
Restricted Admissions: Notifications Sent Out

32,000 applications for student places at the University of Bremen for the coming winter semester – an all time record! The reasons for such a high number this year are the doubled cohort of students leaving upper secondary schools in 2011, the discontinuance of compulsory military and community service, and a simplified online application procedure. The University has now sent out notifications of acceptance or refusal in all subjects that have restricted admission – by far the largest number of subjects. Applicants offered a place must confirm their acceptance by 31st August 2011 latest. Early in September the University will be able to determine whether and in which programs applicants will be moved up the waiting list for enrollment. In the subjects Physics, Electrical Engineering, Computer Science, Mathematics, Industrial Mathematics, and Nursing Science the closing date for applications is 15th September 2011.

The high number of applications has not changed the ranking of the most popular subjects. As in past years, Teacher Training, Psychology, Media Studies are just as sought after as Law, Business Studies and Economics, Cultural Studies and Biology. Most of the applicants come from Lower Saxony (38%), followed by North Rhine-Westphalia (16%) and Bremen (10%).

The University of Bremen has allocated some 4,000 new student places; that is 10% more than last year. “This virtually exhausts the University’s capacity. We simply do not have sufficient staff or infrastructure to accommodate more students”, explains Christina Vocke, who leads the department responsible for student registrations. She also says that applicants who were not allocated a place in the first round should not give up hope. They may still be moved up the waiting list or offered a place in the lottery procedure in September.