
Who Researches What at the University of Bremen?

The University of Bremen has just launched a new web service: The forex NAVIGATOR ( This will considerably facilitate the search for persons, research groups, and their respective fields of research. It will especially help young researchers looking for suitable supervisors, or post-docs planning to carry out research at our University. The English and German portals on forex NAVIGATOR will make it much easier for them to contact the right person. Members of the interested public, enterprises, and everyone in the University will find the categorization according to persons, research units, and institutions a great help when looking for potential cooperation partners.

The more permanent research staff of the University were invited to enter their own information into the online data base and list the institutions, collaborative projects, and research topics they are involved in. This is to provide an overview of their most important cooperation ventures, publications, and other research activities. The wide ranging, though compact, information makes it possible to build an accurate research profile. If this is not enough, there is also the link to their homepage containing more precise information.

When developing the forex NAVIGATOR, care was taken to ensure that the participants would need no more than roughly an hour a year for maintenance. Prof. Rolf Drechsler, who led the team that developed the project while he was still Vice Rector for Research and Young Academics, and the professional advisors who were also involved have nothing but praise for the innovative outcome. The new Vice Rector, Prof. Kurosch Rezwan, is also a fan: “The forex NAVIGATOR is an important contribution to enhancing the visibility of the University of Bremen and promoting internationalization.” The forex NAVIGATOR replaces the database used by the University to publicize its research activities on the Internet since 1992.

You can obtain further information by contacting:
University of Bremen
Research and Young Academics (Dept. 12)
Stefan Lüttgens
Phone: +49 421 218-60323
email: stefan.luettgensprotect me ?!vw.uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

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