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Philipp Genschel Prof. Dr. Philipp Genschel UNICOM, Mary-Somerville-Straße 7 (Haus Wien) Raum: 7.2170 Tel.: +49 421 218 67470 Office hours: Per e-mail request Vita Research Publ
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Prof. Dr. Arndt Wonka Professorship for european political and social sciences Contact Information E-Mail: wonka protect me ?! uni-bremen protect me ?! .de Phone: +49 (0)421 / 218-67420 Office: GW2, R
Wiebke Rabe © Das gute Portrait Prof. Dr. Wiebke Rabe UNICOM, Mary-Somerville-Straße 7 (Haus Wien) 28359 Bremen Raum: 7:2040 Tel,: +49 421 218 67460 Sprechzeiten: n.V. per E-Mail V
Barbara Pongratz Barbara Pongratz UNICOM, Mary-Somerville-Straße 7 (Haus Wien) Raum 7.2060 Tel.: +49 421 218 67 Vita Research Publications Teaching Barbara Pongratz is a researc
Susanne K. Schmidt © Lukas Klose Prof. Dr. Susanne K. Schmidt UNICOM, Mary-Somerville-Straße 7 (Haus Wien) Room: 7.2010 Tel.: +49 421 218-67484 skschmidt protect me ?! uni-bremen protect me ?! .de Off
Klaus Schlichte Prof. Dr. Klaus Schlichte UNICOM, Mary-Somerville-Straße 7 (Haus Wien) Room: 7.2100 Tel: +49 421 218-67475 Office Hours: Wednesday: 16-18 Vita Research Publicati
Lazaros Karavasilis Dr. Lazaros Karavasilis UNICOM, Mary-Somerville-Straße 7 (Haus Wien) Room: 7.2070 Tel.: +49 421 218-67494 lkaravas protect me ?! uni-bremen protect me ?! .de Vita Research Publicat
Roy Karadag Dr. Roy Karadag UNICOM, Mary-Somerville-Straße 7 (Haus Wien) Room 7.2150 Tel.: 0421 21867468 karadag protect me ?! uni-bremen protect me ?! .de Office hours: fridays, 10.00 - 12.00 Vita Re
Institute of Intercultural and International Studies The InIIS is a research institution at Faculty 8 (Social Sciences) of the University of Bremen and one of the supporting institutes of the Collabor
von Mallinckrodt, Rebekka, Prof. Dr. Contact Curriculum Vitae Papers and Sections Publications Theses supervised Prof. Dr. Rebekka von Mallinckrodt Early Modern History Head of Department Tel.: 0049 (