
Reward-winning: Innovative Bioceramics Bone Screw

The idea is almost too simple. Instead of using conventional metal or plastic screws in the treatment of cruciate ligament ruptures, in future it will be possible to use screws made out of bioceramics with bone-like properties. Materials researcher Prof. Kurosch Rezwan from the University of Bremen and Dr. Philipp Imgrund from Fraunhofer IFAM, in cooperation with surgeon, Prof. Ulrich Wagner, have developed and successfully tested the bioceramic bone screw. What’s so special? The new screw is almost identical in its chemical composition as the main inorganic component of bone, i.e. calcium phosphate. And to top this – it can be produced by means of an innovative powder injection-moulding technique. 

The bone-like composition induces the screw‘s biologically optimal integration in the bone, enabling it to reabsorb the screw. In other words: the screw is eventually dissolved in a natural way as result of the body’s own biological processes. The calcium released during this process is integrated directly into the newly formed bone and it even actually speeds up the healing process. The second great advantage: There is no longer any need for cost-intensive repeat operations to remove metal screws. Initial tests on the prototype series have shown that the made-in-Bremen bone screw fulfills the stringent medical, biological, and mechanical requirements. The bio-resorbable bone screw is now being patented and its market potential could be worth over € 400 million. 

For their work on the development of the bioceramic screw, Prof. Kurosch Rezwan and his project partners have subsequently been awarded the Bernd-Artin Wessels-Preis by the Bremen unifreunde, the friends of the university association. The € 10,000 Bernd-Artin Wessels Prize is awarded each year in recognition of excellent cooperation between science and mid-size enterprises in Bremen. Participating in the research project were the University of Bremen, the Bremen Fraunhofer-Institut for Manufacturing Technology and Advanced Materials IFAM, the Wesermünde-Seepark medical clinic, and the Bremen corporation BEGO Implant Systems GmbH & Co.

For more information contact:

Universität Bremen
Fachbereich Produktionstechnik
Keramische Werkstoffe und Bauteile
Prof.Dr. Kurosch Rezwan
Phone. 0421 218-64930
e-mail: krezwanprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

Knochenhartes Biomaterial