
Research stay of Andrei Yakovlev (HSE Moscow) at Uni Bremen

Professor Andrei Yakovlev from the National Research University – Higher School of Economics Moscow visited the University of Bremen on October 21-27, 2019. The research stay was organized by Jutta Günther and funded by the DAAD Eastern Partnership program.

Andrei Yakovlev gave a guest lecture “Success Story of Agriculture in Voronezh Region in 2010-2017: Happy Coincidence or New Model of Regional Governance in Russia?” at the Economic Colloquium of the Faculty of Business Studies and Economics on October 22, and joined the ICSID Workshop later that week.

Andrei Yakovlev is a director of the HSE International Center for the Study of Institutions and Development in Moscow. Michael Rochlitz was a postdoctoral fellow at the Center in 2013-2014, and has been involved in a number of ICSID research projects since then.

Yakovlev Andrei