Prof. Dr. phil. Dirk Hoerder, M.A.
Sozialgeschichte der USA
Prof. Dr. phil. Dirk Hoerder, M.A. (im Ruhestand)

Werdegang ‒ Curriculum Vitae
1968 M.A., Univ. of Minn., June 1968; thesis: "Massachusetts Town Officials, 1760-1780"
1971 Dr. phil (= Ph.D.), Free Univ. Berlin; thesis: "People and Mobs: Crowd Action in Massachusetts
during the American Revolution"1969-1975 Assistant Professor, Free University of Berlin, John-F.-Kennedy-Institut for North American Studies
1973-1975 Harvard University, Research Fellow, Center for West European Studies and the Charles Warren Center
1975-1977 Part-time teaching at the Free University of Berlin and University of Bremen
Fall 1977 Professor, University of Bremen: "Social History of North America, Migration and Acculturation;" research
areas: labor and working-class; migration, ethnic, and transnational history1991-1992 Resident Scholar, Multicultural History Society of Ontario, Toronto; Guest lecturer, York University, Toronto
Spring 1995 Visiting Professor, Duke University, Durham, N.C.
1996-1997 Diefenbaker Visiting Professor (Canada Council): Dept. of Sociology and Dept. of History,
Robert F. Harney Program in Ethnic, Immigration and Pluralism Studies, University of TorontoApr - Aug. 1998 Visiting Scholar, Joint Center of Excellence for Research on Immigration and Settlement, Toronto
1967-1970s | American Revolution, crowd action, 19th century labor history, minorities and ethnic groups |
1980-1993 | Director, Labor Migration Project
In these projects more than 100 scholars from forty ethnic cultures in 20 countries cooperated in joint research, international symposia, and collections of essays. |
1992-2000 | Synopsis of World Migration Systems, 11-20th Centuries |
1992-1999 | Canadian Immigrant Autobiographical Writings: The View from the Bottom Up |
1992-2001 | Multicultural Societies and New Identities--Canada and Europe Compared: Co-organizer with Christiane Harzig (Univ. Bremen), Danielle Juteau (Univ. de Montréal), Adrian Shubert (York Univ.) for Gesellschaft für Kanadastudien and European Network for Canadian Studies, Intl. Symposium "Recasting European and Canadian History: National Consciousness, Migration, Multicultural Lives," Bremen, 18-21 May 2000 |
2000- | States and Belongings: Human Rights, Transcultural Citizens and Denizens, Governance |
Selected Book Publications
Crowd Action in Revolutionary Massachusetts, 1765-1780 (Charles Tilly and Edward Shorter, eds.: Studies in Social Discontinuity - New York: Academic Press), 394 pp.
ed., Plutokraten und Sozialisten. Berichte deutscher Diplomaten und Agenten über die amerikanische Arbeiterbewegung 1878-1917 (Plutocrats and Socialists. Reports by German Diplomats and Agents on the American Labor Movement) (München etc.: K.G. Saur), 422 pp.
ed., American Labor and Immigration History, 1877-1920s: Recent European Research (Urbana, Ill.), 286pp.
ed., Labor Migration in the Atlantic Economies. The European and North American Working Classes During the Period of Industrialization (Westport, Ct.), 491 pp.
with Christiane Harzig, ed., The Press of Labor Migrants in Europe and North America, 1880s-1930s.
Papers presented at a symposium, Frankfurt, Feb. 1985 (Bremen), 602 pp.
ed., "Struggle a Hard Battle" - Essays on Working-Class Immigrants (DeKalb, Ill.), 375 pp.
ed., Christiane Harzig, ass. ed., The Immigrant Labor Press in North America, 1840s-1970s. An Annotated Bibliography, 3 vols. (Westport, Ct.: Greenwood Press).
with Horst Rössler, eds., Distant Magnets: Expectations and Realities in the Immigrant Experience (New York: Holmes & Meier), 312 pp.
with Inge Blank and Horst Rössler, eds., Roots of the Transplanted - East European Monographs (New York: Columbia UP, 1994); vol. 1: "Late 19th Century East Central and Southeastern Europe"; vol. 2: "Plebeian Culture, Class and Politics in the Life of Labor Migrants."
with Jörg Nagler, eds., People in Transit. German Migrations in Comparative Perspective (Cambridge: Cambridge UP), 433 pp.
