
Lehrveranstaltungen WiSe 2023/2024

Transnationale Literaturwissenschaft, M.A.

Veranstaltungen anzeigen: alle | in englischer Sprache | für ältere Erwachsene | mit Nachhaltigkeitszielen



Profilmodul I: Literatur 10-M83-2, Wahlpflichtmodul (2 von3 Modulen)

Modulbeauftragte: Prof. Dr. Axel Dunker, Kontakt:

Das Modul baut auf den im Grund- und Vertiefungsmodul erworbenen Kenntnissen und Fähigkeiten auf und differenziert und vertieft diese. Anhand eines im Vergleich zum Vertiefungsmodul erweiterten Textkorpus, das insbesondere narrative und poetische Texte enthält, grundsätzlich aber alle Formen der écriture sowie ein weites Spektrum von Diskursen einschließt, wird die Transnationalitätsfragestellung nachdrücklicher fokussiert. Die Sprache der Lehre ist deutsch oder wird von den Lehrenden festgelegt.

Beachten Sie bitte, dass das Studienangebot in diesem Modul im Sommersemester breiter als im Wintersemester ist.

Achtung: Die CP-Zahlen einzelner Lehrveranstaltungen können von der Anzahl der im Modul zu vergebenden CP abweichen. Zu Beginn der LV informiert der/die Lehrende über die zu erwerbende CP-Zahl.
VAKTitel der VeranstaltungDozentIn
10-M80-3-SpecMo-08Water, Environment and Sustainability in US-American and Canadian Literature (in englischer Sprache)


wöchentlich Mi 16:15 - 17:45 SFG 1020 (2 SWS)

Mi 10.01.24 16:15 - 20:00 SFG 1020

This class will be conducted within the theme teaching year on SUSTAINABILITY and within the research area Blue Humanities. Blue Humanities studies oceans, rivers, and coastal areas in terms of (colonial) histories, migration and travel, sustainability and ecological issues, circulation of people and ideas, marine and Indigenous knowledges, literature and cultures, new geographies, extractivism, energy and economic issues, among others.

Please note that the course will be conducted in connection with a lecture series in the Blue Humanities, which takes place Wednesdays 18.15-19.45 at the Cartesium on campus. You are cordially invited to come and listen to all lectures; however 4 lectures are mandatory for you to attend, which ones will be specified at the start of the course, the first one on 25 Oct.

As well, on 26 October we will do a short study excursion to the MARKK Museum in Hamburg and their exhibition “Wasserbotschaften” with a guided tour:
We will leave on a train around 11.30 and have the guided tour in the afternoon. After that you can explore the museum on your own. You will use your semester ticket to use regional trains to go to Hamburg and back for free. This study excursion is not mandatory. And yet all students are invited to join us; there is limited capacity for the tour. Those who wish to go to Hamburg, pls register on the Etherpad here on StudIP with your full name and email address by 3 October.

After discussing sustainability and the sustainable development goals of the UN in the class, we will read and discuss short stories from the collection The Imperiled Ocean: Human Stories from a Changing Sea by Laura Trethewey and the novel People of the Whale by Linda Hogan. The novel is ready for purchase at the University bookstore at the beginning of the semester: People of the Whale (17,50 €). The short story and other texts will be uploaded on StudIP.
Pls note that regular attendance and class participation and preparation are mandatory. You must register on StudIP for this class.

Prof. Dr. Kerstin Knopf


Praxismodul II: Sprache/Theater/Film 10-M83-2/3, Wahlpflichtmodul, ECTS (Credit Points): 12 CP

Praxismodul II a: Sprache

Modulbeauftragte: Prof. Dr. Karen Struve, Kontakt:

Aus den nachfolgend aufgeführten Lehrveranstaltungen müssen insgesamt 12 CP gesammelt werden.

Das Praxismodul II umfasst 12 CP. Es geht um die Vermittlung von Kenntnissen und Fähigkeiten zu: Vorbereitung und Realisation einer Theaterproduktion, eines Kurzfilms, Videoclips oder Hörspiels in den angebotenen Fremdsprachen (englisch, französisch oder deutsch); praktische Erfahrungen auf den Gebieten Regie- und Drehbuch, Regieassistenz, Schauspiel, Kamera, Fragen zur Rezeption des Theaterstücks oder des Films einschließlich möglicher Einführungen bzw. Diskussionsforen für Schulklassen; Problemfelder des \\\"Darstellenden Spiels\\\".

Achtung: Die CP-Zahlen einzelner Lehrveranstaltungen können von der Anzahl der im Modul zu vergebenden CP abweichen. Zu Beginn der LV informiert der/die Lehrende über die zu erwerbende CP-Zahl.
VAKTitel der VeranstaltungDozentIn
10-M80-3-SpecMo-08Water, Environment and Sustainability in US-American and Canadian Literature (in englischer Sprache)


wöchentlich Mi 16:15 - 17:45 SFG 1020 (2 SWS)

Mi 10.01.24 16:15 - 20:00 SFG 1020

This class will be conducted within the theme teaching year on SUSTAINABILITY and within the research area Blue Humanities. Blue Humanities studies oceans, rivers, and coastal areas in terms of (colonial) histories, migration and travel, sustainability and ecological issues, circulation of people and ideas, marine and Indigenous knowledges, literature and cultures, new geographies, extractivism, energy and economic issues, among others.

Please note that the course will be conducted in connection with a lecture series in the Blue Humanities, which takes place Wednesdays 18.15-19.45 at the Cartesium on campus. You are cordially invited to come and listen to all lectures; however 4 lectures are mandatory for you to attend, which ones will be specified at the start of the course, the first one on 25 Oct.

As well, on 26 October we will do a short study excursion to the MARKK Museum in Hamburg and their exhibition “Wasserbotschaften” with a guided tour:
We will leave on a train around 11.30 and have the guided tour in the afternoon. After that you can explore the museum on your own. You will use your semester ticket to use regional trains to go to Hamburg and back for free. This study excursion is not mandatory. And yet all students are invited to join us; there is limited capacity for the tour. Those who wish to go to Hamburg, pls register on the Etherpad here on StudIP with your full name and email address by 3 October.

After discussing sustainability and the sustainable development goals of the UN in the class, we will read and discuss short stories from the collection The Imperiled Ocean: Human Stories from a Changing Sea by Laura Trethewey and the novel People of the Whale by Linda Hogan. The novel is ready for purchase at the University bookstore at the beginning of the semester: People of the Whale (17,50 €). The short story and other texts will be uploaded on StudIP.
Pls note that regular attendance and class participation and preparation are mandatory. You must register on StudIP for this class.

Prof. Dr. Kerstin Knopf


Vertiefungsmodul 10-M83-3, Pflichtmodul, ECTS (Credit Points): 6 CP

Modulbeauftragte: Prof. Dr. Sabine Schlickers, Kontakt:

Das Modul dient der Vermittlung der Grundlagen einer Beschäftigung mit Literatur und Film aus transnationaler Perspektive. Es wird in der Fremdsprache der jeweils im Mittelpunkt stehenden Literatur gelehrt und vertieft die kommunikative Kompetenz in der jeweiligen Philologie. Gegenstände sind u.a. Analysen von Schlüsseltexten der deutschen, englisch-, französisch-, spanischsprachigen und italienischen Primärliteratur vom Mittelalter bis zur Gegenwart, von Filmen (z.B. Filmklassiker, Literaturverfilmungen) sowie theoretischer Texte unter wechselnden Fokussierungen (Literaturgeschichte, Gattungen / Strömungen, Postkolonialität, Narratologie, Lyrikanalyse, Filmanalyse).

Achtung: Die CP-Zahlen einzelner Lehrveranstaltungen können von der Anzahl der im Modul zu vergebenden CP abweichen. Zu Beginn der LV informiert der/die Lehrende über die zu erwerbende CP-Zahl.
VAKTitel der VeranstaltungDozentIn
10-76-3-D1/WD1-08Key Topics in Literature: Marine Cultures and Sustainability in Postcolonial Literature (in englischer Sprache)


wöchentlich Do 10:15 - 11:45 SFG 1020 (2 SWS)

This class will be conducted within the theme teaching year on SUSTAINABILITY and within the research area Blue Humanities. Blue Humanities studies oceans, rivers, and coastal areas in terms of (colonial) histories, migration and travel, sustainability and ecological issues, circulation of people and ideas, marine and Indigenous knowledges, literature and cultures, new geographies, extractivism, energy and economic issues, among others.

