
The International Day on Film

Drums, dance, colorful garments, a joyful get-together – for a short time, the University of Bremen’s third International Day turned the Glass Hall into a rather unusual "airport". If you missed the spectacle, here you can view a clip of the event (here in English language) – and be sure to make a note in your diary for next year!

The "airport" was the theme of the day: In the Arrivals Area visitors were greeted by the 16 different international student communities and other members of the University with music, dance performances, culinary delicacies, and information about their countries as well as student life at the University of Bremen. The Departures Area was dedicated to the topic of studying abroad.

Professor Yasemin Karaka?o?lu, Vice Rectress for Intercultural and International Affairs was especially pleased at what she saw: "The International Day shows just how diverse and exciting our University has become". All in all, this year's visitors, organizations and exhibitors can’t wait for International Day 2015.
You can find much more about International Day and an article (in German only) describing what went on in our online magazine BUS aktuell (in German only) – and visit our international page for lots of photos of the event.