
Lehrveranstaltungen SoSe 2023

Fachergänzende Studien

Veranstaltungen anzeigen: alle | in englischer Sprache | für ältere Erwachsene | mit Nachhaltigkeitszielen

Studium Generale / interdisziplinäre Angebote aus den Fachbereichen / Sachkompetenzen

„Wer von allem nur ein bißchen weiß,
Ist ein Dilettant;
wer von einem bißchen alles weiß,
ist ein Fachidiot.
Ein Generalist aber ist,
wer viel von einem bißchen
einiges vom Ganzen weiß,
worin das bißschen seinen Platz hat.“
Günter Ropohl

Was befindet sich hinter den Grenzen des eigenen Faches? Im Studium Generale können Studierende ihre Kenntnisse jenseits der eigenen Disziplin erweitern und allgemeine Sachkompetenzen aufbauen. Das Studium Generale versammelt ausgewählte Veranstaltungen anderer Fächer sowie Veranstaltungen aus den Schwerpunktthemen Wissenschaftstheorie und Ethik, Gender- und Diversity-Studies, Nachhaltigkeit, Performance Studies, Theater, Musik, Culture4all und journalistisches Schreiben.

Gender- und Diversity-Studies

VAKTitel der VeranstaltungDozentIn
09-70-B.2-2Community Formation in Digital Games (in englischer Sprache)


wöchentlich Do 16:00 - 18:00 SpT C4180

Communities that form around digital games and gaming have become increasingly significant. We may have heard of the ‘toxic’ communities of competitive games like League of Legends, the very young community of Roblox or Minecraft, the friendly history nerds of the Total War series, and so on. Perhaps most impactfully, GamerGate showed us that gaming communities can have very serious and far-reaching consequences. On the other hand, game communities formed around games like Animal Crossing: New Horizons and Among Us at the beginning of the pandemic demonstrated that they can also be a lifeline in difficult and uncertain times. In this seminar, we will focus on how these communities are formed and maintained. We will examine three crucial aspects of community formation: the affordances of particular games, the strategies developers use to create and engage with communities (or not), and the players themselves.

Dr. Dominic Ford

Offene Angebote aus den Fachbereichen

Physik / Elektrotechnik

VAKTitel der VeranstaltungDozentIn
01-29-03-EngE-VEngineering Ethics (in englischer Sprache)


Fr 05.04.24 12:00 - 18:00
Fr 12.04.24 12:00 - 18:00
Fr 26.04.24 12:00 - 18:00
Fr 24.05.24 12:00 - 18:00
Fr 07.06.24 12:00 - 18:00
Fr 14.06.24 12:00 - 18:00
Fr 21.06.24 12:00 - 18:00
Fr 28.06.24 12:00 - 18:00

This course gives an introduction into basic features and concepts of ethics with respect to scientific research, political institutions and business. It is laid out when and how responsibility arises. Basic moral values will be introduced, and together with common moral theories, these will be applied to several typical case studies in engineering. Various Codes of Ethics will be analyzed and discussed. We will also discuss values in the design process, environmental ethics, and space ethics.
There is a reading assignment to every session, which is a text from a pool consisting of introductory teaching material, Codes of Ethics from various organizations and papers about Engineering Ethics.

M. Sc Inga Meyenborg (LB)
01-29-03-RingSp-VFascination Space (in englischer Sprache)
Seminar Series - Fascination Space
Ringvorlesung: On the Scientific and Practical Use of Astronautics


wöchentlich Do 14:00 - 16:00 NW1 N3310 (2 SWS)

Die Ringvorlesung "Fascination Space - On the scientific and practical use of astronautics" informiert über spannende wissenschaftliche Fragestellungen im Bereich der Raumfahrt, für das tägliche Leben wichtige und unverzichtbare praktische Anwendungen der Raumfahrt, an die Grenzen gehende technologische Herausforderungen sowie über vergangene, geplante und laufende Raumfahrtmissionen. Lehrende der Universität Bremen und kooperierender Institute sowie Vertreter regionaler Industrieunternehmen bringen den Studierenden und allen interessierten MitarbeiterInnen der Universität Bremen Raumfahrt in Forschung und Anwendung in allgemeinverständlicher Form in Vorlesungen und ausführlichen Diskussionen nahe.
This seminar series intends to convey exciting aerospace research questions on a more general level and to allow discussions between experts and audience. Professionals from academia and industry will look into applications from space research, some of which have become vital parts of our everyday life. The technological challenges of astronautics and past, present and future space missions will also be tackled.

