
Lehrveranstaltungen WiSe 2019/2020

General Studies - FB 08 Sozialwissenschaften

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I. General Studies - Fachergänzende Studien des FB 8 (Sozialwissenschaften)

Die fachergänzenden Studien (General Studies) sind Bestandteil des wissenschaftlichen Studiums, die ca. 25 % des Bachelorstudiums umfassen. Dieser Bereich bietet Ihnen die Möglichkeit, über das Fachstudium hinaus, Veranstaltungen zu besuchen, die Ihren Interessen entsprechen. Zudem können Sie ein berufliches Profil bilden, indem Sie Fach- und Methodenkenntnisse anderer Fachrichtungen erwerben. Ihre persönliche Expertise kann Ihnen den Zugang zu einem Masterstudium oder den Berufseinstieg erleichtern. Außerdem können Sie die fachergänzenden Studien nutzen, um Ihre Fremdspachenkenntnisse auszubauen und zu vertiefen.

Die fachergänzenden Studien der zentralen Einrichtungen der Universität Bremen (Studierwerkstatt, International Office, Fremdsprachenzentrum, BRIDGE Existensgründungsinitiative der Hochschulen, eGeneral Studies, Career Center) sind im Veranstaltungsverzeichnis an oberster Stelle aufgeführt.

Einen Überblick der fachergänzenden Studien des FB 08 (Sozialwissenschaften) erhalten Sie auf dieser Seite. Zum Teil ergänzt durch Studienangebote der zentralen Einrichtungen.

Die Bachelorstudiengänge des FB 08 (Sozialwissenschaften) legen in ihren Prüfungsordnungen fest, in welchem Umfang fachergänzende Studien (General Studies) im Wahl- und Wahlpflichtbereich anerkannt werden. Bitte lesen Sie Ihre Prüfungsordnung genau. Und beachten Sie den Studienplan Ihres Studiengangs.

Doch wie entscheiden Sie, welche fachergänzenden Studien für Sie richtig und sinnvoll sind? Woran orientieren Sie sich dabei?

Bevor Sie darüber nachdenken, sollten Sie sich folgende Fragen beantworten: Welche Ziele will ich im Studium und darüber hinaus erreichen? Wie kann ich die Anforderungen im Fachstudium erfolgreich bewaeltigen? Was will ich nach dem Studium beruflich machen? Wo möchte ich mich beruflich engagieren? Wie kann ich erkennen, was meine Stärken sind? Wie finde ich heraus, ob ich für meinen Traumberuf ausreichend qualifiziert bin? Was muss ich wissen, um ein anspruchsvolles Praktikum zu finden? Wie kann ich herausfinden, was in einem Praktikum von mir erwartet wird?

Wenn Sie sich ernsthaft mit diesen Fragen beschäftigen, werden Sie merken, dass Sie einen Lernprozess beginnen, den Sie selbst aktiv steuern. Sie übernehmen die Verantwortung für Ihre berufliche Zukunft. Sie sortieren das Studienangebot der Universität Bremen bzw. des FB 08 nach ihren eigenen Kriterien – zumindest für den Bereich fachergänzende Studien (General Studies).

Das Zentrum Studium und Praxis des FB 08 unterstützt Sie gerne bei der Beantwortung Ihrer Fragen. Nehmen Sie dafür bitte die Sprechzeiten wahr.

Darüber hinaus können Sie in der Stud.IP Dauerveranstaltung "PraxisForum FB 8" aktuelle Praktikumsangebote, Ausschreibungen für Hilfskraftstellen und Stellenangebote für Absolvent(en)innen herunterladen. Die Absolventenstellen sollen aufzeigen, wo Sozialwissenschaftler/innen gesucht werden. Sie dienen als Orientierung für die Klärung Ihrer beruflichen Vorstellungen.

Sie sind herzlich eingeladen, sich in die Dauerveranstaltung als Autoren einzutragen.

Birgit Ennen

Zentrum Studium und Praxis
GW 2, Raum B 2320
Tel.: 0421/218-67309

Sprechzeiten: Dienstag bis Donnerstag 11:00-13:00 Uhr. Weitere Termine gerne nach Vereinbarung.

