
The University of Bremen Foundation Provides Support for 13 Innovative Projects

This year, the University of Bremen Foundation is once again providing funds in support of several innovative new projects. The recently elected Executive Committee and Board of Trustees have selected 13 project proposals to be funded in a total amount of some 32,000 euros. The purpose of the Foundation is to foster new approaches to academic teaching at the University of Bremen, support the advancement of young researchers, provide impulses for the University’s sustainable development, support communication between science and the general public, and to establish new and lasting future-oriented fields of research.

Project "Tel-Fun": Computer scientists transfer knowledge via video

For example, one of the projects to receive support bears the title "Tel-Fun". It is led by Professor Rolf Drechsler (Faculty Mathematics/Computer Sciences). The idea behind this project is to develop entertaining ways of transferring research results in the area of information technology to industry and the public at large. Much in the same way as a “science slam”, Drechsler and his team want to develop video clips that are both informative as well as entertaining to present socially relevant research findings to students and other interested persons. As an example, they will illustrate the internal functioning and development processes of cell phones and automobile electronics (from engine controls to navigation devices). It is planned to make the clips available by summer semester 2015 and they will also be on Youtube.

Interactive learning software to complement teaching

"Research-based learning" is the focus of a project called "Witness Biotic Interactions at Work!": In the Faculty of Biology/Chemistry, Dr.Andra Thiel – winner of the Berninghausen Prize for Outstanding Teaching 2014 – and Dr. Dörte Ostersehlt intend to develop interactive learning software which will facilitate intuitive access to complex topics like population ecology, for instance. In this connection they want to produce a digital version of an existing board game that simulates the biotic interactions involving greenflies. The prototype will be tried out and evaluated in lecture courses at the University of Bremen and in upper-grade high school classes. Following trials, the ultimate aim is to offer freeware learning software in the Internet.

Law scholar organizes workshop in cooperation with BIGSSS

Another project selected for funding deals with central issues facing its own discipline: With the help of the University Foundation and the Bremen International Graduate School of Social Sciences (BIGSSS), law scholar Professor Benedikt Buchner will implement a workshop on the topic "Knowledge generation and processing in the field of health and social legislation." In this workshop the focus will be on basic legal issues facing the discipline. The aim is to stimulate discussion on the workshop topic.

Informing Bremen citizens about what goes on at their University

"Once again, this year a large number of project proposals fitted in with the Foundation’s purpose and proved to be highly innovative", says the Rector of the University of Bremen and Chairman of the Foundation's Board of Trustees, Professor Bernd Scholz-Reiter. "Drawing up the shortlist of proposals to be funded was no easy matter." He pointed out that the University Foundation will receive a boost in the near future. "The Foundation gives the University more scope to support outstanding projects", says Scholz-Reiter. "It also makes it possible to inform the citizens of Bremen about what goes on at their University."

You can find more information about the University Foundation under

For more information, please contact:
University of Bremen
Transfer and External Partners
Alexa Meyer-Hamme
Phone: +49 421 218-60336
e-mail: alexa.meyer-hammeprotect me ?!vw.uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

Derk Schönfeld
Phone: +49 421 218-60333
e-mail: derk.schoenfeldprotect me ?!vw.uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

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