Prof. Dr. Annette Ladstätter-Weißenmayer
Prof. Dr. Claus Lämmerzahl

Mathematik / Informatik

VAKTitel der VeranstaltungDozentIn
03-M-GS-5Statistical Consulting (in englischer Sprache)


wöchentlich Fr 10:00 - 12:00 Seminar
Dr. Martin Scharpenberg
03-M-GS-7Introduction to R (in englischer Sprache)


wöchentlich Di 13:00 - 15:00 Seminar
wöchentlich Mi 16:00 - 17:00 Seminar
Prof. Dr. Werner Brannath
Eike Voß
03-M-SP-12High-Performance Visualization (in englischer Sprache)

ECTS: 4,5 / 6

wöchentlich Do 14:00 - 16:00 MZH 5500 Lecture and Exercise

Die Vorlesung beschäftigt sich mit den mathematischen Grundlagen der wissenschaftlichen Visualisierung und behandelt Methoden für das parallele Post-Processing großer wissenschaftlicher Datensätze. Anwendungsbeispiele werden anhand der Open-Source-Software ParaView erläutert.
Homepage zur Veranstaltung:

Prof. Dr. Andreas Gerndt
03-M-SP-21Linear Regression Analysis with R (in englischer Sprache)

ECTS: 4,5

wöchentlich Mo 12:00 - 14:00 MZH 7200 Lecture
wöchentlich Mo 14:00 - 16:00 MZH 7200 Lecture / Exercise

Di 25.07.23 10:00 - 12:00
Maryam Movahedifar


VAKTitel der VeranstaltungDozentIn
07-B35-6-17-23Entwicklungsökonomik, Entwicklungspolitik und neue Technologien (T2) (in englischer Sprache)
Development Economics, Development Policy and New Technologies (T2)


wöchentlich Di 10:00 - 12:00 WiWi2 F3290
Prof. Dr. Michael Rochlitz
07-B37-4-33-01PRAXIS Summer Camp: Praxis hautnah erleben - Kleinprojekte mit Unternehmen (in englischer Sprache)
Experience first hand practice - small projects with companies
Intensive Projektphase vom 7. - 25. August 2023 (Blockveranstaltung) mit Unternehmen/Institutionen in interdisziplinär zusammengestellten Teams und vorbereitenden Terminen (April - Juli)


Fr 14.04.23 14:00 - 16:00 WiWi1 A1070
Fr 21.04.23 14:00 - 16:00 WiWi1 A1070
Fr 12.05.23 14:00 - 18:00 WiWi1 A1070
Fr 02.06.23 14:00 - 18:00 DIGITAL
Fr 30.06.23 08:00 - 12:00 WiWi1 A1100
Fr 30.06.23 14:00 - 18:00 DIGITAL
Mo 07.08.23 09:00 - 12:00 WiWi1 A1070
Fr 25.08.23 09:00 - 16:00 EXTERN

Dipl.-Oec. Maren Hartstock
07-BS37-4-20-23Public Finance and Fiscal Sustainability in Multilevel Systems (in englischer Sprache)


Fr 02.06.23 08:00 - 12:00 WiWi1 A3290
Fr 09.06.23 08:00 - 12:00 WiWi1 A3290
Fr 16.06.23 08:00 - 12:00 WiWi1 A3290
Fr 23.06.23 08:00 - 12:00 WiWi1 A3290
Fr 30.06.23 08:00 - 12:00 WiWi1 A3290
Fr 07.07.23 08:00 - 12:00 WiWi1 A3290
Fr 14.07.23 08:00 - 12:00 WiWi1 A3290
Maryna Stepura
Hanna Kotina
Chris Hendriks
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Andre W Heinemann


VAKTitel der VeranstaltungDozentIn
08-zsp-GS-1027Borders and Border Regions (in englischer Sprache)
Grenzen und Grenzregionen - Internationales Modul Sozialwissenschaften
Internationales Modul Sozialwissenschaften

ECTS: 3-6

wöchentlich Do 16:00 - 18:00 GW2 B1580 (2 SWS)

Mi 03.05.23 16:00 - 18:00 GW2 B3850 - extra credit guest lecture (Nations in conflict)
Mi 10.05.23 16:00 - 18:00 GW2 B1410 - extra credit guest lecture (Nations in conflict)
Michael Thiele
N. N.