Please note that the course will be conducted in connection with a lecture series in the Blue Humanities, which takes place Wednesdays 18.15-19.45 at the Cartesium on campus. You are cordially invited to come and listen to all lectures; however 4 lectures are mandatory for you to attend, which ones will be specified at the start of the course, the first one on 25 Oct.

As well, as part of the first class on 26 October, we will do a short study excursion to the MARKK Museum in Hamburg and their exhibition “Wasserbotschaften” with a guided tour.
We will leave on a train around 11.30 after our first class and have the guided tour in the afternoon. After that you can explore the museum on your own. You will use your semester ticket to use regional trains to go to Hamburg and back for free. This study excursion is not mandatory. And yet all students are invited to join us; there is limited capacity for the tour. Those who wish to go to Hamburg, pls register on the Etherpad here on StudIP with your full name and email address by 3 October.

After discussing sustainability and the sustainable development goals of the UN in the class, we will read and discuss the two novels The Hungry Tide by Amitav Ghosh and People of the Whale by Linda Hogan. The novels are ready for purchase at the University bookstore at the beginning of the semester: The Hungry Tide (13 €) and People of the Whale (17,50 €). Other texts will be uploaded on StudIP.
Pls note that regular attendance and class participation and preparation are mandatory. You must register on StudIP for this class.

Prof. Dr. Kerstin Knopf
10-77-5-C2.1a-1La science fiction à la française du XIXe au XXIe siècle


wöchentlich Mi 14:15 - 15:45 MZH 1450 GW1 B2070 (2 SWS)

“La science fiction vaincra!” clamait Raymond Queneau dans les années 1950. Pourtant, elle n’est toujours pas un genre littéraire reconnu ni dans la critique littéraire ni dans les recherches académiques. Dans ce cours, nous nous pencherons sur des textes exemplaires de la science fiction, voire la littérature d’anticipation de langue française. Après une introduction aux questions théoriques et méthodologiques, nous étudierons les grands classiques du XIXe siècle comme “Paris an l’an 2000” de Moilin (1869), “Le vingtième siècle” de Robida (1883) et – bien évidemment – les incontournables “Paris au XXe siècle” (1861), “20.000 lieues sous les mers” (1869/70) et le “Voyage au centre de la terre” (1864) de Verne. Dans le contexte du XXe siècle jusqu’à nos jours, nous analyserons des romans de fiction climatique comme “Mermere” de Verlomme (2020/1975) et “AquaTM” de Ligny (2008) pour passer à la science fiction d’origine québécoise (dite SFQ) de Rochon et d’origine africaine de Miano. Pour finir, on découvrira la BD de science fiction comme “Valérian et Laureline” de Mézières et de Christin (ainsi que l’adaptation cinématographique de Besson) et la série française “Ad vitam” (2018).
Le cours se déroulera en français.

Bibliographie (sélective)
Littérature primaire:
Ligny, Jean-Marc: Aqua tm. Nantes: L’Atalante, 2008
Miano, Léonora. Rouge impératrice. Paris: Grasset, 2019.
Moilin, Tony: Paris en l’an 2000. Paris: Librairie de la Renaissance, 1869.
Robida, Albert: Le vingtième siècle. Paris: Georges Decaux 1883.
Rochon, Esther: „L’étoile de mer“. In: Ibid: La splendeur des monstres, Alire 2015 [1975], p. 1-15.
Verlomme, Hugo: Mermere. Paris: Chambéry 2020 [1975].
Verne, Jules: Paris au XXe siècle. Hachette [≈1861] 1994 (Chap. „Aperçu général des rues de Paris“)
Verne, Jules: Voyage au centre de la terre. J. Hetzel [1864] 1868 (Chap I-VI & XXVIII)
Verne, Jules: Vingt Mille Lieues sous les mers. J. Hetzel [1869/70] 1871 (Chap. X, XI & XVI)

