Dr. Valer Bulhakau

Visiting Scholar

Academic Employment
  • The Center for Belarus and Regional Studies of the European Humanities University (Vilnius, Lithuania). PhD Lecturer. 2022—2023.
  • Department of History of the European Humanities University. PhD Lecturer. 2012—2013.
  • Lazarski School of Commerce and Law in Warsaw/Wyższa Szk. Handlu i Prawa w Warszawie. PhD Lecturer. 2006—2007.
  • Belarusian State University. Philological Faculty, Lecturer. 1998.

Belarusian State University, Philological Faculty, 1990—1995. Teacher of Belarusian language and literature.

Hryhori Skovoroda Institute of Philosophy of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 2000—2003. Kandidat filosofskich nauk degree in field of history of philosophy.

Research interests

The sphere of academic interests includes the history of nationalism and colonialism in Eastern Europe, historical politics in the same region, as well as the latest political history of Belarus (after 1991).

Bild v. Dr. Valer Bulhakau