VAKTitel der VeranstaltungDozentIn
09-70-B.2-2Community Formation in Digital Games (in englischer Sprache)


wöchentlich Do 16:00 - 18:00 SpT C4180

Communities that form around digital games and gaming have become increasingly significant. We may have heard of the ‘toxic’ communities of competitive games like League of Legends, the very young community of Roblox or Minecraft, the friendly history nerds of the Total War series, and so on. Perhaps most impactfully, GamerGate showed us that gaming communities can have very serious and far-reaching consequences. On the other hand, game communities formed around games like Animal Crossing: New Horizons and Among Us at the beginning of the pandemic demonstrated that they can also be a lifeline in difficult and uncertain times. In this seminar, we will focus on how these communities are formed and maintained. We will examine three crucial aspects of community formation: the affordances of particular games, the strategies developers use to create and engage with communities (or not), and the players themselves.

Dr. Dominic Ford


VAKTitel der VeranstaltungDozentIn
eGS-VA-SM-10Sustainability Marketing (in englischer Sprache)


Whether it is coping with ‘Peak Oil’, meeting the challenge of climate change, helping farmers in poorer countries through fair trade, or finding ways to keep discarded products out of the landfills, sustainability issues are the biggest challenges facing businesses. The course shows how the complexities of sustainability issues can be integrated into marketing. The systematic, step-by-step approach of sustainability marketing involves: an analysis of socio-ecological priorities to complement conventional consumer and market research; an integration of ethical values into marketing strategy; the development of sustainability marketing strategies; a new consumer-oriented sustainability marketing mix of the ‘4 Cs’ (Customer Solutions, Communications, Customer Cost, Convenience) to replace the outmoded and producer-oriented ‘4 Ps’; and finally an analysis how innovation and marketing can go beyond responding to social change to contribute to a transformation to a more sustainable society. The course is ideally suited to both students and practitioners at many different levels and disciplines, including marketing, innovation, CSR, sustainability and environmental management.

In dieser videobasierten Selbstlernveranstaltung können Sie jederzeit einsteigen, in Ihrem eigenen Lerntempo die Videos durcharbeiten und den Prüfungstermin zum Abschluss der Lehrverantaltung frei wählen.

Weitere Infos finden Sie hier bei Stud.ip oder auf unserer Website

Bei Fragen wenden Sie sich gern an:

Dipl. Oec. Katharina Lingenau
Dr. Oliver Ahel
Dr. Christiane Bottke

Fachübergreifende Ringvorlesungen

VAKTitel der VeranstaltungDozentIn
eGS-VA-SM-10Sustainability Marketing (in englischer Sprache)


Whether it is coping with ‘Peak Oil’, meeting the challenge of climate change, helping farmers in poorer countries through fair trade, or finding ways to keep discarded products out of the landfills, sustainability issues are the biggest challenges facing businesses. The course shows how the complexities of sustainability issues can be integrated into marketing. The systematic, step-by-step approach of sustainability marketing involves: an analysis of socio-ecological priorities to complement conventional consumer and market research; an integration of ethical values into marketing strategy; the development of sustainability marketing strategies; a new consumer-oriented sustainability marketing mix of the ‘4 Cs’ (Customer Solutions, Communications, Customer Cost, Convenience) to replace the outmoded and producer-oriented ‘4 Ps’; and finally an analysis how innovation and marketing can go beyond responding to social change to contribute to a transformation to a more sustainable society. The course is ideally suited to both students and practitioners at many different levels and disciplines, including marketing, innovation, CSR, sustainability and environmental management.

In dieser videobasierten Selbstlernveranstaltung können Sie jederzeit einsteigen, in Ihrem eigenen Lerntempo die Videos durcharbeiten und den Prüfungstermin zum Abschluss der Lehrverantaltung frei wählen.

Weitere Infos finden Sie hier bei Stud.ip oder auf unserer Website

Bei Fragen wenden Sie sich gern an:

Dipl. Oec. Katharina Lingenau
Dr. Oliver Ahel
Dr. Christiane Bottke


Neben dem Erwerb von Fachkompetenzen spielen disziplin- und professionsübergreifende Schlüsselkompetenzen eine immer wichtigere Rolle für das Studium und die berufliche bzw. wissenschaftliche Qualifizierung. Hierunter zu verstehen sind übergreifende Fähigkeiten im Umgang mit sich selbst (personale Kompetenzen), mit anderen Menschen in sozialen Situationen (soziale Kompetenzen) sowie zu Methoden des Studierens, Lernens und Lehrens (Studien-, Lehr- und Lernkompetenzen), die eine erfolgreiche persönliche und berufliche Entwicklung im und nach dem Studium begünstigen.

Personale Kompetenzen


VAKTitel der VeranstaltungDozentIn
Stwk S23 1.13Time Management (in englischer Sprache)
Workshop in English


Do 13.04.23 10:00 - 14:00 online
Do 20.04.23 10:00 - 14:00 online

This seminar starts as an online workshop on the announced date. You will receive additional details on the event in advance by email via StudIP.
After signing up for the seminar on Stud.IP, please confirm your attendance by sending an email to (please mention your name, matriculation number and the name/number of this seminar in your mail).

In this two part online workshop, students will learn basic strategies and techniques for time- and self-management. While the workshop is open to anyone who is interested, it will be particularly useful for students currently working on larger projects (like a bachelor- or masterthesis). In the first section of our workshop, I will explain the importance of goal setting and I will introduce you to different planning tools (milestones, personal Kanban) and working techniques (timeblocking/timeboxing, Pomodoro technique). Afterwards, students will have the opportunity to first assess their present time management strategies and then they will create their own to do lists and schedules during the workshop. There will be plenty of room for students’ questions throughout the whole workshop.
Until the second part of the workshop, students will have the chance to experiment with the techniques they learned during the first session and find out what works best for them. In our second meeting, we will talk about our experiences with time management in the previous week before I will present strategies for avoiding distractions and procrastination and for maintaining a productive working attitude.
After the workshop, those students who want to receive 1 CP/ECTS for participation must write an additional piece of work, either an outline for a term paper (3 pages) or a scholarly essay on a research topic of your choice (approx. 3 pages) and a self-reflection on the entire seminar (1-2 pages).
Additionally, after the end of the seminar, all participants have the opportunity to make an individual consultation appointment with me either by telephone, e-mail or as a zoom meeting to clarify open questions about a current writing project and/or their struggles with time management.

Dr. Alena Cicholewski
Stwk S23 1.14Time Management (in englischer Sprache)
Workshop in English


Di 04.07.23 10:00 - 14:00 online
Di 11.07.23 10:00 - 14:00 online

In this two part online workshop, students will learn basic strategies and techniques for time- and self-management. While the workshop is open to anyone who is interested, it will be particularly useful for students currently working on larger projects (like a bachelor- or masterthesis). In the first section of our workshop, I will explain the importance of goal setting and I will introduce you to different planning tools (milestones, personal Kanban) and working techniques (timeblocking/timeboxing, Pomodoro technique). Afterwards, students will have the opportunity to first assess their present time management strategies and then they will create their own to do lists and schedules during the workshop. There will be plenty of room for students’ questions throughout the whole workshop.
Until the second part of the workshop, students will have the chance to experiment with the techniques they learned during the first session and find out what works best for them. In our second meeting, we will talk about our experiences with time management in the previous week before I will present strategies for avoiding distractions and procrastination and for maintaining a productive working attitude.
After the workshop, those students who want to receive 1 CP/ECTS for participation must write an additional piece of work, either an outline for a term paper (3 pages) or a scholarly essay on a research topic of your choice (approx. 3 pages) and a self-reflection on the entire seminar (1-2 pages).
Additionally, after the end of the seminar, all participants have the opportunity to make an individual consultation appointment with me either by telephone, e-mail or as a zoom meeting to clarify open questions about a current writing project and/or their struggles with time management.

Dr. Alena Cicholewski


VAKTitel der VeranstaltungDozentIn
Stwk S23 1.13Time Management (in englischer Sprache)
Workshop in English


Do 13.04.23 10:00 - 14:00 online
Do 20.04.23 10:00 - 14:00 online

This seminar starts as an online workshop on the announced date. You will receive additional details on the event in advance by email via StudIP.
After signing up for the seminar on Stud.IP, please confirm your attendance by sending an email to (please mention your name, matriculation number and the name/number of this seminar in your mail).

