Fachbereich 04
Berufliche Bildung - Mechatronik (Bachelor)
Title on graduation
Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)
Standard course length
6 Semester
Language of delivery
Application period (beginner)
winter semester: 01.05 - 15.07.
summer semester: 01.12. - 15.01.
Open admission
Researcher Bachelor by choice as
- single major subject
Is the subject suitable for me?
Additional Information
Study details
Title on graduation:
Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)
Standard course length:
6 Semester
Language of instruction:
AAQ from 15.09.2016
Studies as:
single major subject
Semester fee including semester ticket approx. 350 Euro. €
Applications via
Application Information
Application period (beginner)
01.05 - 15.07. to the winter semester, 01.12. - 15.01. to the summer semester
Application period (advanced)
01.05 - 15.07. to the winter semester, 01.12. - 15.01. to the summer semester
Admission for freshmen
- single major subject: open admission
Admission requirements
General qualification for university entrance or specific higher education entrance qualification (e.g. Abitur, Einstufungsprüfung).
Proof admission requirements
Stages of study / curricula / description of modules
Course schedule documents
- Modulhandbuch Bachelor Maschinenbau und Verfahrenstechnik [pdf] (3.0 MB)
Examination regulations
- of 19.03.2024: AT-BPO-01-22_Lesefassung_berichtigt_automVerz.pdf [pdf] (445.6 KB)
Examination regulations
- of 08.11.2023: BPO-Maschinenbau-Verfahrenstechnik-11-23_Lesefassung.pdf [pdf] (227.3 KB)
Postgraduate studies
The following master's degree programs at the University of Bremen can be taken up following the bachelor's degree program "Mechanical and Process Engineering": Under certain conditions, admission to the following master's degree programs is also possible. More detailed information can be found in the respective admission regulations. If you have any questions, please contact the faculty advisor of the master's program you are interested in.
Research Field
- Mechanical Engineering and Process Engineering
- Materials Science and Materials Technology
Studies centre
Academic Advising
Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Sven Kerzenmacher
Building: UFT, Office: 0130
E-Mail: kerzenmacherprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de
Fon: +49 (0)421-218-63331
Building: UFT, Office: 0130
E-Mail: kerzenmacherprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de
Fon: +49 (0)421-218-63331
Practice Office
Dipl.-Ing. Torsten Bolik
Building: FZB, Office: 0180
E-Mail: praxis04protect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de
Fon: +49 (0)421 218-64782
Building: FZB, Office: 0180
E-Mail: praxis04protect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de
Fon: +49 (0)421 218-64782
Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Rainer Fechte-Heinen
E-Mail: fechteprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de
Fon: +49 421 21851300
E-Mail: fechteprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de
Fon: +49 421 21851300
Student Advocacy
10.12.2024 , Author: Thomas Bruns