Helen Hornbeck Tanner, ed., Janice Reiff, John H. Long, Dirk Hoerder, Henry F. Dobyns, associate editors, The Settling of North America. The Atlas of the Great Migrations into North America from the Ice Age to the Present (New York: Macmillan, 1995), 208 pp.
with Leslie Page Moch, eds., European Migrants: Global and Local Perspectives (Boston: Northeastern UP), 329 pp., hardcover and paperback.
ed., Josef N. Jodlbauer, Dreizehn Jahre in Amerika, 1910-1923. Die Autobiographie eines österreichischen Sozialisten (Wien: Böhlau), 210 pp.
Creating Societies: Immigrant Lives in Canada (Montreal: McGill-Queen's Univ. Press, 1999), c. 400 pp.
Forth- Cultures in Contact: European and World Migrations, 11th Century to the 1990s coming (Durham, N.C.: Duke UP, c. 2001), c. 750 pp.
with Christiane Harzig, Adrian Shubert, eds, The Historical Practice of Diversity: Transcultural Interactions from Early Modern Times to the 20th Century in the Mediterranean, Atlantic, Global Worlds (tentative: New York: Berghahn, 2001).
with Christiane Harzig, Adrian Shubert, eds., "Negotiating Nations: Exclusions, Networks, Inclusions," topical issue of Histoire sociale - Social History, 2001
Selected Refereed Essays
"Vom korporativen zum liberalen Eigentumsbegriff - ein Element der amerikanischen Revolution", Geschichte und Gesellschaft, Sonderheft 2: "200 Jahre amerikanische Revolution und moderne Revolutionsforschung", Hans Ulrich Wehler, Hrsg. (Göttingen: Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht), 76-100.
"Bedingungsfaktoren der Auslandsstudien im Deutschen Reich: Imperialismus, Auslandsdeutsche, Wirtschaft", Gulliver. Deutsch-englische Jahrbücher 11, 118-139.
"Coscienza di mestiere e pensiero politico negli artigiani", Rivista di storia contemporanea 11, No. 1 (January 1982), 33-46.
"Immigration and the Working Class: The Remigration Factor," International Labor and Working Class History 21 (Spring 1982), 28-41.
"Lewis W. Hine. Sozialdokumentarische Fotografie und Gesellschaftskritik", Englisch-Amerikanische Studien 9, 416-435.
"German Immigrant Workers' Views of 'America' in the 1880s," in: Marianne Debouzy, ed., In the Shadow of the Statue of Liberty. Immigrants, Workers and Citizens in the American Republic 1880-1920 (Vincennes: Presses Universitaires Françaises), 17-33.
"The Attitudes of German Trade Unions to Migrant Workers, 1880s-1914," Migracijske teme (Zagreb) 4, Nos. 1-2, 21-37.
"International Labor Markets and Community Building by Migrant Workers in the Atlantic Economies," in: Rudolph J. Vecoli and Suzanne M. Sinke, eds., A Century of European Migrations, 1830-1930 (Urbana: Univ. of Illinois Press), 78-107.
"The Traffic of Emigration via Bremen/Bremerhaven: Merchants' Interests, Protective Legislation, and Migrants' Experiences," Journ. of American Ethnic History 13, 68-101.
"Ethnic Cultures under Multiculturalism: Retention or Change," in: Hans Braun and Wolfgang Klooss, eds., Multiculturalism in North America and Europe: Social Practices, Literary Visions (Trier: WVT 1994), 82-102.
"Ethnic Studies in Canada from the 1880s to 1962: A Historiographical Perspective and Critique," Canadian Ethnic Studies 26.1 (1994), 1-18;
"Changing Paradigms in Migration History: From 'To America' to World-wide Systems," Canadian Review of American Studies 24.2 (Spring 1994), 105-126.
