
Lehrveranstaltungen WiSe 2023/2024

Language Sciences, M.A.

Veranstaltungen anzeigen: alle | in englischer Sprache | für ältere Erwachsene | mit Nachhaltigkeitszielen

Lehrveranstaltungen für Studierende nach der alten Prüfungsordnung (MPO 2014)


CP-Schema für den Wahlpflichtbereich:
Modultyp A = 3 CP
Modultyp B = 6 CP
Modultyp C = 6 CP
Modultyp D = 9 CP

Theoriemodul (TH), 1. - 4. Semester

Modulbeauftragter: Prof. Dr. Arne Peters, Kontakt:
VAKTitel der VeranstaltungDozentIn
10-M80-1-OrMo-01Cultural Linguistic Approaches to World Englishes (in englischer Sprache)
Modultyp B/C (6 CP) im Studiengang Language Sciences, M.A.


wöchentlich Do 08:00 - 10:00 GW2 B2900

In the course of this seminar, we will take a cultural linguistic
approach to a number of World Englishes, including Aboriginal English,
American English, Hong Kong English, South African English and West
African Englishes. The main focus will be to identify cognitive
processes that come to light in patterns of language use as well as to
find evidence for coherent cultural metaphors and underlying cultural
conceptualisations that are both unique to each of these varieties of
English and yet to some extent also universally shared between them."

Reading: will be made available at the beginning of the term

Prof. Dr. Arne Peters
10-M80-3-ReMo-02Research colloquium for MA and PhD students: Multimodality (in englischer Sprache)
Modultyp D (9 CP) im Studiengang Language Sciences, M.A.


wöchentlich Di 16:15 - 17:45 SFG 2040 (2 SWS)

This course is for all Master's students (as well as advanced BA and doctoral candidates) who are planning a research project in the general area of multimodality and/or multimodal linguistics. This includes all media, film, TV, comics, dance, music, spoken language, social media and combinations, as well as particularly experimental or corpus-based methods. Basic research methods will be reviewed for investigating combinations of forms of expression, such as image-text, image-music, and so on, as well as the use of corpus-techniques and methods for evaluating data. Attendees will be expected to develop their own ideas for projects reflecting the international state of the art in multimodal semiotics and to explore further the methods and literature relevant, reporting back regularly to the group as a whole for maximal synergies. The result of participation for the E-SC MA should be a detailed workplan that can then be carried out for the final MA thesis or as submission for a thesis plan and for the MA Language Sciences either a completed project or detailed plan for a Masters thesis. Basic reading covering all areas of multimodality that can be used for preparation is the textbook (available in English and German):

Bateman/Wildfeuer/Hiippala (2017): Multimodality: Foundations, Research and Analysis – A Problem-Oriented Introduction. Mouton de Gruyter.

Wildfeuer/Bateman/Hiippala (2020): Multimodalität: Grundlagen, Forschung und Analyse – Eine problemorientierte Einführung. Mouton de Gruyter.

Introductory online seminars to the scientific study of multimodality can be found here: (Bateman)

and here: (Wildfeuer)

Prof. John Bateman, Ph.D.

Empiriemodul (EM), 1. - 4. Semester

Modulbeauftragter: Prof. Dr. Thomas Stolz, Kontakt:
VAKTitel der VeranstaltungDozentIn
10-M80-1-OrMo-01Cultural Linguistic Approaches to World Englishes (in englischer Sprache)
Modultyp B/C (6 CP) im Studiengang Language Sciences, M.A.


wöchentlich Do 08:00 - 10:00 GW2 B2900

In the course of this seminar, we will take a cultural linguistic
approach to a number of World Englishes, including Aboriginal English,
American English, Hong Kong English, South African English and West
African Englishes. The main focus will be to identify cognitive
processes that come to light in patterns of language use as well as to
find evidence for coherent cultural metaphors and underlying cultural
conceptualisations that are both unique to each of these varieties of
English and yet to some extent also universally shared between them."

Reading: will be made available at the beginning of the term

Prof. Dr. Arne Peters
10-M80-3-ReMo-02Research colloquium for MA and PhD students: Multimodality (in englischer Sprache)
Modultyp D (9 CP) im Studiengang Language Sciences, M.A.


wöchentlich Di 16:15 - 17:45 SFG 2040 (2 SWS)

This course is for all Master's students (as well as advanced BA and doctoral candidates) who are planning a research project in the general area of multimodality and/or multimodal linguistics. This includes all media, film, TV, comics, dance, music, spoken language, social media and combinations, as well as particularly experimental or corpus-based methods. Basic research methods will be reviewed for investigating combinations of forms of expression, such as image-text, image-music, and so on, as well as the use of corpus-techniques and methods for evaluating data. Attendees will be expected to develop their own ideas for projects reflecting the international state of the art in multimodal semiotics and to explore further the methods and literature relevant, reporting back regularly to the group as a whole for maximal synergies. The result of participation for the E-SC MA should be a detailed workplan that can then be carried out for the final MA thesis or as submission for a thesis plan and for the MA Language Sciences either a completed project or detailed plan for a Masters thesis. Basic reading covering all areas of multimodality that can be used for preparation is the textbook (available in English and German):

Bateman/Wildfeuer/Hiippala (2017): Multimodality: Foundations, Research and Analysis – A Problem-Oriented Introduction. Mouton de Gruyter.

Wildfeuer/Bateman/Hiippala (2020): Multimodalität: Grundlagen, Forschung und Analyse – Eine problemorientierte Einführung. Mouton de Gruyter.

Introductory online seminars to the scientific study of multimodality can be found here: (Bateman)

and here: (Wildfeuer)

Prof. John Bateman, Ph.D.

Methodenmodul (ME) 1.-4. Semester

Modulbeauftragter: Prof. Dr. Thomas Stolz Kontakt:
VAKTitel der VeranstaltungDozentIn
10-M80-1-OrMo-01Cultural Linguistic Approaches to World Englishes (in englischer Sprache)
Modultyp B/C (6 CP) im Studiengang Language Sciences, M.A.


wöchentlich Do 08:00 - 10:00 GW2 B2900

In the course of this seminar, we will take a cultural linguistic
approach to a number of World Englishes, including Aboriginal English,
American English, Hong Kong English, South African English and West
African Englishes. The main focus will be to identify cognitive
processes that come to light in patterns of language use as well as to
find evidence for coherent cultural metaphors and underlying cultural
conceptualisations that are both unique to each of these varieties of
English and yet to some extent also universally shared between them."

Reading: will be made available at the beginning of the term

Prof. Dr. Arne Peters
10-M80-3-ReMo-02Research colloquium for MA and PhD students: Multimodality (in englischer Sprache)
Modultyp D (9 CP) im Studiengang Language Sciences, M.A.


wöchentlich Di 16:15 - 17:45 SFG 2040 (2 SWS)

This course is for all Master's students (as well as advanced BA and doctoral candidates) who are planning a research project in the general area of multimodality and/or multimodal linguistics. This includes all media, film, TV, comics, dance, music, spoken language, social media and combinations, as well as particularly experimental or corpus-based methods. Basic research methods will be reviewed for investigating combinations of forms of expression, such as image-text, image-music, and so on, as well as the use of corpus-techniques and methods for evaluating data. Attendees will be expected to develop their own ideas for projects reflecting the international state of the art in multimodal semiotics and to explore further the methods and literature relevant, reporting back regularly to the group as a whole for maximal synergies. The result of participation for the E-SC MA should be a detailed workplan that can then be carried out for the final MA thesis or as submission for a thesis plan and for the MA Language Sciences either a completed project or detailed plan for a Masters thesis. Basic reading covering all areas of multimodality that can be used for preparation is the textbook (available in English and German):

Bateman/Wildfeuer/Hiippala (2017): Multimodality: Foundations, Research and Analysis – A Problem-Oriented Introduction. Mouton de Gruyter.

Wildfeuer/Bateman/Hiippala (2020): Multimodalität: Grundlagen, Forschung und Analyse – Eine problemorientierte Einführung. Mouton de Gruyter.

Introductory online seminars to the scientific study of multimodality can be found here: (Bateman)

and here: (Wildfeuer)

Prof. John Bateman, Ph.D.