
University of Bremen Acclaimed as a University of Diversity

The University of Bremen is among the first eight universities in Germany to be awarded the “Shaping Diversity” certificate of the Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft [Donors’ Association for Science in Germany]. Prof.Yasemin Karaka?o?lu, Vice Rector for Intercultural and International Affairs, sees the honor as an important milestone in the University’s efforts towards aligning university life with the diverse life situations of its members and actively shaping life variety on campus. “The experience gained during the project greatly influenced the development of our diversity strategy.”

Being certified as a University of Diversity is the crowning finish to a two-year project initiated by the Donors’ Association called “Ungleich besser – Verschiedenheit als Chance” [Better diversity – Difference as Opportunity]. All told, eight universities – selected from 58 applicants – joined a benchmarking club to learn more about strategies, best-practice examples and positive auditing factors. Beside a concept of diversity monitoring, the contributions made by the University of Bremen above all comprised theoretical aspects and ideas surrounding the topics of participation and communication. During the project, the Vice Rector for Intercultural and International Affairs was supported by the University’s Director of Administration and Finance, Gerd-Rüdiger Kück, and the Vice Rector for Research, Prof.Rolf Drechsler. Support and consultation was also provided by Dr.MargritKaufmann, expert for matters concerning diversity, and the women’s Representative, Brigitte Nagler. Christina Vocke, leader of the Department of Student Affairs and project leader, sums up the award and the results of another project that finished at the same time, “Diversity as Chance”, as follows: “We are extremely proud of this award; it should not be seen as the end, though, but rather as a duty and prompt to develop other activities.”

For more information, please contact:
Universität Bremen
Konrektorin für Interkulturalität und Internationalität

Prof.Dr.Yasemin Karaka?o?lu
Phone: +49 421 218-60040
e-mail: kon3protect me ?!vw.uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de
Christina Vocke
Dezernentin für studentische Angelegenheiten
Phone: +9 421 218-6100
e-mail: cvockeprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

Gruppenbild mit mehreren Männern und Frauen, die Auszeichnungen in den Händen halten und lächeln in die Kamera.
Christina Vocke und Yasemin Karaka?o?lu (3. und 4. v.l.) nahmen die Auszeichnung in der Akademie der Wissenschaft in Berlin entgegen. Foto: Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft.