
Distinction: “Excellence in Gender Equality!”

In the coming years, the University of Bremen will be given the opportunity to receive funding from the female professors program of the Federal Government and Federal States. In addition, it is one of ten HEIs to be honored by the Joint Science Conference (GWK) for approaches to gender equality.

The female professors program of the Federal Government and the Federal States was initiated in 2008 to incentivize more women to get into science. Currently, women account for around 24% of professorships nationwide, and around 29% at the University of Bremen. The Joint Science Conference (GWK) has now decided on the third program phase, which runs until 2022. The University of Bremen impressed once again with its gender equality policy measures and is now entitled to apply for up to three start-up grants of up to 165,000 euros per year for the initial appointment of women to tenured W2 or W3 professorships in the female professors program. “Implementing gender equality at the university is an enduring and not-always-easy task. We are pleased to have been strengthened once again in our ambitious and diverse gender policy by the review panel’s vote,” says President Professor Bernd Scholz-Reiter. The funding will also make it possible to develop the potential of highly qualified female scientists with strong research skills even further at the University of Bremen.

Award for the Promotion of Young Female Researchers

The University of Bremen, along with nine other universities, has also received an award for the “geschlechtergerecht 2028” joint equal opportunity future concept. The University of Bremen has been awarded the distinction of “excellence in gender equality,” in particular for its approach to career and personnel development for young female researchers. This gives the university the opportunity to make use of the promotion of a fourth initial appointment of a woman.

Shaping Cultural Change

Anneliese Niehoff, head of Staff Unit 04 Equal Opportunity/Anti-Discrimination Office at the University of Bremen, explains: “With this additional funding, the university can build on its achievements in the previous program phases, which began in 2008, and sustainably secure its thematic priorities. Continuity is important for gender equality work, since its success requires a comprehensive cultural change within the scientific system.” She mentions gender-equitable personnel development at all scientific qualification stages, the promotion of a family-friendly university, and coaching of female students in the STEM fields as examples of central fields of action.

Additional Information:


Anneliese Niehoff
Staff Unit – Equal Opportunity/Anti-Discrimination Office
University of Bremen
Tel.: +49 421 218-60181
E-mail: chancen1protect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

A lecturer speaks to an audience in a packed lecture hall.
The University of Bremen has now been honored by the Joint Science Conference (GWK) for its gender equality strategy.