Prof. Dr. phil. Sabine Broeck
American Cultural Studies / American Literatures and Cultures / Black Diaspora /Gender
Prof. Dr. phil. Sabine Broeck
Sprechzeiten: nach Vereinbarung
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Werdegang ‒ Curriculum Vitae
- taught in English and African-American Studies at the University of Milwaukee, Wisconsin 1983/1984
- received her Ph.D. from Frankfurt University; her dissertation was published under the title Der entkolonisierte Koerper. Die Protagonistin in der afroamerikanischen weiblichen Erzähltradition der 30 bis 80er Jahre with Campus Verlag, Frankfurt/New York 1988
- American Council of Learned Societies-Fellowship at the Institute for Advanced Study of the Humanities at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, 1990/1991
- completed her "Habilitation" at the Humboldt University zu Berlin in 1997, published as White Amnesia - Black Memory? Women's Writing and History (Lang, Frankfurt/New York 1999)
- was appointed Professor of American Studies at University of Bremen in 1999
- acted as Vice President for International Relations for the University of Bremen from 2000 - 2005
- President of international Collegium for African-American Research (CAAR) from 2007 - 2015
- Chairwoman of "Studienkommission" English-Speaking Cultures WS 2007 - SS 2009
Focus on:
- African-American Studies
- Gender Studies
- Americanization
- Text as Culture/Culture as Text
- Theories of Postcolonial Studies and Decolonial Humanities
- Gender, Race and the Constitution of Transatlantic Modernity
- The Black Diaspora in Transatlantic Contexts
- The African-American Civil Rights Movement in/and Europe
- Intersectionality
- Subversive Americanization
- De-Colonial Humanities
Broeck, Sabine. Gender and the Abjection of Blackness. State University of New York Press, July 2018.
Broeck, Sabine. Against Gender. Enslavism and the Subjects of Feminism (New Preliminary Title), contracted with State University of New York Press. Print.
Broeck, Sabine. White Amnesia – Black Memory? Women's Writing and History. Frankfurt a. M., New York: Lang, 1999. Print.
Broeck, Sabine. Der Entkolonisierte Körper. Die Protagonistin in Der Afro-Amerikanischen Weiblichen Erzähltradition Der 30er Bis 80er Jahre. Frankfurt a. M.: Campus, 1988. Print.
Broeck, Sabine. "Black Women's Writing Revisited." Gender Forum. An Internet Journal for Gender Studies 22 (2008) Web.
Broeck, Sabine, and Stella Bolaki, eds. Audre Lorde's Transnational Legacies. Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, 2015. Print.
Broeck, Sabine, and Jason R. Ambroise, eds. Black Knowledges / Black Struggles. Essays in Critical Epistemology. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 2015. Print.
Broeck, Sabine, and Carsten Junker. Postcoloniality - Decoloniality - Black Critique: Joints and Fissures. Frankfurt am Main: Campus, 2014. Print.
Broeck, Sabine, Gerhard Bach, and Ulf Schulenberg, eds. Americanization – Globalization – Education. 107 Vol. Heidelberg: Winter Verlag, 2003. Print. American Studies - A Monograph Series.
Broeck, Sabine, and Paola Boi, eds. CrossRoutes – the Meanings of "Race" for the 21st Century. 9 Vol. Münster: LIT Verlag, 2003. Print. FORECAAST - Forum for European Contributions to African American Studies.
Lenz, Günter H., Hartmut Keil, and Sabine Bröck-Sallah. Reconstructing American Literary and Historical Studies. Frankfurt a.M.: Campus, 1990. Print.
Broeck Sabine: „Schwarzer Atlantik.“ In: Göttsche D., Dunker A., Dürbeck G. (eds). Handbuch Postkolonialismus und Literatur. J.B. Metzler, Stuttgart: Springer Verlag, 2017, 220-222.
Broeck, Sabine: „Sklavenhandel.“ In: Göttsche D., Dunker A., Dürbeck G. (eds) J.B. Metzler. Handbuch Postkolonialismus und Literatur. J. B. Metzler, Stuttgart: Springer Verlag, 2017, 223-225.
Broeck, Sabine. “‘It is always now’ (Beloved): Notes on the Urgency of Enslavism Theory, and Studies.” Zeitschrift für Anglistik und Amerikanistik 65.2 (2017) Print.
Broeck, Sabine. "Towards a Theory of Enslavism." Zeitschrift für Anglistik und Amerikanistik 65.2 (2017) Print.
