Frequently asked Questions / Häufig gestellte Fragen
Registration at the University of Bremen
At the University of Bremen you have to register twice: Once in Mobility Online and then in MOIN.
After your nomination by your home university, you will first have to register on the Mobility Online platform of the University of Bremen. Please be patient - the International Office will inform you as soon as the nomination has been received by the International Office. The application documents must be uploaded in Mobility Online.
After the registration in Mobility Online you will get access to the MOIN Portal, where you have to apply for your enrollment as a visiting student. For all questions concerning your registration on Mobility Online as an exchange student and your application for the host study program, please contact incoming@uni-bremen.de. Questions concerning the MOIN portal should be directed to the Student Secretariat (SfS) masterprotect me ?!vw.uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de. For more information, please visit the International Office website:
as well as the website of the Newcomer Services:Accommodation
Due to the difficult housing market, it is important to look for a room as early as possible! The prices for rooms from the private housing market are about 300 - 500 euros / month. If you are interested in living in a shared apartment, you may also search independently for offerings on the internet, e.g.:
If you would rather stay in a student hall, you may check e.g. either the “Studierendenwerk” (University student housing) or the “Galileo Residence” and “The Fizz” (both privately run).
a) The rooms and apartments of the “Studierendenwerk” are located throughout town (some are very near to the University, for others you will have to take the tram/bus). "Am Fleet" is relatively close to the university. Prices range from approximately 250 Euro/month, depending on size, furnishing and the type (individual rooms/ shared apartments). The price includes heating, internet access, TV and computer access (please note that no TV or computers are provided!).
Students will have to bring their own bed linens and dishes. The Studentenwerk recommends including a short description about oneself, since in shared apartments the other students will be included in deciding on the new member. The Studierendenwerk can also make arrangements for private housing (e.g. for students with families). For more information see their website
b) The privately run “Galileo residence” and “The Fizz” are situated right next to the University. They provide rooms and single apartments. The rooms are more expensive than the ones of the Studentenwerk.
“Galileo Residence”: rooms starting at 350 Euros/month. Contracts can be made for a six months (starting April) or 12 months duration (starting October) only.
“The Fizz”: one-room apartments cost about 450 Euro/month, two-room apartments 590 Euro/month, with an additional one-time fee of 180 Euro. Contracts can only be made for at least six months.More information can be found here: www.aheadbremen.de/de/instanews/2021/10/Wohnen.php
IMPORTANT: Please note that you need to terminate your rental contract 3 months prior to your desired move-out date. So it might be best to hand in your cancellation right at the beginning.
Please note: the University Bremen cannot assume liability for this information.
German Language Courses
SONY DSCMaybe you are interested in participating in a German course in addition to your studies here at the University of Bremen? Our German courses are offered by the Goethe institute and organized by the Sprachenzentrum. The Sprachenzentrum is a language school, it is not the University. Therefore, you will have to apply directly with the Sprachenzentrum if you are interested in taking part in a language class.
As an exchange student you have the following possibilities:
- If your level of German is below B2, we recommend the 3-week intensive German course prior to the start of lectures. This course gives you 6 ECTS upon successful completion. In order to register for this course you have to do the online test which will be sent to you in February (for the summer semester) or August (for the winter semester) by the Goethe Institute. After having completed the online test, you will be assigned a place in one of the courses.
- During the semester, the University of Bremen offers consecutive German Courses at different language levels. If you want to participate in one of these courses only, we recommend you to complete the online test (see above) and inform the Goethe Institute that you are only interested in taking the course during the semester. You may also complete a test prior to the start of lectures once you will have arrived in Bremen, but at this stage, a lot of the courses will already be full. The semester courses are usually 2 hours per week and award 3 ECTS upon successful completion.
- You may also participate in the online learning program with tutorial help (3 ECTS, free of charge)
The University of Bremen will cover the costs for 4 hours per week/6 ECTS of the language courses offered by the Sprachenzentrum (subject to change).
Prior to the start of the courses, the three-week orientation weeks with the Newcomer Service will take place. At the same time, an intensive German course is offered during these three weeks (please see German courses). At the Welcome Desk of the Newcomer Service you will receive help with all (formal) questions (e.g. registration at the registration office ("Einwohnermeldeamt"), the semester ticket, visa application or health insurance). In addition, there are campus tours, guided tours of the University library, and social events organized by the Erasmus Initiative of the University of Bremen.
