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Political Science B.A. Basic Information Title/Degree Bachelor of Arts Informations-Broschüre Standard period of study 6 semesters ECTS-Points Single subject: 180CP Major subject: 120CP Minor subject:
Section: FB8
History B.A. Basic Information Title/Degree Bachelor of Arts Informations-Broschüre Standard Period of Study 6 semesters ECTS-Points Single-subject: 180CP Major subject: 120CP Minor subject: 60CP Teac
European Integration & Politics European Integration & Politics In the last two decades, Europeanization processes have turned out to be highly complex and extremely contradictory. Multilevel politics
InIIS InSIGHTS No. 7 - Mobilization for Violent Politicized Islam Hawa Noor stellt in dieser Folge ihre jüngst erschienene Monographie (Routledge) vor, in der sie die Motivationen von kenianischen Käm
Dr. Stefan Thierse Postdoctoral researcher Office: GW2, B 2.210 E-mail: thierse protect me ?! uni-bremen protect me ?! .de Profil [Translate to English:] Stefan Thierse ist Postdoctoral Researcher am
MSc Physical Geography: Environmental History The current debate about the reasons and effects of climate change illustrates the need for experts who can understand and explain the complex interrelati
MA European Politics Application deadline for the winter semester 2024-25 is June 15, 2024. In the winter semester 2022/23, the Institute of European Studies in cooperation with the Institute of Polit
Function and Comittee Student Advisory Service Bachelor Political Science Betina da Rocha Political Science / Politics-Labor-Economy (teacher training) Prof. Dr. Andreas Klee Master Political Science
Dennis Niemann Dr. Dennis Niemann UNICOM, Mary-Somerville-Straße 7 (Haus Wien) Room 7.2220 Tel.: +49 421 218-58518 dniemann protect me ?! uni-bremen protect me ?! .de Vita Research Publications Lectur
Onen David Ongwech David Onen Ongwech UNICOM, Mary-Somerville-Straße 9 (Haus Turin) Raum 9.3280 Tel.: +49 421 218 67477 ongwech protect me ?! uni-bremen protect me ?! .de Vita Research Publications Pr