Essays, Contributions
Broeck, Sabine. "Internationalizing African-American Studies, Too!" America in the World. Eds. Jane Desmond and Virginia Dominguez. University of Illinois Press, 2017. Print.
Broeck, Sabine, and P. Khalil Saucier. "A Dialogue: On European Borders, Black Movement, and the History of Social Death." Black Studies Papers 2.1 (2016): 09 Jun 2016, 24-43. Web. 09 Jun 2016.
Broeck, Sabine. "Inequality Or (Social)Death." Rhizomes 29 (2016): 27 May 2016. Web.
Broeck, Sabine. Spring 2016 Symposium: Gines., 2016. Spring 2016 Symposium on Kathryn T. Gines “Comparative and Competing Frameworks of Oppression in Simone De Beauvoir’s the Second Sex” Web. 09 June 2016.
Broeck, Sabine. "Commentary (in Response to Michel Feith)." Black Studies Papers 1.1 (2014): 25-8. Web.
Broeck, Sabine. "In the Presence of Racism. Response to Heike Paul." American Studies Today: Recent Developments and New Perspectives. Eds. Hubert Zapf, et al. Heidelberg: Winter Verlag, 2014. 289-295. Print.
Broeck, Sabine. "Legacies of Enslavism and White Abjectorship." Postcoloniality - Decolonality - Black Critique: Joints and Fissures. Eds. Sabine Broeck and Carsten Junker. Frankfurt am Main: Campus, 2014. 109-128. Print.
Broeck, Sabine. "Lessons for A-Disciplinarity: Some Notes on what Happens to an Americanist when She Takes Slavery Seriously." Postcolonial Studies Across the Disciplines? Eds. Jana Gohrisch and Ellen Grünkemeier. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2014. 349-357. Print.
Broeck, Sabine. "The Challenge of Black Feminist Desire: Abolish Property." Black Intersectionalities : A Critique for 21st Century. Ed. Michlin, Monica,,Rocchi, Jean-Paul,,. 23 Vol. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 2013. 211-224. Print. FORECAAST - Forum for European Contributions to African American Studies .
Broeck, Sabine. "The Legacy of Slavery: White Humanities and its Subject. A Manifesto." Human Rights from a Third World Perspective: Critique, History and International Law. Ed. Jose Barreto. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2013. 102-116. Print.
Broeck, Sabine. "Die Lust an Der Nicht-Beziehung: Versklavung Und weiße Macht." Erogene Gefahrenzonen. Aktuelle Produktionen Des (Infantilen) Sexuellen. Ed. Insa Haertel. Berlin: Kadmos, 2013. 139-154. Print.
Broeck, Sabine. "One More Trip to the Quarters: Uncle Tom’s Cabin Revisited with Toni Morrison." Philological Sciences. Ed. Madina Tlostanova. Moskau: , 2013. 94-103. Print.
Broeck, Sabine. "Versklavung, Schwarze Feministische Kritik Und Die Epistemologie Der Gender Studies." Wanderungen. Migrationen Und Transformationen Aus Geschlechterwissenschaftlichen Perspektiven. Eds. Annika McPherson and Sylvia Pritsch. Bielefeld: transcript, 2013. 51–71. Print.
Broeck, Sabine. "Dekoloniale Entbindung. Walter Mignolos Kritik an Der Matrix Der Kolonialität." Schlüsselwerke Der Postcolonial Studies. Eds. Julia Reuter and Alexandra Karentzos. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 2012. 165-175. Print.
Broeck, Sabine. "Für Eine Dekoloniale Praxis Der Humanities – Gegen Die Neoliberale Universität." Bildung – Menschenrechte – Universität. Eds. Claudia Brunner and Josephine Scherling. Klagenfurt: Drava, 2012. 289-305. Print.
Broeck, Sabine. "Aufklärung." Wie Rassismus Aus Wörtern Spricht: (K)Erben Des Kolonialismus Im Wissensarchiv Deutsche Sprache. Ein Kritisches Nachschlagewerk. Eds. Susan Arndt and Nadja Ofuatey-Alazard. Münster: Unrast, 2011. 232-241. Print.
Broeck, Sabine. "The Erotics of African-American Endurance, Or: On the Right Side of History? White (West)-German Public Sentiment between Pornotroping and Civil Rights Solidarity." Germans and African Americans. Two Centuries of Exchange. Eds. Larry Greene and Anke Ortlepp. Jackson: University of Mississippi Press, 2011. 126-140. Print.
