
Register for University Sport Now!

Aikido, football, yoga or maybe even kite surfing?! In summer semester the University of Bremen will once again have a lot to offer in the area of sport. Over 600 different courses – not only for students and members of the University, but also for all the citizens of Bremen. You can find the comprehensive range of courses at ( The summer semester program starts on 22.04. and continues for 14 weeks up to 27.07.2014.

You can register for courses online as of 7 o’clock on Monday 7 April under Starting at 10 o’clock it will also be possible to register in person at the Hochschulsport office in the Sport Tower. Other times for registring in person are posted on the Internet or can be found in our program booklets distributed at most places on the campus.

Hochschulsport (University Sport) was launched when the University was founded over 40 years ago. It was considered  a forerunner because the courses were open for all the people of Bremen and not only for students and employees of the University. Especially popular sports are swimming courses for children, aqua fitness, and the Latin American aerobic dance “Zumba”.

Aerobic, Kitesurfen, Zumba: Das Programm des Hochschulsports umfasst mehr als 120 Kurse.