Weitere Informationen zur Serviceeinrichtung Zentrum Studium und Praxis erhalten Sie hier:

I. 1. Studium und Beruf

Praxisbezogenen und beschäftigungsrelevante Kompetenzen

VAKTitel der VeranstaltungDozentIn
08-29-GS-42Sociology meets Psychology (3): Acting socially sustainably in organisations – Principles, approaches and methods for organisational solutions (in englischer Sprache)
[Soziologie trifft Psychologie (3): Sozial nachhaltigen Handelns in Organisationen – Prinzipien, Ansätze und Methoden für organisationale Lösungen]

ECTS: 3/6

zweiwöchentlich (Startwoche: 2) Di 16:00 - 19:00 SFG 2070 (2 SWS)

Sustainability research targets issues on the macro-, meso- or micro level (societies, organisations, groups and individuals). While a political or sociological viewpoint focuses on the macro- or meso-level, social sustainability in this course issues the meso- and micro-level of organisations and the people within. Part 1 (in winter terms, alternately with part 3) of this General Studies reflects rising problems in the postmodern organisation, considering the strategic, interactive and individual dimensions (topics: basics on sustainability studies, psychology of work, occupational health management, workaholism, burnout, mobbing, work-life-balance and downshifting). Part 2 (in summer terms) aims for a deeper understanding on topics of further in-depth consideration identified as important for a socially sustainable organisation, chosen by students according to own interests. Part 4 targets the issue of intercultural communication in alternating summer terms. All summer term classes are accompanied by a field exploration besides theoretical knowledge in the classroom enlightenment. All parts described can be studied separately; since students like continuity, a series is offered.

Part 3 spotlights on principles, approaches and methods which enable the postmodern organisation and their actors to support socially sustainable practices at the workplace. The first two sessions are dedicated to the organisation of the seminar and some basic knowledge. The further topics will be prepared in small groups of students. They take care to prepare inputs and interactional parts, shaped as a workshop, which allows for “living learning” (TCI didactic) about the chosen topic for all participants. Suggested topics are: Sustainable leadership, participation and quality of work, communication skills, acknowledgement and work, new practices of time-management, e.g.

The seminar uses English as Lingua Franca – coping with the effects of this setting is part of the reflection within the course, referring to differences between communication, comprehension and understanding within a working environment. Students are supported to express themselves, didactically and by the lecturer. The interactive learning setting combines theoretical and practical elements and allows for reflection on own experiences of participants.
The summer term 2018 and the winter term 2018/19 will offer students part 2 and 1 of the seminar with topics as mentioned above. Please note: all parts can be attended singularly.

Recommended for students in their 3rd semester. Open to first semester students, students from other faculties (BA, MA), and Erasmus students. As a training seminar, this course is limited to 20 participants.

2 SWS: Fortnightly, starting in the 2nd week of the term, 3 hours (s.t.!), Tuesdays, 6-9pm. Please register reliable via Stud.IP for your participation.

French W.L. & Bell C. H. (2005). Organizational Development and Transformation – Managing Effective Change. McGraw-Hill.
Kuebel, M. A. (2002). Living Learning: A Reader in Theme Centered Interaction. Dehli: Media House.
Meyerhuber, S. (2013). Trust and Time in Reorganisations and the Role of Middle Management. In G. Becke, Mindful Change in Times of Permanent Reorganisation. Berlin: Springer.

Performance requirement / ECTS (CP)
Preparation of an interactive lecture and its documentary on the topic chosen, in a small group of students. (6 ECTS / 3 ECTS)

Dr. Sylke Meyerhuber

I. 2. Schlüsselkompentenzen

Personale und soziale Kompetenzen

VAKTitel der VeranstaltungDozentIn
08-29-GS-42Sociology meets Psychology (3): Acting socially sustainably in organisations – Principles, approaches and methods for organisational solutions (in englischer Sprache)
[Soziologie trifft Psychologie (3): Sozial nachhaltigen Handelns in Organisationen – Prinzipien, Ansätze und Methoden für organisationale Lösungen]

ECTS: 3/6

zweiwöchentlich (Startwoche: 2) Di 16:00 - 19:00 SFG 2070 (2 SWS)

Sustainability research targets issues on the macro-, meso- or micro level (societies, organisations, groups and individuals). While a political or sociological viewpoint focuses on the macro- or meso-level, social sustainability in this course issues the meso- and micro-level of organisations and the people within. Part 1 (in winter terms, alternately with part 3) of this General Studies reflects rising problems in the postmodern organisation, considering the strategic, interactive and individual dimensions (topics: basics on sustainability studies, psychology of work, occupational health management, workaholism, burnout, mobbing, work-life-balance and downshifting). Part 2 (in summer terms) aims for a deeper understanding on topics of further in-depth consideration identified as important for a socially sustainable organisation, chosen by students according to own interests. Part 4 targets the issue of intercultural communication in alternating summer terms. All summer term classes are accompanied by a field exploration besides theoretical knowledge in the classroom enlightenment. All parts described can be studied separately; since students like continuity, a series is offered.

