The International Office deals with international matters at the University of Bremen and serves as a contact point for students, employees and researchers.
International Office
Contact Details and Areas of Responsibility
Welcome to the website of the International Office!
The International Office
The International Office (IO) of the University of Bremen supports internationalization at the university as a central service institution.
As a supporting and counseling unit for the faculties and the University Executive Board
- we offer counseling on strategic internationalization issues, providing data, analyses and information materials and representing the international profile of the University in a national and international context
- we develop and maintain international partnerships
- we offer counseling and support for international students and researchers coming to the University of Bremen
- we support international mobility by organizing and supporting exchange programs for students, researchers and staff
- we acquire funds for international topics and implement project management for pilot projects
- we organize events and exchange opportunities on various topics related to international cooperation and support networking between international and Bremen students and sponsors
- we work together with other administrative units on processes related to internationalization
The Areas of Responsibility at the International Office

Advisory Service for Students
Advisory and Counseling Office for Students
For advice during office hours, please contact our advisory and counseling office at the International Office.
You will find us on the ground floor of the VWG in room 0580.
Office hours
In presence und via Zoom (Online consultation):
Monday: 09:00 - 11:30 a.m
Wednesday: 2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m
Via Zoom (Online consultation):
Thursday 9:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m
Postal Address
University of Bremen
International Office
Enrique-Schmidt-Str. 7 | 28359 Bremen
Below you will find all the contact details of the person in charge at the International Office. (Fax: +49 421 218-60370)
Administration and Management
International Students in Bremen

Dr. Jutta Paal
Coordination Incomings & kompass
Tel.: +49 421 218-60363
E-Mail | SFG 0295
- International Campus
- kompass program
- Aid for international students

Counseling for international Students
Individual counseling at the International Office unfortunately cannot be offered at the moment.

Erika Stöver
Processing international degrees & services for International students
Tel.: +49 421 218-60366
E-Mail | SFG 0310
- recognition of foreign academic degrees for acceptance to PhD programs or research positions
- pre-legalization for State of Bremen university certificates for apostille / legalization (procedure)

Janina Scheunemann
Newcomer Service
Tel.: +49 421 218-60375
E-Mail | SFG 0300
- Advice and support for ERASMUS exchange students (Incomings)
- Newcomer Service for Exchange Students (Incomings)
Exchange Programs for Students/Employees/Doctoral Candidates

Barbara Hasenmüller
Deputy Director & EU education programs
Tel.: +49 421 218-60362
E-Mail | SFG 0360
Erasmus university coordination
Advice on student mobility, mobility of employees
YERUN Coordination, Bremen-Cardiff Alliance Coordination

Silke Prangemeier
International University Cooperations
Tel.: +49 421 218-60364
E-Mail | SFG 0320
Cooperation with universities outside of Europe
Coordination of the Promos scholarship program
Coordination of exchange students worldwide to non-EU countries (Outgoings)

Janina Scheunemann
Erasmus+ Incomings
Tel.: +49 421 218-60375
E-Mail | SFG 0300
- Advice and support for ERASMUS exchange students (Incomings)
- Bilateral agreements (ERASMUS)
- Newcomer Service

Emilia Paderewska-Albers
Erasmus+ Outgoings
Tel.: +49 421 218-60367
E-Mail | SFG 0300
- Advice and support for ERASMUS exchange students (Outgoings)
- Processing of applications and financing (Outgoings)
- Erasmus study visit

Jenny Bredull (FAC 12)
Internationalization of Teacher Training (Faculty 12)
Tel.: +49 421 218-69127
E-Mail | GW2 A1.240
- Project Coordination
- Coordination of advice on stays abroad in teacher training courses
- DAAD- Project: International Teacher Training

Mathias Bücken
Digitalisation, internship & short-term mobility
Tel.: +49 421 218-60374
E-Mail | SFG 0300
- Counselling and supervising Erasmus internship mobilities
- Coordination of short-term mobilities/BIP
- Erasmus Digital (EWP), MobilityOnline
Welcome Center for International Researchers

Julius Lehmann
Voluntary Services in the Field of Culture and Education
Tel.: +49 421 218-60368
E-Mail | SFG 0330

Office Hours and Advise
Mo and Thu: 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. and by appointment
We advise international researchers (employees, fellows, guests) and their families before, during, and after their stay
- Visa/ residency questions
- Insurance
- Language programs
- Childcare and schools
- Events & excursions
- U Bremen Research Alliance
- Alumni network
- Scholarship
- Advice to host institutions

Kirsten Beta
Coordination of programmes for refugee researchers
Tel.: +49 421 218-60376
E-Mail | SFG 0410
- Contact person for refugee researchers and mentors
- University Coordination Philipp-Schwartz Initiative
- Advisory service for the scholarship programme of the state of Bremen
YUFE - Young Universities for the Future of Europe

More information
Unser Team
Das Team des International Office ist Anlaufstelle für Studierende, Mitarbeitende und Forschende und begleitet die internationalen Anliegen der Universität Bremen.