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Vice-President Research of the University of Bremen and Prof. Anna-Katharina Hornidge, Prof. JustusNotholt, Dr. Rita Kellner- Stoll, Reiner Stoll and a member of the media industry still to be confirmed
Section: Universität
Professor Anna-Katharina Hornidge, Leader of the Department of Social Sciences at ZMT , Professor JustusNotholt, Professor for Remote Earth Sensing at the University of Bremen‘s Institute for Environmental
polar region. Among other things, this will be done by remote sensing carried out at sea”, says JustusNotholt, Professor at the Universität Bremen. He is deputy spokesman of the research center. Together
developed by the IUP (leader: Dr. Michael Buchwitz). Last not least, the working group led by Prof. JustusNotholt was also involved with their very precise ground-based reference measurements of greenhouse gases
, Reiner Stoll, Prof. Dr. Hildegard Westphal, Fritz Habekuß , Dr. Martin C. Lukas, Prof. Dr. JustusNotholt und Prof. Dr. Anna-Katharina Hornidge. Copyright: Harald Rehling / Universität Bremen / ZMT ©
Section: Sites
Physik stehen für Studienberatungen zur Verfügung. In der Abschlussveranstaltung zeigt Professor JustusNotholt Auszüge aus seiner Experimentalphysikvorlesung zur Optik. Die Schülerinnen und Schüler können
gutowski(at) Frank Jahnke Semiconductor Physics frank.jahnke(at) JustusNotholt Remote Sensing jnotholt(at) Klaus Pawelzik Theoretical Bio- and Neurophysics
Section: FB1
Aerosol, Clouds, and Trace Gases: Contact: Professor JustusNotholt Institute of Environmental Physics University of Bremen Tel.: +49 421 218-62190 E-mail: jnotholt@iup
größte Herausforderung” (Climate change – Our biggest challenge) – in German 11 a.m. Professor JustusNotholt, Institute of Environmental Physics (IUP): “Was sagen uns Satelliten über Wetter und Klima?