
First Deutschlandstipendien at the University of Bremen

In October, the first of the newly introduced Deutschlandstipendien will be awarded at the University of Bremen. A joint effort on the part of Bremen enterprises, institutions, foundations, associations and private persons has resulted in funding to cover a total of 76 stipends. This is the maximum number eligible for top-up funding from the Federal Government. Many of the sponsors have opted to make financial commitments over longer periods, rather than merely for one year. The stipends provide good prospects for stipend holders to concentrate on their studies and graduate in good time. There will be an award giving ceremony in the University on 28th November 2011.

“Several other partners of the University have already expressed their intention to join the scheme. There is therefore good reason to be confident that the number of Deutschlandstipendien at the University of Bremen can be increased over the coming years”, says Professor Rolf Drechsler, Vice Rector for Research and Young Researchers at the University of Bremen. “In the year that we celebrate the fortieth anniversary of the founding of our University, it is particularly gratifying to see the regional economy making such a generous commitment to this program to benefit our students. As one of the finalists in the so-called Excellence Initiative launched by the German Government and the Federal States, the University of Bremen counts among the very best universities in the whole of Germany. This commitment on the part of local businesses underscores the regional economy’s bond with the University and its objectives.” Alone the plenary assembly and the governing body of the Bremen Chamber of Commerce have subscribed to the funding of 28 stipends.

Chamber of Commerce: “The Deutschlandstipendium is the right step for the region”

Dr. Matthias Fonger, General Director of the Bremen Chamber of Commerce, is convinced that Germany will only be able to sustain its innovative capability over the long term if everyone in society does their part to promote science and research. “In the past, Bremen and the Metropole Region has consistently and successfully developed to become a major science location with strong international orientation “, says Fonger. The Deutschlandstipendium constitutes a further contribution towards networking science and the economy, and towards ensuring that well-trained expert personnel are attracted to the region.

You can find more information on the Deutschlandstipendium under

For further information:

Universität Bremen
Konrektor für Forschung und wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchs

Prof. Dr. Rolf Drechsler
Phone: 0421 218-60020
e-mail: kon1protect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de