You will receive all further information from the International Office in several virtual info sessions after your registration in Mobility Online until your arrival in Bremen and on the website of the Newcomer Service. After having paid the fee for the semester ticket (approx. 285 Euros) you will get a ticket for public transport (bus, train, tram) which enables you not only to use public transport within Bremen but also in Lower Saxony, for example, to visit Hamburg, Hannover or the North Sea. You will also get a personal e-mail account for the University of Bremen. It might be helpful to redirect this email account to the account which you are already using (www.zfn.uni-bremen.de/zfn, then „Online Tools“). And, thirdly, you will get a password for our e-learning platform Stud.IP.During the semester, the International Office and the Erasmus initiative offers a range of events for you
Degree Courses
If you study languages at your home university, you will be inscribed in fac. 10 (linguistics and literary studies). This faculty encompasses the following degree courses: German Studies (BA/MA), English-Speaking Cultures (BA), French Studies (BA), Spanish Studies (BA), Linguistics (BA/MA), Transnational Literary Studies (MA), International Romance Studies (MA) and English-Speaking Cultures: Language, Text, Media (MA). You may participate in (almost) all of the courses of Faculty 10 (exceptions are e.g. courses with special language requirements).
The courses/seminars of these degree courses are organized in „modules“. At the University of Bremen, a module is a group of courses/seminars. Therefore, also the number of ECTS indicated in our course catalogue applies for modules (not individual courses/seminars).
As there may be a lot of students in some of the courses, some of them are split into different groups ((a), (b), (c), ...) with different teachers, but same content.
The structure of our degree courses is as follows (but please note that these are the „modules“, not the courses/seminars. For the seminars please check the course catalogue )
1st year:
A Introduction to English Literatures
B Introduction to English Linguistics
C Key Moments in the Cultural History of the English-Speaking World,
SP-1 Practical Language Foundation
2nd year:
D/WD Key Topics in Literature, Cultural History and Linguistics
SP-2 Practical Language Foundation 2: CBIS/Content-Based Integrated Skills,
C&C/Culture & Communication,
FD-1 und FD-2 (Historical and Theoretical Foundations of Second Language Acquisition/
English Language Teaching: Activities, Resources and Materials)
3rd year:
AM Study Abroad Period
P/L Bachelor Thesis
1st year:
winter semester:
A1 Literary Studies Basis I
B1 Basics of Linguistics
summer semester:
A2 Literary Studies Basis II
B2 Grammatical Theory and Analysis
2nd year:
winter semester:
A3 Literary Theory and Methodology in Literary Studies
B3 Language in Thought and Action
summer semester:
A4 (Literary History)
2nd or 3rd year:
winter semester:
A11 Literature and Interculturality), A12 (Literature and Media,
A14 Literature of the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Period,
B12 Language and Society,
C Lower German Language, Literature and Culture,
D1 Psycholinguistic Basis of Multilingualism,
FD 1 Basic Competences of Didactics German
summer semester:
A13 Literary Studies: Project), A14 (Literature of the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Period
B11 History of German,
C (Lower German Language, Literature and Culture
D2 (Multilingualism: Theory and Praxis,
FD 1 Basic Competences of Didactics German
FD 2 Practice-Oriented Essentials of Teaching German
1st year
LS1 Introduction to Linguistics
LS2 Introduction to Postcolonial Language Studies
LS3 Applied Linguistics
LS4 Grammar and Structure of Language
2nd year
LS-5 Linguistic Colloquium A, LLS-6 Linguistic Colloquium B, LM Literature Review
Module, MM/Methodology-Oriented Module, ÜD Translation and Interpreting as
Intercultural Communication, SJ Language and Journalism, WÖ(Language in Advertising
and Public Relations, SM Individual Language Oriented Module, TM Theory-Oriented
Module, EM Empirically-Oriented Module3rd year
LS7 Linguistic Colloquium C
1st year („A“)
A1 Introduction to Linguistics
A2 (Introduction to Literary Studies
A3 Introduction to Cultural Studies
A4 Practical Language Foundation/French
2nd year („B Modules“)
B1 Advanced Linguistics I
B2 Advanced Literary Studies I
B3 Advanced Language Foundation I
FD1 French Language Teaching (summer semester)3rd year („C“)
C1 Advanced Linguistics II
C2 Advanced Literary and Cultural Studies II
C4 Advanced Practical Language Foundation
FD2 French Language Teaching (winter semester)
1st year („A“)
A1 Introduction to Linguistics,
A2 Introduction to Literary Studies,
A3 Introduction to Cultural Studies,
A4 Practical Language Foundation/Spanish
2nd year („B“)
B1 Advanced Linguistics I,
B2 Advanced Literary Studies I,
B3 Advanced Language Foundation I
FD1 Spanish Language Teaching (summer semester)
3rd year („C“)
C1 Advanced Linguistics II
C2 Advanced Literary Studies II
C3 Advanced Language Foundation II
FD2 Spanish Language Teaching (winter semester)Choosing your Courses
SONY DSCYou may find the seminars of the Faculty 10 of the University of Bremen here: https://www.uni-bremen.de/de/studium/starten-studieren/veranstaltungsverzeichnis/
Please choose the correct year (e.g. summer semester 2025) and click on “Choose”. Then please scroll down to „Fachbereich 10“ and click on the degree course you are interested in (e.g. German Studies, English Speaking Cultures, etc.). If necessary for you, you can choose "in English only".
Please check with your home university:
- Which subjects would be of interest for your studies?
- How many ECTS do you have to get during your study abroad period?
- Do you need grades or would "attendance/pass" be enough?
- Which language are you allowed to study in (some of our courses are in English, French or Spanish)
- Which level do you have to choose from (e.g. first, second, third year)?For more information about the degree courses at the University of Bremen, please check: Degree Courses
In most of the courses in Faculty 10 you may get 3 ECTS per course with 2 hours per week (2 SWS) with active participation/presentation in class. If you pass a written exam or write a term paper you may get up to 5 ECTS.
You will not get any ECTS for a "Tutorium" as these are just additional support meetings, usually held by students.
Please contact the teacher at the beginning of the semester and determine the exam you are going to take and how many ECTS you will receive!
Afterwards, please fill in the "Seminarliste" with the title and number of ECTS agreed upon and have it signed by your teachers.
Registration for courses
There is a two step process for registering for your courses:
- We will send you the links to the course catalogues once they will have been published in July/January. Please set up a timetable and send it to the Erasmus Coordinator at the University of Bremen, Faculty 10 (erasmus-fb10protect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de). We will check this timetable and ask the teachers for their approval. Once we will have the approval of the teachers, your learning ageement can be signed, either electronically or a paper version (this depends upon your home university, please ask your home coordinator)
- As soon as your registration here at the University of Bremen is complete, please also register in our online System Stud.IP. Please note that you will always be put on a waiting list first, until the teacher accepts you. Our international office will explain to you how it works: https://www.uni-bremen.de/en/studies/starting-your-studies/international-students-in-bremen/newcomer-service-for-exchange-students, please see 2nd info session). At the beginning of the semester there is also a help desk in the main library.
- We will send you the links to the course catalogues once they will have been published in July/January. Please set up a timetable and send it to the Erasmus Coordinator at the University of Bremen, Faculty 10 (erasmus-fb10protect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de). We will check this timetable and ask the teachers for their approval. Once we will have the approval of the teachers, your learning ageement can be signed, either electronically or a paper version (this depends upon your home university, please ask your home coordinator)
General Information about Courses
Courses at the University of Bremen are organized in groups, so called „modules“. One module consists of several thematically corresponding courses. As an exchange student, you do NOT have to complete a full module, you may choose individual courses from one module. This also means that the credits indicated on the internet are not relevant for exchange students (they only apply to regular students who do the whole module). In order to find out more about our credits for international students, please see item 7. At the University of Bremen, the following types of courses are offered:
V Vorlesung Lecture/Oral Talk. Often many students
S Seminar Usually 20 – 30 participants, active participation is expected (e.g. oral contributions, presentations, reading texts)
Ü Übung Practical course. Usually belong to a seminar and cannot be attended separately.
Exception: In „English-Speaking Cultures“ "Übungen" are offered without a corresponding seminar.
T Tutorium Some lectures/seminars have tutorials in order to support students. Usually held by students for studentsThe duration of classes in Germany is indicated in "hours per week" (= „Semesterwochenstunden“ or „SWS“). One SWS lasts 45 minutes. The lectures usually start 15 minutes after the hour (e.g. 10 – 12 actually means the lecture lasts 10:15 – 11:45, unless stated otherwise (e.g. “10 s.t.” which means 10:00).
