
Maths Is More: The “matelier“ Is Opened

Mathematics can be much more than what most of us remember from our schooldays: that is why the University of Bremen has now opened a “maths studio“. In the “matelier“ teachers and trainee teachers will be able to receive valuable tips on how to make mathematics lessons more attractive for schoolchildren of all ages. The “matelier“ was officially opened this week in room 1090 in the Mehrzweckhochhaus (MZH building). Together with their teams, the intiators Prof. Dagmar Bönig, Faculty of Pedagogy and Education, and Prof. Angelika Bikner-Ahsbahs, Faculty of Mathematics/Computer Science, presented their concept for the maths studio. Hartmut Spiegel, professor for didactics in mathematics at the University of Paderborn gave a talk on the topic of “Children and Mathematics “.

The project has been made possible with funding from the Bremen Senator for Education and Science and the University of Bremen. The “matelier“ stocks a comprehensive range of modern textbooks, didactical materials and learning games for visitors to use. Some of these materials can be lent out, providing new possibilities for self discovery and stimulating ways of learning mathematics. In addition to this, the studio organizes numerous measures of further education on current mathematics topics for teachers as well as offerings for schools. The University also organizes maths exploration events for elementary schoolchildren on a regular basis.

Further information can be obtained from Prof.Dr. Dagmar Bönig, e-mail matelierprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de or on the Internet at

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