Statistics: Doctoral candidates at the University of Bremen

To all doctoral candidates of the University of Bremen:

The requirement to compile statistics on doctoral candidates was introduced with the amendment to the Hochschulstatistikgesetz (HStatG) [Higher Education Statistics Act] of March 1, 2016, in order to meet national and international data needs. The first date of the annual survey of doctoral student registration was December 1, 2017. The University of Bremen provides the data in an pseudonymized form to the Bremen Statistical Office.

The statistics on doctoral candidates provide information for the purpose of general education and university planning on the part of federal and state governments as well as individual universities. The results provide valuable information on the situation of early-stage researchers and doctoral procedures at the universities as well as on the structure, duration and success of doctoral studies.

Please supply the required data as accurately and completely as you can.

Thank you for your cooperation!

Which data are requested?

Extract from the Higher Education Statistics Act pertaining to universities and Berufsakademien [vocational academies of cooperative education]

Section 5 Survey characteristics for doctoral candidates at institutions falling under Section 2 point 1 (universities and university hospitals)

(1) Doctoral candidates are persons who have received written confirmation of being accepted as a doctoral student from an institution authorized to award doctorates. The date of confirmation is deemed the start of the doctorate.

(2) For the institutions listed in Section 2 (1), the following survey characteristics for doctoral candidates are to be recorded each year on 1st December:

  1. Gender;
  2. Date of birth;
  3. Nationality, other citizenship;
  4. Country, district and year of acquisition of university entrance qualification as well as type; if the higher education entrance qualification was acquired outside the Federal Republic of Germany, the country where it was obtained;
  5. Name of the university as well as the semester and year of the first enrollment; in the event of first enrollment at a university outside the Federal Republic of Germany, the country in which the university is located;
  6. Type, subject, semester, month and year of the final exam, as well as assessment and final grade;
  7. University where the previous degree was obtained; in the event of first enrollment at a university outside the Federal Republic of Germany, the country in which the university is located;
  8. Name of the university where the candidate is enrolled in doctoral studies;
  9. Type of doctorate;
  10. Subject in which the doctoral dissertation is embedded;
  11. Type of registration as a doctoral student;
  12. Matriculation as a doctoral student;
  13. Month and year of the start of the doctorate and the termination of the doctoral procedure;
  14. Participation in a structured doctoral program;
  15. Employment relationship at the university;
  16. Planned type of doctoral thesis.

The given survey characteristics are prescribed by official channels. Should a characteristic not fit to your situation, please select from the selection menu the survey characteristic that corresponds best.

If you have any problems filling in the questionnaire, please contact Stefan Lüttgens.


Stefan Lüttgens
Phone +49 421 218-60323 E-Mail

Note on data privacy

As of 2018, the Datenschutz-Grundverordnung [general Data Protection Directive] will apply within the European Union. In this context, we would like to inform you that your personal data is stored on the University of Bremen’s computer systems and processed for administrative purposes of the University of Bremen and for the Statistical Office Bremen. The responsible body at the University of Bremen is the staff unit Research and Young Academics. Pursuant to the Higher Education Statistics Act, personal data is transmitted in an pseudonymized form to the Bremen Statistical Office. We assure you that your personal information is kept strictly confidential and will not be disclosed unless we are required to do so by law or directive. The University of Bremen does not make use of your data for advertising or marketing purposes. You can obtain information about your data and subsequently request correction if the stored data is incorrect. Provided your data is not required for reporting to the State Statistical Office, you can request your personal data to be blocked or deleted.

Facts and figures (Reporting day: 1 December 2023)

Ongoing doctoral projects
Ongoing doctoral projects
Newly accepted doctoral candidates / completed doctorates
Newly accepted doctoral candidates / completed doctorates
International doctoral students

Figures in %, Germany 71.4

International doctoral students
Doctoral candidates by subject group

Figures in %

Doctoral candidates by subject group
Participation in structured doctoral programmes

Figures in %

Participation in structured doctoral programmes
Doctoral projects in cooperation with ...

Figures in %

Doctoral projects in cooperation