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Coordination team Coordination team Kurosch Rezwan, Christiane Heinicke, Norman Sieroka, Marc Avila, Vanesssa Röttger, Hanna Lührs, Lucio Colombi Ciacchi, Kirsten Tracht, Sebastian Fehrler, Armin Deko
Dr.-Ing. Christiane Heinicke Scientific Coordinator & Project Leader Christiane Heinicke is a researcher at the Center of Applied Space Technology and Microgravity (ZARM) at the University of Bremen a
Children and Corona A - attentiveness Online events such as online yoga or dancing lessons should help to leave everyday stress behind. Events from the pme family service can be found here . C - child
Deadlines for registration and deregistration Bachelor & Master The regular period for registering to take exams in the winter semester usually begins on December 10 and ends on January 10 of the foll
Attempts Bachelor & Master If you do not pass an exam or fail to appear after registering, you have four semesters in which you can retake the exam in question (in order to the general examination reg
Training Options University of Bremen The Career Center, University of Bremen Students, Study Programmes, Internship Requirements Training Options Organisational and Legal Aspects Co-operation Step by
SeniorCitizens A Network that Encircles Multiple Generations and Cultures New: SeniorMentors Project and Team The community of our SeniorCitizens contributes to campus diversification through assistin
History & Press KRAM-history KRAM activities since 1994 are mirrored in articles of the university press (in the German language). If you want to look back further, feel free to browse also in our arc
Legal issues © CC0 Anyone who creates and integrates digital media in teaching is confronted with a number of legal questions. Below you will find a selection of important sources of information. Even