Broeck, Sabine. "Re-Reading De Beauvoir ‘after Race’: Woman-as Slave Revisited." International Journal of Francophone Studies 14.1&2 (2011): 167–184. Print.
Broeck, Sabine. "Towards Decolonial and Transcultural Humanities." Lost and found in Translation. Eds. René Diedrich, Daniel Smilovski, and Ansgar Nünning. Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag, 2011. 73-82. Print.
Broeck, Sabine. "Writing Across Borders and Boundaries. African-American Literature from the 1950s to the 1970s." Cambridge History of African American Literature. Eds. Maryemma Graham and Jerry Ward. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2011. 356-376. Print.
Broeck, Sabine. "Grounds of Whiteness: White Male Claims to Authenticity." The Pathos of Authenticity: American Passions of the Real. Eds. Ulla Haselstein, Mary Synder-Körber, and Andrew Gross. Heidelberg: Winter Verlag, 2010. 151-162. Print.
Broeck, Sabine. "The Ancestor as Subtext." Transatlantica. Revue d'Etudes Americaines 1 (2009) Web.
Broeck, Sabine. "Textual and Visual Repertoires of Trauma." Slavery in Art and Literature. Approaches to Trauma, Memory and Visuality. Eds. Birgit Haehnel and Melanie Ulz. Berlin: Frank & Timme, 2009. 285-301. Print.
Broeck, Sabine. "American Studies in Germany (West) between the Cold War Period and the Early 21st Century - Reminiscences of a Participant Observer. an Interview with Berndt Ostendorf." Comparative American Studies 6.2 (2008): 1-12. Print.
Broeck, Sabine. "Enslavement as Regime of Western Modernity: Re-Reading Gender Studies Epistemology through Black Feminist Critique." Gender Forum. An Internet Journal for Gender Studies 22 (2008) Web.
Broeck, Sabine. "Global Gourmets: Food Writing and its Fancies of Transculturation." Transatlantic American Studies. Transcultural Visions of Identities in Images and Texts. Eds. Wilfried Raussert and Rainer Isensee. Heidelberg: Winter Verlag, 2008. 155-167. Print.
Broeck, Sabine. "Blackness and Sexualities in the Interracial Diaspora." Blackness and Sexualities. Eds. Michelle Wright and Antje Schuhmann. 16 Vol. Berlin: LIT Verlag, 2007. 95-106. Print. FORECAAST - Forum for European Contributions to African American Studies .
Broeck, Sabine. "White Fatigue: Or: Supplementary Notes on Hybridity." Reconstructing Hybridity. Ed. Jopi Nyman. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2007. 43-58. Print.
Broeck, Sabine. "Gender Trouble in the Deep South: Women, Race and Slavery." Objet Identité: Epistemologie et Transversalité 40.special issue Cahiers Charles V (2006): 115-34. Print.
Broeck, Sabine. "Der Neger Jupiter Raubt Europa." Literatur Psychoanalyse Gender. Eds. Wolfgang Emmerich and Eva Kammler. Bremen: Edition Lumière, 2006. 85-102. Print.
Broeck, Sabine. "Property: White Gender and Slavery." Gender Forum. An Internet Journal for Gender Studies 14 (2006) Web.
Broeck, Sabine. "The Subject of Enlightenment: Notations Towards an Epistemology of Slavery, Gender and Modernity." Weiß-Weißsein-Whiteness. Kritische Studien Zu Gender Und Rassimus. Critical Studies on Gender and Racism. Ed. Martina Tissberger. Frankfurt a.M.: Peter Lang, 2006. 105-112. Print.
Broeck, Sabine. "Das Subjekt Der Aufklärung – Sklaverei – Gender Studies: Zu Einer Notwendigen Relektüre Der Moderne." Gender Kontrovers. Eds. Gabriele Dietze and Sabine Hark. Frankfurt a.M.: Ulrike Helmer Verlag, 2006. 152-180. Print.
Broeck, Sabine. "Trauma, Agency, Kitsch and the Excesses of the Real: Beloved within the Field of Critical Response." America in the Course of Human Events. Eds. Joself Jarab, Marcel Arbeit, and Jenel Virden. Amsterdam: VU University Press, 2006. 201-215. Print.