Part 3 spotlights on principles, approaches and methods which enable the postmodern organisation and their actors to support socially sustainable practices at the workplace. The first two sessions are dedicated to the organisation of the seminar and some basic knowledge. The further topics will be prepared in small groups of students. They take care to prepare inputs and interactional parts, shaped as a workshop, which allows for “living learning” (TCI didactic) about the chosen topic for all participants. Suggested topics are: Sustainable leadership, participation and quality of work, communication skills, acknowledgement and work, new practices of time-management, e.g.

The seminar uses English as Lingua Franca – coping with the effects of this setting is part of the reflection within the course, referring to differences between communication, comprehension and understanding within a working environment. Students are supported to express themselves, didactically and by the lecturer. The interactive learning setting combines theoretical and practical elements and allows for reflection on own experiences of participants.
The summer term 2018 and the winter term 2018/19 will offer students part 2 and 1 of the seminar with topics as mentioned above. Please note: all parts can be attended singularly.

Recommended for students in their 3rd semester. Open to first semester students, students from other faculties (BA, MA), and Erasmus students. As a training seminar, this course is limited to 20 participants.

2 SWS: Fortnightly, starting in the 2nd week of the term, 3 hours (s.t.!), Tuesdays, 6-9pm. Please register reliable via Stud.IP for your participation.

French W.L. & Bell C. H. (2005). Organizational Development and Transformation – Managing Effective Change. McGraw-Hill.
Kuebel, M. A. (2002). Living Learning: A Reader in Theme Centered Interaction. Dehli: Media House.
Meyerhuber, S. (2013). Trust and Time in Reorganisations and the Role of Middle Management. In G. Becke, Mindful Change in Times of Permanent Reorganisation. Berlin: Springer.

Performance requirement / ECTS (CP)
Preparation of an interactive lecture and its documentary on the topic chosen, in a small group of students. (6 ECTS / 3 ECTS)

Dr. Sylke Meyerhuber

I. 3. Fremdsprachen


VAKTitel der VeranstaltungDozentIn
FZHB 0604English for Academic Purposes I - UNIcert II course (Part 1 of 3) (B2.1) (in englischer Sprache)
Eingangsniveau: B1.2


wöchentlich Do 10:30 - 12:00 GW2 A4290 (FZHB ) (2 SWS)

Fatemeh Shiva Darkifard
FZHB 0605English for Academic Purposes I - UNIcert II course (Part 1 of 3) (B2.1) - fällt aus! (in englischer Sprache)
Eingangsniveau: B1.2


N. N.
FZHB 0606English for Academic Purposes II - UNIcert II course (Part 2 of 3) (B2.2) (in englischer Sprache)
Eingangsniveau: B2.1


wöchentlich Mi 14:00 - 15:45 GW2 A4290 (FZHB ) (2 SWS)

Fatemeh Shiva Darkifard
FZHB 0607English for Academic Purposes II - UNIcert II course (Part 2 of 3) (B2.2) (in englischer Sprache)
Eingangsniveau: B2.1


wöchentlich Mo 10:15 - 11:45 GW2 A4270 (CIP-Raum FZHB) (2 SWS)

N. N.
FZHB 0608English for Academic Purposes III - UNIcert II course (Part 3 of 3) (B2.3) (in englischer Sprache)
Eingangsniveau: B2.2


wöchentlich Mo 10:15 - 11:45 GW2 A3060 (2 SWS)

Mahaesvary Kayser
Paola Kucera
FZHB 0609English for Academic Purposes III - UNIcert II course (Part 3 of 3) (B2.3) (in englischer Sprache)
Eingangsniveau: B2.2


wöchentlich Mi 10:15 - 11:45 GW2 A4290 (FZHB ) (2 SWS)

Mi 05.02.20 10:15 - 12:00 GW2 A4290 (FZHB )
Mi 12.02.20 10:15 - 12:00 GW2 A4290 (FZHB )

Paola Kucera

I. 4. Studium Generale

Offene Lehrveranstaltungen aus den Fächern des FB 8

VAKTitel der VeranstaltungDozentIn
08-29-GS-22Older Workers in Europe: A Group of Growing Importance (in englischer Sprache)
[Ältere Arbeitnehmer*innen in Europa: Ein Gruppe von zunehmender Bedeutung]


wöchentlich Mo 16:00 - 18:00 UNICOM 7.4680 (SOCIUM - Mary-Somerville-Str. 7) (2 SWS)