Learning Agreement
Most of you will have to set up a learning agreement for your home university, which shows all the courses you would like to participate in here at the University Bremen. This document has to be signed by you, by your home coordinator and by us, your host insitution. You will either receive the document from your home university or you can do this online in EWP (please ask your home university which way they prefer).
In order to be able to set up a learning agreement, the courses have to be online at the University Bremen. This happens in July (for the winter semester) or January (for the summer semester). Therefore, learning agreements can only be signed after this date! Please do not choose courses from past semesters, as these might not be offered again.
IMPORTANT: Once the courses will have been published, you will first have to set up a timetable with the Erasmus coordinator of Fac. 10 (Dr. Henrike Evers, international-dep10@uni-bremen.de). Only after the approval of the Erasmus coordinator you can set up the learning agreement.
Please note that you can only choose courses for one semester as the university does not offer year-long courses. Therefore, learning agreements can only be signed for one semester.
You may change courses after your arrival here in Bremen, as long as the teacher accepts you. You will then have to issue a "During the Mobility Learning Agreement".
Semester Dates
SONY DSCYou can find the semester dates here
After the end of lectures there is an exam period of approximately two weeks.
Transcript of Records
Transcript of Records
At the end of the semester, you will have to pass an exam or write a term paper. You will have to submit a list of the courses you attended to the Erasmus coordinator of the dep. 10 (international-dep10@uni-bremen.de) and the teachers will send her the results (grades/ECTS). As soon as the coordinator will have received all the grades and ECTS from the teachers, she can issue your transcript of records and send it to you/your home university.
Please check the deadline for the transcript of records with your home university (Please keep this in mind in case you have to hand in research-based term papers. At the University of Bremen, the deadline for handing in term papers is usually 30.09. for the summer semester and 31.03. for the winter semester. Please also bear in mind that your teacher also needs time to grade your work and the Erasmus Office needs time to issue your transcript. Therefore, the deadline of the University of Bremen may be too late for your home university.)
Computer Rooms
© Henrike EversSONY DSCThe University of Bremen offers WiFi (please check with the Zentrum für Netze (ZfN) if you have questions (wlan@uni-bremen.de, opening hours: Tuesdays and Thursdays between 10 a.m. and 12 p.m. in room SFG 1.380).
There are also several computer rooms which you may use during your studies here at the University of Bremen, but you will have to check the availability of these rooms.- There are computer rooms in the „multi purpose building“ (MZH Building) (Rooms 4.230, 4.210, 4.200, 4.190), opening hours: Monday – Friday from 8 a.m. – 12 p.m.
- You may use the computers in the "Sprachenzentrum" in building GW2 (Room A 3.070). Here you will also find language software, internet access, printer (please check price)). You may either setup an account online or bring your student ID during open hours: 9 a.m. – 6 p.m. (during the semester) or 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. (during the lecture-free periods/semester break). Registration in the "Selbstlernzentrum" costs 15 Euros, it is free of charge for students of the Fremdsprachenzentrum.
- Students from Faculty 10 may also use the “CIP Labor” in Rooms A 3.390 and A 3.340. Here, you may find different programs and internet access. Printing costs 4 Cents (black/white), 10 Cents (coloured) per page.
- To register, please fill in the form which you can find in room A 3.340 and hand it in to room A 3.330 (together with a copy of your proof of registration at the University Bremen):
- Monday – Friday 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. Please be aware that during the semester the rooms are often booked for seminars. You may check availability here (“Information: Raumbelegungsplan”) or see notice in front of room A 3.340 / A 3.390.
- In room A 3.440 several computers can be linked together for working in groups (so called “Lerninseln”/ "learning groups"). Students have to bring their own own laptops: Monday – Friday 8 a.m. – 6 p.m. A “Lerninsel” may be booked via Stud.IP / „Lernraum“ ( www.uni-bremen.de/lernraum ).
For help please contact: lernraum@uni-bremen.de.
Please check whether and how far in advance you have to give notice of departure to other organizations (bank account? Health insurance? Registry office? Rental/Work contract?). You may also check the following website for more information/checklist.
We very much hope that you will enjoy your studies here at the University of Bremen and that your experiences will be helpful for your future studies as well as for your professional and personal life.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or suggestions.Your Coordinator for International Affairs / Faculty 10
Dr. Henrike Evers
More Questions?
If you have more questions concerning your registration at the University or housing, please contact incoming@uni-bremen.de, in case you have questions concerning your choice of courses, please: international-dep10@uni-bremen.de