Broeck, Sabine. "Mit Der Autorin Lesen Oder Mit Dem Text? Zeugenschaft, Trauma Und Kitsch in Der Rezeption Des Romans 'Beloved’." Von Der Wirklichkeit Zur Wissenschaft. Aktuelle Forschungsmethoden in Den Sprach-, Literatur- Und Kulturwissenschaften. Eds. Natascha Ueckmann, Christiane Solte-Gresser, and Karen Struve. Hamburg: LIT Verlag, 2005. 95-109. Print.
Broeck, Sabine. "Nie Sollen Wir Sklaven Sein…." Sklaven – Menschen – Rechte. UNESCO-Tag Der Philosophie Bremen 2004. Ed. Hans Jörg Sandkühler. 1 Vol. , 2005. 23-37. Print. Schriftenreihe Der Deutschen Abteilung Des Europäischen UNESCO-Lehrstuhls Für Philosophie.
Broeck, Sabine. "Zeugenschaft, Trauma Und Kitsch in Der Rezeption Des Romans Beloved." Gender Memory. Repräsentationen Von Gedächtnis, Erinnerung Und Geschlecht. Ed. Bettina Hoenes. Berlin: Argument Verlag, 2005. 80-87. Print. Sonderband: Frauen Kunst Wissenschaft .
Broeck, Sabine. "Never Shall we be Slaves: Locke' s Treatises, Slavery, and Early European Modernity." Blackening Europe. the African American Presence. Ed. Heike Raphael-Hernandez. New York, London: Routledge, 2004. 235-249. Print.
Broeck, Sabine. "Slavery, Race, and Postcolonial Love: The Swiss Novel 'Die Mohrin'." Kolonisierungen Und Kolonisationen. Eds. Gisela Engel and Katja Kailer. Berlin: trafo verlag, 2004. 63-73. Print.
Broeck, Sabine. "Hawthorne's the Scarlet Letter: Der Markierte Körper in Der ‘romance’ Des 19. Jahrhunderts." Text, Kontext Und Fremdsprachenunterricht. Festschrift Für Gerhard Bach. Eds. Dagmar Abendroth-Timmer, Britta Viebrock, and Michael Wendt. Frankfurt a.M.: Peter Lang, 2003. 43-52. Print. Sonderband Der Reise Kolloquium Fremdsprachenunterricht .
Broeck, Sabine. "Slave Trade, Diaspora and Modernity." Diaspora: Movement, Memory, Politics and Identity 14.The Clarke Center Contemporary Issue Series (2003): 13-20. Print.
Broeck, Sabine. "Traveling Memory – Black Diaspora in German Representation." The Massachusetts Review 44.1/2 A Gathering in Honor of Jules Chametzky (2003): 157-66. Print.
Broeck, Sabine. "Zwischen Disziplinarität Und Spektakel: Anmerkungen Zur Entwicklung Der Cultural Studies Im Amerikanistischen Kontext." Feministische Forschung – Nachhaltige Einsprüche. Eds. Kathrin Heinz and Barbara Thiessen. 3 Vol. Opladen: Leske + Budrich, 2003. 307-323. Print. Studien Interdisziplinäre Geschlechterforschung .
Broeck, Sabine. "When Light Becomes White – Reading Enlightenment through Jamaica Kincaid's Writing." Callaloo 25.3 (2002): 821-43. Print.
Broeck, Sabine. "Will White Feminism Surrender the Default Position? Gender Studies and Whiteness." Body and Representation. Eds. Insa Haertel and Sigrid Schade. 6 Vol. Opladen: Leske + Budrich, 2002. 83-90. Print. Schriften Der Internationalen Frauenuniversität – Technik Und Kultur .
Broeck, Sabine. "Wird Der weiße Feminismus Seine "Default"-Position Aufgeben?" Körper Und Repräsentation. Eds. Insa Haertel and Sigrid Schade. 7 Vol. Opladen: Leske + Budrich, 2002. 89-98. Print. Schriften Der Internationalen Frauenuniversität - Technik Und Kultur .
Broeck, Sabine. "The Urgency of Petunias: Womanism as Cultural Intervention." The Sixties Revisited: Culture - Society - Politics. Eds. Jürgen Heideking, Jörg Helbig, and Anke Ortlepp. Heidelberg: Winter Verlag, 2001. 399-412. Print.
Broeck, Sabine. "Am Ende Der Weis(s)Heit?" Geschlechterdifferenz Und Amerikastudien in Deutschland. Analysen Und Interpretationen. Eds. Anne Koenen and Catrin Gersdorf. Leipzig: Universitätsverlag, 1999. 15-24. Print.