Increasing life-expectancies and decreasing fertility rates are resulting in the demographic ageing and a growing number of older people in relative and absolute numbers. This demographic shift is affecting various societal spheres including the labor market. Older workers’ employment rates are increasing rapidly and ageing workforces increasingly become of interested for politicians, trade-unions, employers, human-resource managers and social policy makers alike.
In this seminar different perspectives in regard to these developments are discussed: amongst others trends of older workers’ employment rates, old-age discrimination in the labor market, age(ing)-friendly human resource measures, age appropriate work environments as well as pension and labor market policies aimed at older workers. This will be done in a European perspective with a focus on Germany and outlooks to Asia and North America.
Participants should be generally interested in the sociology of ageing and labor market and the topic of demographic ageing. The aim of the seminar is that participants understand the drivers and determinants behind the trend of increasing older workers’ employment rates and how this affects the institutional and workplace level. The seminar is relevant on the one hand for participants who aim to work in social policy politics and research as well for participants who plan to work in companies and organization with an increasing older and, hence diverse workforce. The seminar will be taught in English, however assignments (Prüfungsleistungen), can be also acquitted in German

Literature for Preparation:
Ebbinghaus, B., & Hofäcker, D. (2013). Reversing early retirement in advanced welfare economies a paradigm shift to overcome push and pull factors. Comparative Population Studies, 38(4).

Moritz Heß
08-29-GS-23Gender Inequality and Stratification (in englischer Sprache)
[Geschlechterungleichheit und soziale Ungleichheit]


wöchentlich Di 08:00 - 10:00 (2 SWS)

This seminar will address the relationship between social class and gender-based forms of stratification in modern societies and in historical perspective. Overall, the question of interest is why the inequalities at the intersection of class and gender in paid and unpaid work persist across industrialized societies despite some impressive policy achievements over the past half century. The primary literature source will be the book “Gender-Class Equality in Political Economies”. In this book, Lynn Prince Cooke places gender inequality in a context that is historically shaped by the intersections of multiple inequalities and the particularities of six countries: Germany (East and West), Spain, Australia, the UK and the US. Gender-class inequalities persist in paid work hours, wages, and the division of housework. The study shows how values, choices, and behaviors of individual men and women in various national contexts are enabled and constrained by state policies that effectively structure relative group advantage and disadvantage from birth through old age.

Prof. Sonja Drobnic
08-29-GS-28The power of culture in the economy: Theories and applications of the “moral economy“ (in englischer Sprache)
[Die Macht der Kultur in der Ökonomie: Theorien und Anwendungen des „Moralökonomie“-Konzepts]


wöchentlich Do 12:00 - 14:00 (2 SWS)

This course offers an introduction to the concept of moral economy, exploring the relation between economic frameworks and norms, structures of feelings, and cultural perceptions. It first reviews foundational texts from political philosophy and social theory, tracing the moral economy in relation to legitimacy and the political economy, and exploring the tension between redistribution and recognition. Second, it considers contemporary applications, including moral economy and the welfare state, social boundaries and class, the sociology of valuation, relational inequality, and the study of racism. The course maps out ways of thinking about the problem of how, in our contemporary world, economic processes are perceived and evaluated. It has a global scope, featuring examples from the US, Europe, and beyond.

The key competency gained in this course is to connect theoretical concepts and empirical applications. Students can use these tools in a variety of ways, such as analyzing media debates, or studying social problems in work environments. The course covers novel practical applications that can be applied in a range of areas (such as relational methods in economic sociology) and that can also be used to set up a research or media project in this field.

Obligatory requirements: course readings, participating in discussions on the digital course platform (discussion prompts for each session will be provided)

3CP: Input presentation (oral presentation, 10 minutes) and theses paper (2-3 pages) or protocol of the session (2-3 pages)
6CP: Input presentation (oral presentation, 10 minutes), term paper 8 pages.
The course language is English; final projects may be written up in German.

N. N.

II. Internationalisierung

VAKTitel der VeranstaltungDozentIn
08-zsp-GS-1025Russian Media - in Russia and abroad: Goals, Narratives, and Actors (in englischer Sprache)
Russische Medien und Internationale Medieninteraktion - Ziele, Erzählungen und Handelnde
International Module Social Sciences (Internationales Modul Sozialwissenschaften)


Di 19.11.19 18:00 - 20:00 GW2 B1216
Mi 20.11.19 18:00 - 20:00 GW2 B3770
Do 21.11.19 18:00 - 20:30 GW2 B3850

As part of the International Module Social Sciences, this spotlight lecture is held by visiting Professor Dr, Grigol Julukhidze from Ilia State University in Tblissi, Georgia. There will be 3 sessions and a short quiz in the end in order to secure the CP/ECTS-point.
In dieser Veranstaltung kann eine englischsprachige Prüfungsleistung erbracht werden.

Michael Thiele