Fachbereich 11
Community Health Care and Nursing: Versorgungsforschung und Versorgungsplanung
Title on graduation
Master of Science (M.Sc.)
Standard course length
4 Semester
Language of delivery
Application period (beginner)
winter semester: 01.05 - 15.07.
Open admission
Does my bachelor's degree qualify for this master's program?
Additional Information
Study details
Title on graduation:
Master of Science (M.Sc.)
Standard course length:
4 Semester
Language of instruction:
as single major subject
AAQ from 15.09.2016
AAQ from 15.09.2016
Semester fee including semester ticket approx. 350 Euro. €
Applications via
Application Information
Application period (beginner)
01.05 - 15.07. to the winter semester
Application period (advanced)
01.05 - 15.07. to the winter semester, 01.12. - 15.01. to the summer semester
Admission for freshmen
- open admission
Admission for advanced students
- open admission
Admission requirements
For inclusion in a master's degree is the completion of studies at the Bachelor's level requirement.
The subject-specific entry requirements are set out in the current Aufnahme-/Zulassungsordnung (admission regulations).
It also includes the different deadlines for the provision of evidence.
If proof of German language skills is required: Information on German language skills.
Admission regulations
of 20.11.2019: AO-MA-Comm-Health-Care-Nursing-11-19.pdf [pdf] (28.9 KB)
Stages of study / curricula / description of modules
Course schedule documents
- Studienverlaufsplan MA CHCN_22.04.2020 [pdf] (337.7 KB)
Examination regulations
- of 23.06.2021: DigiPruefO-UB-06-21 [pdf] (68.6 KB)
- of 19.03.2024: AT-MPO-01-22_Lesefassung_berichtigt_automatVerz.pdf [pdf] (481.1 KB)
Examination regulations
- of 17.01.2024: MPO-CommHealthCareNursing-01-24_Lesefassung.pdf [pdf] (182.8 KB)
Research Field
Health and Nursing Sciences
Studies centre
Academic Advising
Prof. Dr. Karin Wolf-Ostermann
E-Mail: wolf-ostermannprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de
Fon: +49-421-218-68960
E-Mail: wolf-ostermannprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de
Fon: +49-421-218-68960
Practice Office
Student Advocacy
StugA Pflegewissenschaft StugA Pflegewissenschaft
E-Mail: stuga-pflewiprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de
E-Mail: stuga-pflewiprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de
13.12.2024 , Author: Stefanie Ebert