Prof. John A. Bateman (PhD)

Anglistik / Angewandte Sprachwissenschaft m. d. Schwerpunkt Übersetzungswissenschaft und Linguistische Datenverarbeitung



  • born 1957, London, England
  • working in Natural Language Generation (NLG) since 1982 , on Multimodality since the early 1990s, and film and visual narrative since around 2005
  • Ph.D. (Artificial Intelligence) from Edinburgh University, 1986
  • worked in NLG projects at Kyoto University (Prof. M. Nagao), USC/Information Sciences Institute (Penman Project), and the German National Research Center for Information Technology/IPSI (Komet Project: project leader)
  • translation science at the University of the Saarland, Saarbrücken
  • lecturer in Computational and Descriptive Linguistics at the University of Stirling, Scotland
  • currently Professor of English Applied Linguistics at the University of Bremen within the Departments of English and Linguistics


Mainareas of interest and active research (with pointers to relevant papers, web information, etc.) include:

Bremen University central web administration unilaterally discontinued its support for homepages under the university's webdomain several years ago; for a reconstructed version with partially updated links, use: Bateman Homepage - beware of old links to the no longer existing homepage therefore...