
Lehrveranstaltungen SoSe 2021

Linguistik / Language Sciences, B.A.

Veranstaltungen anzeigen: alle | in englischer Sprache | für ältere Erwachsene | mit Nachhaltigkeitszielen

Studienbeginn ab WiSe 16/17, 1. Studienjahr - PFLICHTMODULE (Profilfach und Komplementärfach) (BPO 2016)

LS1 Einführung in die Linguistik (insgesamt 6 bzw. 9 CP)

Modulbeauftragter: Prof. Dr. Thomas Stolz, Kontakt:

Das Modul \"Einführung in die Linguistik\" führt in die Wissenschaft von der menschlichen Sprache ein. Es umfasst die \"Einführung in die Allgemeine und Vergleichende Sprachwissenschaft I\" (einschließlich Tutorium) im Wintersemester und die \"Einführung in die Allgemeine und Vergleichende Sprachwissenschaft II\" sowie die \"Introduction to the Linguistics of Text and Discourse\" im Sommersemester. In diesem Pflichtmodul können 9 CP (Komplementärfach: 6 CP) erworben werden. Bei diesem zweisemestrigen Modul wird darum gebeten, sich erst im zweiten Semester, d.h. im SoSe, zur Modulprüfung anzumelden.
VAKTitel der VeranstaltungDozentIn
10-76-4-D2b-02Key Topics in Linguistics: Introduction to text linguistics (in englischer Sprache)
C3: synchronous and asynchronous digital sessions


wöchentlich Mo 14:15 - 15:45 Externer Ort: online (2 SWS)

In the last decades, linguistics has ‘jumped the border’ of the sentence and moved towards larger units of description such as text and discourse. In this seminar we will cover some principal linguistic approaches to text, addressing frameworks such as cohesion, rhetorical structure theory and introductory segmented discourse representation theory. Class work will consist of overviews of the theoretical approaches (supported by readings) followed by group-based analysis and discussion of example texts. Final credit for the module can be obtained by carrying out a more detailed analysis of a collection of short texts (possibly in groups) and motivating the decisions made. Considerations of corpus linguistic approaches to discourse structure and organisation will also be addressed and some particular tools for supporting such analyses introduced. Successful participation in the course should enable the analysis and critical discussion of texts in general, as well as raising awareness of current open topics and issues in linguistic discourse research.

Prof. John Bateman, Ph.D.

2. Studienjahr (BPO 2016)

Empiriemodul II (EM) (6 CP) im SoSe

Modulbeauftragter: Prof. Dr. Thomas Stolz, Kontakt:
VAKTitel der VeranstaltungDozentIn
10-76-6-WD2-01Key Topics in Linguistics: The Pragmatics of Humour / C3 (in englischer Sprache)


wöchentlich Do 12:15 - 13:45 Externer Ort: online (2 SWS)

Course description
If you’ve ever asked yourself if the Gricean maxims are really that important then the answer is clearly: “I like sandwiches!” … So, obviously, toying with pragmatic expectations can lead to humorous effects. In this course, then, we will go into the depths of basic notions in pragmatics and mainstream pragmatic theories and apply these to humorous artefacts. In particular, we will cover the following topics:
• Reference and deixis
• Speech act theory
• The co-operative principle
• (Im)politeness
• Relevance theory
In the remainder of this class, we will discuss a much-debated use case: irony, adopting several viewpoints on this phenomenon.

Course requirements
WD2a/c – 3CP – ungraded: weekly assignments on EduWorks (excluding discussions)
WD2a/c – 3CP – graded: weekly assignments on EduWorks

EMII – 6CP – graded: weekly assignments on EduWorks + project report

Weekly assignments and Zoom meetings
Assignments are asynchronous, can be found on EduWorks and are due Thursdays, 2pm. In addition to these assignments, we’ll meet on a bi-weekly basis on Zoom. In these Zoom meetings, we will cover unresolved issues, discuss your analyses and provide you with food-for-thought. Note that these meetings are not mandatory and that this class can also be studied as a purely asynchronously course, if necessary.

Project report (LLS)
The project report is a piece of writing of about 7 to 10 pages. It is supposed to report on an empirical project revolving around one of the topics covered in class. Further details will be given in class.

N. N.