"Memorandum - Zuwanderungsland Bundesrepublik: Einwanderer, Flüchtlinge, Gäste. Entscheidungs- und Verwaltungsstrukturen für die Zukunft", Zeitschrift für Sozialreform 40 (April 1994), 233-259.
"Mercados de Trabajo, Comunidad, Familia: Un analisis desde la perspectiva del genero del proceso de insercion y aculturacion in Estudios Migratorios Latinoamericanos 30 (agosto 1995), 249-276.
"Migration in the Atlantic Economies: Regional European Origins and Worldwide Expansion," in: Hoerder/Moch, eds., European Migants, 21-51.
"Migrants to Ethnics: Acculturation in a Societal Framework," in: Hoerder/Moch, eds., European Migants, 211-62.
"German-Speaking Immigrants of Many Backgrounds and the 1990s Canadian Identity," in Franz A.J. Szabo, ed., Austrian Immigration to Canada. Selected Essays (Ottawa: Carleton UP, 1996), 11-31.
"20th-Century Labor Migration: A Global Perspective," in Bruno Groppo and Christine Schindler, eds., Arbeiterbewegung und Migration--ITH Tagungsberichte 31 (Wien, 1996), 9-27.
"German Migration History and Migration Policy in a European Context. Recommendations for a Public Debate," in Göran Rystad, ed., Encountering Strangers. Responses and Consequences (Lund, 1997), 179-203.
"Cultural Retention or Acculturation: The Current Debate on Multiculturalism in Historical Perspective," in: T. Gladysky, A. Walaszek, M.M. Wawrykiewicz, eds., Ethnicity--Culture--City (Warszawa, 1997), 29-49.
"Segmented Macrosystems, Networking Individuals, Cultural Change: Balancing Processes and Interactive Change In Migration," in Veit Bader, ed., Exclusion and Citizenship (London, 1997), 81-93.
"Labour Markets - Community - Family: A Gendered Analysis of the Process of Insertion and Acculturation," in Wsevolod Isajiw, ed., Multiculturalism in North America and Europe: Comparative Perspectives on Interethnic Relations and Social Incorporation (Toronto: Canadian Scholar's Press Inc., 1997), (Engl. version of "Mercados de Trabajo...," 1995.
"Segmented Macrosystems and Networking Individuals: The Balancing Functions of Migration Processes," in: Jan Lucassen and Leo Lucassen, eds., Migration, Migration History, History: Old Paradigms and New Perspectives (Bern: Lang, 1997), 73-84.
"Many-Cultured Urban Worlds: A Comparative Historical Perspective," Zeitschrift für Kanadastudien 18.2 (1998), 94-106.
"Individuum, Gesellschaft, Staat: Eine deutsche und eine irische Einwanderin im Kanada der 1920er und 1930er Jahre," in Michael Wala, ed., Gesellschaft und Diplomatie im transatlantischen Raum (Wiesbaden: Steiner, 1999), 405-21.
Metropolitan Migration in the Past: Labour Markets, Commerce, and Cultural Interaction in Europe, 1600-1914," Journal of International Migration and Integration/Revue de l'intégration et de la migration internationale 1 (2000), 39-58.
"Bremen und (von Emden bis Hamburg) umzu: Lokale Welten -- Atlantische Welten -- Vielfältige Migrationen", Radio Bremen, or
"Bremen und (von Emden bis Hamburg) umzu: Lokale Welten -- Atlantische Welten -- Vielfältige Migrationen", Radio Bremen, or
"Immigrant Lives--Societal Structures: Human Agency in Acculturation Processes," Bulletin of the The Royal Institute for Inter-Faith Studies, Amman, Jordan, 2.1 (Spring 2000), 97-119.
Nora Räthzel, Andreas Hieronymus, Dirk Hoerder, "Safe and Unsafe Spaces: Young People's Views of Urban Neighbourhoods in Hamburg, Germany," Toronto, March 2000