarded the Master Thesis Award for the first time. It went to Chiara Pleus.

The awarding ceremony took place as part of the graduation of 435 students - including 30 PhD candidates - from the courses in Business Studies, Economics, and Management and Electrical Engineering. The master’s graduates of Business Psychology took part in the ceremony for the first time.

Ausgezeichnete Bachelor-Absolvent:innen: Ricarda Kochems, Daniel Hoffrogge und Lea Hashagen (v.l.)
Prize-winning bachelor’s graduates: Ricarda Kochems, Daniel Hoffrogge, and Lea Hashagen (from the left)