Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik (Bachelor)

Electrical Engineering and Information Technology

  • One person solders a circuit board.

    Fachbereich 01

    Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik (Bachelor)

Title on graduation
Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)

Standard course length
6 Semester

Language of delivery

Application period (beginner)
winter semester: 01.05 - 15.07.
summer semester: 01.12. - 15.01.

Open admission

Researcher Bachelor by choice as

  • single major subject

Study description

Electrical Engineering and Information Technology provides the knowledge and methods necessary to implement physical knowledge in the field of electricity theory in the construction of electrically operated electrical  and electronic devices. Today's Electrical Engineering and Information Technology greatly influence our everyday life with their technical innovations. Whether cell phones, microchips, sensors for automotive applications or renewable energy technologies, all were developed and designed with the help of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology. Communication technologies, microsystems and many other areas of electrical engineering are exciting fields of work and research. If  you are interested in the physical and technical realization of components and systems you will opt for this study programme.

Study details