
New Program for Child Psychotherapy

Psychological disorders in childhood and adolescence put an unbearable strain on family life and endanger healthy development. However, the field of therapy in this area has been sadly neglected. Children and young people often have to wait for nine months or more before they can receive treatment, and clinics lack suitably qualified staff with expertise in the area of child psychology and child psychotherapy. In this situation, universities are called upon to act and stand up to their responsibility.

The Senat für Arbeit, Frauen, Gesundheit, Jugend und Soziales des Landes Bremen  [Ministry for labor, women, health, youth and social affairs] has just issued the University of Bremen with certification from the Norddeutsche Verbund für Kinderverhaltenstherapie (NOKI) [Association for child behavioural therapy in northern Germany]. This is the first time in North Germany that state recognition has been obtained for a university post-graduate program in the field of child and adolescent psychotherapy. The NOKI was initiated and launched in cooperation between the University of Bremen (Prof.Dr. Franz und Prof.Dr. Ulrike Petermann), the University of Kiel (Prof.Dr. Wolf-Dieter Gerber), and the Institut für Therapie- und Gesundheitsforschung Kiel [Institute for research on therapy and health] (IFT-Nord, PD Dr. Reiner Hanewinkel). Via this cooperation project it has been made possible to combine competencies in the field paediatrics / child and adolescent psychotherapy (University of Kiel), expertise in the area of behavioral therapy training (IFT-Nord), and more than 20 years’ experience in the sector of clinical child psychology (University of Bremen).

The new cooperation project is a further step towards strengthening post-graduate training and establishing a three-phase university education (Bachelor, Master, therapy training) from a single source. It constitutes a sustainable contribution towards the quality of academic training and will enable the development of new standards.

The first post-graduate course will begin on 16th April 2011 at the University of Bremen, and in October 2011 in Kiel. The program is open to Diplom-Psychologen, Diplom-Pädagogen and Diplom-Sozialpädagogen as well as medical doctors. Holders of a Master in psychology or education can also apply.

Bild: StefanieB. -