Littérature secondaire:
Andrevon, Jean-Pierre (Hg.): 100 ans et plus de cinéma fantastique et de science-fiction. Pertuis: Rouge profond, 2013.
Angenot, Marc: Les dehors de la littérature: du roman populaire à la science-fiction, Paris: Champion 2013.
Bozzetto, Roger: La Science-fiction. Paris : Armand Colin, 2007.
Butcher: „Préface“. In: Verne, Jules: Voyage au centre de la terre. J. Hetzel 2014, p. 7-30.
Hermann, Isabella: Science-Fiction zur Einführung, Hamburg: Junius 2023.
Hottois, Gilbert: La science-fiction. Une introduction historique et philosophique, Paris: Librairie philosophique J. Vrin 2022.
Scott, Paul/Ziethen, Antje (Hg.): La science-fiction en langue française, Tübingen: Narr Verlag 2019.
Slusser, George: “Science Fiction in France: An Introduction”. In: Science Fiction Studies, Vol. 16, No. 3, Nov., 1989, p. 251-253.

Weiterführende Literatur und Informationen zum Ablauf und Studien- und Prüfungsleistungen werden in der ersten Sitzung bekannt gegeben und via StudIP allen Kursteilnehmenden zugänglich gemacht.

Prof. Dr. Karen Struve
10-M80-3-SpecMo-03Sustainability and Gender Equality in Arab-American Fiction (in englischer Sprache)


wöchentlich Mo 12:15 - 13:45 SFG 2040 (2 SWS)

This specialized course responds to the United Nations' emphasis on sustainable development, revealing that sustainability encompasses various dimensions beyond the environment, notably gender equality. It recognizes the need for equitable, inclusive societies and the elimination of gender disparities, aligning these goals with the literary realm of Arab-American fiction. We explore narratives authored by Arab-American women, who play a pivotal role in offering unique perspectives on the intersection of gender, culture, identity, and environmental issues. By focusing on these diverse voices, the course delves into rich portrayals of women's experiences and resilience, emphasizing the importance of diversity within the global dialogue on sustainability and gender equality.

Dr. Mohammed Abdullah Hussein Muharram
10-M80-3-SpecMo-08Water, Environment and Sustainability in US-American and Canadian Literature (in englischer Sprache)


wöchentlich Mi 16:15 - 17:45 SFG 1020 (2 SWS)

Mi 10.01.24 16:15 - 20:00 SFG 1020

This class will be conducted within the theme teaching year on SUSTAINABILITY and within the research area Blue Humanities. Blue Humanities studies oceans, rivers, and coastal areas in terms of (colonial) histories, migration and travel, sustainability and ecological issues, circulation of people and ideas, marine and Indigenous knowledges, literature and cultures, new geographies, extractivism, energy and economic issues, among others.

Please note that the course will be conducted in connection with a lecture series in the Blue Humanities, which takes place Wednesdays 18.15-19.45 at the Cartesium on campus. You are cordially invited to come and listen to all lectures; however 4 lectures are mandatory for you to attend, which ones will be specified at the start of the course, the first one on 25 Oct.

As well, on 26 October we will do a short study excursion to the MARKK Museum in Hamburg and their exhibition “Wasserbotschaften” with a guided tour:
We will leave on a train around 11.30 and have the guided tour in the afternoon. After that you can explore the museum on your own. You will use your semester ticket to use regional trains to go to Hamburg and back for free. This study excursion is not mandatory. And yet all students are invited to join us; there is limited capacity for the tour. Those who wish to go to Hamburg, pls register on the Etherpad here on StudIP with your full name and email address by 3 October.

After discussing sustainability and the sustainable development goals of the UN in the class, we will read and discuss short stories from the collection The Imperiled Ocean: Human Stories from a Changing Sea by Laura Trethewey and the novel People of the Whale by Linda Hogan. The novel is ready for purchase at the University bookstore at the beginning of the semester: People of the Whale (17,50 €). The short story and other texts will be uploaded on StudIP.
Pls note that regular attendance and class participation and preparation are mandatory. You must register on StudIP for this class.

Prof. Dr. Kerstin Knopf