
Macaque Experiments: University Wins Legal Battle

In 2008 the Bremen health authority rejected an application from Prof. Andreas Kreiter for a license to carry out experiments on living animals. Now the Higher Administrative Court in Bremen has overthrown that ruling. The court grounds its decision on Andreras Kreiter’s major contribution to research and has found that the stress the animals would be subjected to lies within the realm of tolerance, holding the proposed experiments to be ethically justifiable. The Rector of the University of Bremen welcomes the court decision, seeing it as confirmation of the University management’s position in this matter.

“I am not at all surprised that the Higher Administrative Court overruled the first decision”, says a clearly relieved Prof. Reinhard X. Fischer, who on behalf of the University management has been seeking official approval for macaque experiments for a number of years now. “On the one hand, Prof. Kreiter‘s research is held in high esteem internationally, a fact confirmed by all those involved in the law suit; and on the other hand, ever since these experiments were started 15 years ago, Andreas Kreiter is known to have done everything he possibly could to ensure that the provisions of the German Animal Welfare Act were observed to the letter.”

For further information, please contact:

University of Bremen
Prof.Dr. Reinhard X. Fischer (University representative for animal experiments)
Phone: +49 421 218 65160
e-mail: rfischerprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

Affe in einem Gehege knabbert an einer Grünpflanze
Uni-Makake im Gehege.