
Lehrveranstaltungen SoSe 2024

Angewandte Philosophie, M.A.

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M1 Fachmodul Theoretische Philosophie

VAKTitel der VeranstaltungDozentIn
09-M52-01-18Phenomenology: Classical Topics and Contemporary Developments (in englischer Sprache)


wöchentlich Mo 14:00 - 16:00 SFG 2030 (2 SWS)

Do 13.06.24 14:00 - 16:00 GW2 B1630

This course provides an introduction to the fundamental concepts and developments of the phenomenological tradition, spanning from its origins with Edmund Husserl to contemporary neo-phenomenology.
Course Objectives:
By the end of this course, students will be able to:
1. Comprehend the core principles and methodology of phenomenology.
2. Analyze key concepts in Husserl's transcendental phenomenology, including intentionality, noesis and noema, and the life-world.
3. Explore the contributions of Maurice Merleau-Ponty to phenomenology, focusing on his concepts of embodiment, intercorporeality, and the chiasmatic structure of experience.
4. Engage with contemporary debates in phenomenology, particularly the works of Shaun Gallagher, Dan Zahavi, Alva Noë, and other neo-phenomenologists.
Course Outline:
Module 1: Introduction to Phenomenology
1.1 What is Phenomenology? 1.2 Edmund Husserl and the Origins of Phenomenology 1.3 The Phenomenological Method: Epoché and Intentionality
Module 2: Husserl's Transcendental Phenomenology
2.1 The Life-World and the Noesis-Noema Relationship 2.2 Consciousness and Its Objects 2.3 Intersubjectivity and the Transcendental Ego
Module 3: Merleau-Ponty's Phenomenology
3.1 Embodiment and the Body as Subject 3.2 Intercorporeality and the Experience of Others 3.3 The Chiasmatic Structure of Experience
Module 4: Contemporary Issues in Phenomenology
4.1 Gallagher and Zahavi: The Enactive Mind 4.2 Alva Noë: Sensorimotor Contingency and the Mind-Body Problem 4.3 Contemporary Phenomenological Approaches to Cognition, Emotion, and Ethics
• Class participation (50%)
• Final paper (50%)

Dr. Abootaleb Safdari

M3 Philosophie der Wissenschaften

VAKTitel der VeranstaltungDozentIn
08-M27-2-HPEHistorical Political Ecology (in englischer Sprache)


wöchentlich Di 14:00 - 16:00 FVG O0150 (Seminarraum) (2 SWS)
Sara Doolittle Llanos
Maria Garteizgogeascoa

M4 Philosophie und Gesellschaft

VAKTitel der VeranstaltungDozentIn
08-M27-2-HPEHistorical Political Ecology (in englischer Sprache)


wöchentlich Di 14:00 - 16:00 FVG O0150 (Seminarraum) (2 SWS)
Sara Doolittle Llanos
Maria Garteizgogeascoa