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Visual cortex prostheses and neurotechnology Communicating with the brain via a neuroprosthesis is a challenging endeavour. On the technological side, it is difficult to establish reliable and long-la
Section: FB1
Contact Office Agnes Janßen Address Cognium Hochschulring 18 (Room 2450) Institute for Theoretical Physics University of Bremen 28359 Bremen, Germany Phone: Fax: 0421 218 62000 0421 218 62014 E-Mail:
Collective dynamics in recurrent neural networks Computation in the brain is performed by recurrent networks which exchange information in the form of brief pulses (spikes). Information processing is
Flexible information processing and integration in modular networks In contrast to machines, networks in the brain have a limited amount of neural resources and information processing is constrained b
Lorenz 08.09.2008 Bastian Kanning (Mathematik) Die Unschärferelation und Varianzminimierer der affinen Gruppe. Betreuer: Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Peter Maaß 02.09.2008 Stefan Schiffler (Mathematik) Inverse Faltun
Section: FB3
Bastian Kanning (Diplomarbeit Mathematik) Die Unschärferelation und Varianzminimierer der affinen Gruppe Betreuer: Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Peter Maaß 02.09.2008 2007 Dr. Stefan Schiffler (Diplomarbeit Mathematik)
Die Besuchergruppe aus Coventry (Business School) informierte sich über Masterstudiengänge in Bremen sowie die Möglichkeiten der Summer Schools, Austauschprogramme und wissenschaftlicher Kooperationen
Section: FB7