
University of Bremen Targets Teaching Excellence and Sustainability

In 2016 the University of Bremen will establish a “Standing conference for teaching excellence”. This is the objective being pursued by Professor ThomasHoffmeister, the University’s Vice Rector for Studies and Education. On the basis of the project he proposed, he has been invited to attend a series of “Lehre hoch n” workshops supported by the Bündnis für Hochschullehre [professors’ association]. The 2016 program will include five high level workshops designed for leaders in science and academic management, where he will present the project.

The “Standing conference for teaching excellence” at the University of Bremen will have 30 members comprising experts from all of the University’s status groups: Teaching personnel, students, and administration staff. The conference will convene twice a year to discuss quality criteria and possibilities for building further on the University of Bremen’s excellent academic teaching practice. One of the main aims is to develop ways to combine academic teaching with the excellent research done at the University of Bremen, and to promote the creation of synergies in all areas of the University. Among others, the Standing Conference will disseminate proposals for innovative lecture courses, including how to promote blended learning, i.e. the intertwining of contact teaching and e-learning, and integrate more research-based learning in student placements and the University’s already excellent teaching practice. “The Standing Conference will draw on the expertise of external experts to formulate concrete objectives and accompany their execution over the long term”, says Professor Hoffmeister.

“…valuable ideas for Bremen“

More than 100 applications were received from all over Germany for the five “Lehre hoch n” workshops supported by the Bündnis für Hochschullehre – for 32 places. The University of Bremen’s project impressed the jury. Members of the Bündnis für Hochschullehre include the Stifterverband der Deutschen Wissenschaft [Donors' association for the promotion of science and the humanities] and four other renowned foundations. “Together with the other workshop participants, we will explore ways to establish innovative concepts in academic teaching and university studies. I look forward to receiving lots of valuable ideas for Bremen”, said Vice Rector Hoffmeister.

Mann mit Brille vor Bürowand
Prof. Thomas Hoffmeister überzeugte die Jury mit seinem Konzept zur Weiterentwicklung guter Lehre