Broeck, Sabine. "Adrienne Rich." Metzler Autorinnen Lexikon. Eds. Ute Hechtfischer, et al. Stuttgart: Metzler, 1998. 449f. Print.
Broeck, Sabine. "Harriet Beecher Stowe." Metzler Autorinnen Lexikon. Eds. Ute Hechtfischer, et al. Stuttgart: Metzler, 1998. 81f. Print.
Broeck, Sabine. "Postmodern Mediations and Beloved's Testimony: Memory is Not Innocent." Amerikastudien. American Studies 43.1 (1998): 33-49. Print.
Broeck, Sabine. "Toni Cade Bambara." Metzler Autorinnen Lexikon. Eds. Ute Hechtfischer, et al. Stuttgart: Metzler, 1998. 518f. Print.
Broeck, Sabine. "Harlem Renaissance." US-Lexikon: Schlüsselbegriffe Zu Politik, Wirtschaft, Gesellschaft, Kultur, Geschichte Und Zu Den Deutsch-Amerikanischen Beziehungen. Ed. Rüdiger Wersich. Berlin: E. Schmidt, 1996. 337-339. Print.
Broeck, Sabine. "Literary Criticism." US-Lexikon: Schlüsselbegriffe Zu Politik, Wirtschaft, Gesellschaft, Kultur, Geschichte Und Zu Den Deutsch-Amerikanischen Beziehungen. Ed. Rüdiger Wersich. Berlin: E. Schmidt, 1996. 437-439. Print.
Broeck, Sabine. "Little Magazines." US-Lexikon: Schlüsselbegriffe Zu Politik, Wirtschaft, Gesellschaft, Kultur, Geschichte Und Zu Den Deutsch-Amerikanischen Beziehungen. Ed. Rüdiger Wersich. Berlin: E. Schmidt, 1996. 439-441. Print.
Broeck, Sabine. Voix Ethniques II. Ed. Claudine Raynaud. 14 Vol. Tours: G.R.A.A.T. avec le concours du Conseil scientifique de l'Université de Tours, 1995. 125-130. Print. Graat .
Broeck, Sabine, and Tobe Levin. "Seit 20 Jahren Am Anfang. Women’s Studies in Der Bundesrepublik." Konkret „Politik Hochschule“ 02.06 (1995): 6-8. Print.
Broeck, Sabine. "Beloved. A Trace of Body Writing." Beloved, She' s Mine. Eds. Geneviève Fabre and Claudine Raynaud. Paris: Cetanla, 1993. 133-138. Print.
Broeck, Sabine. "Was Will Die Frau? 'Melanctha' in Den Diskursen Zur Natur Des Weibs." Amerikastudien. American Studies 37 (1993): 505-16. Print.
Broeck, Sabine. "Plots to a Happy Ending. Re-Reading Closure." Feminist Critical Negotiations. Eds. Alice Parker and Elisabeth Meese. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 1992. 59-81. Print.
Broeck, Sabine. "Women Writing: Plotting Against History." Reconstructing American Literary and Historical Studies. Eds. Günter H. Lenz, Hartmut Keil, and Sabine Bröck-Sallah. Frankfurt a.M.: Campus, 1990. 225-237. Print.
Broeck, Sabine, and Anne Koenen. "Scarlett Doesn't Live here any More: Toni Morrison Als Repräsentantin Afroamerikanischer Erzählerinnen." Frauen Literatur Politik. Eds. Annegret Pelz, et al. Hamburg: Argument, 1988. 180-188. Print.
Broeck, Sabine. "Meridian. Desire Develops an Edge. A Splintered Reading." Englisch-Amerikanische Studien 1 (1987): 43-61. Print.
Broeck, Sabine. "Transcending the 'Loophole of Retreat' – Paule Marshall's Placing of Female Generations." Callaloo 10.1 (1986/7): 79-90. Print.
Broeck, Sabine, and Anne Koenen. "Alice Walker in Search of Zora Neale Hurston: Rediscovering a Black Female Literary Tradition." History and Tradition in Afro-American Culture. Ed. Günter H. Lenz. Frankfurt a.M.: Campus, 1984. 167-180. Print.
Broeck, Sabine. "Talk as a Form of Action: An Interview with Paule Marshall." History and Tradition in Afro-American Culture. Ed. Günter H. Lenz. Frankfurt a.M.: Campus, 1984. 194-206. Print.