In this two part online workshop, students will learn basic strategies and techniques for time- and self-management. While the workshop is open to anyone who is interested, it will be particularly useful for students currently working on larger projects (like a bachelor- or masterthesis). In the first section of our workshop, I will explain the importance of goal setting and I will introduce you to different planning tools (milestones, personal Kanban) and working techniques (timeblocking/timeboxing, Pomodoro technique). Afterwards, students will have the opportunity to first assess their present time management strategies and then they will create their own to do lists and schedules during the workshop. There will be plenty of room for students’ questions throughout the whole workshop.
Until the second part of the workshop, students will have the chance to experiment with the techniques they learned during the first session and find out what works best for them. In our second meeting, we will talk about our experiences with time management in the previous week before I will present strategies for avoiding distractions and procrastination and for maintaining a productive working attitude.
After the workshop, those students who want to receive 1 CP/ECTS for participation must write an additional piece of work, either an outline for a term paper (3 pages) or a scholarly essay on a research topic of your choice (approx. 3 pages) and a self-reflection on the entire seminar (1-2 pages).
Additionally, after the end of the seminar, all participants have the opportunity to make an individual consultation appointment with me either by telephone, e-mail or as a zoom meeting to clarify open questions about a current writing project and/or their struggles with time management.

Dr. Alena Cicholewski
Stwk S23 1.14Time Management (in englischer Sprache)
Workshop in English


Di 04.07.23 10:00 - 14:00 online
Di 11.07.23 10:00 - 14:00 online

In this two part online workshop, students will learn basic strategies and techniques for time- and self-management. While the workshop is open to anyone who is interested, it will be particularly useful for students currently working on larger projects (like a bachelor- or masterthesis). In the first section of our workshop, I will explain the importance of goal setting and I will introduce you to different planning tools (milestones, personal Kanban) and working techniques (timeblocking/timeboxing, Pomodoro technique). Afterwards, students will have the opportunity to first assess their present time management strategies and then they will create their own to do lists and schedules during the workshop. There will be plenty of room for students’ questions throughout the whole workshop.
Until the second part of the workshop, students will have the chance to experiment with the techniques they learned during the first session and find out what works best for them. In our second meeting, we will talk about our experiences with time management in the previous week before I will present strategies for avoiding distractions and procrastination and for maintaining a productive working attitude.
After the workshop, those students who want to receive 1 CP/ECTS for participation must write an additional piece of work, either an outline for a term paper (3 pages) or a scholarly essay on a research topic of your choice (approx. 3 pages) and a self-reflection on the entire seminar (1-2 pages).
Additionally, after the end of the seminar, all participants have the opportunity to make an individual consultation appointment with me either by telephone, e-mail or as a zoom meeting to clarify open questions about a current writing project and/or their struggles with time management.

Dr. Alena Cicholewski

Stimme, Rhetorik und Auftritt

VAKTitel der VeranstaltungDozentIn
Stwk S23 2.13Public Speaking and Presentation Skills (in englischer Sprache)
Rhetorik und Präsentationstechniken
Workshop in English


Di 18.04.23 16:00 - 18:00 online
Di 25.04.23 16:00 - 18:00 online
Di 02.05.23 16:00 - 18:00 online
Di 09.05.23 16:00 - 18:00 online
Di 16.05.23 16:00 - 18:00 online
Di 23.05.23 16:00 - 18:00 online
Di 30.05.23 16:00 - 18:00 online
Di 06.06.23 16:00 - 18:00 online

This online workshop is designed to support students with their communication and presentation skills. Students will get a concise overview of the basics of rhetoric; afterwards, they can immediately apply what they learned to their current projects. We will talk about the common structures for speeches and presentations and practice organizing your content efficiently. You will also learn more about how to handle stage fright and nervousness and you will practice managing discussions with the audience. During the workshop, participants are expected to do a short presentation on a research topic of their choice. This workshop is particularly useful for students who are preparing for their first presentation at the university and/or who are preparing for an oral exam. There will be plenty of room for individual questions throughout the whole workshop.

After the workshop, those students who want to receive 3 CP/ECTS for participation must hand in additional pieces of work: a written outline for a research presentation and a self-reflection on the entire seminar.

Dr. Alena Cicholewski

Soziale Kompetenzen


VAKTitel der VeranstaltungDozentIn
eGS-VA-SC-22Sustainability Communication (in englischer Sprache)

Dipl. Oec. Katharina Lingenau
Dr. Oliver Ahel
Dr. Christiane Bottke
Stwk S23 2.55Oral Communication in English in Academic Settings (in englischer Sprache)
An der Uni selbstbewusst Englisch sprechen


Sa 10.06.23 09:00 - 13:00 online
So 11.06.23 10:00 - 14:00 online

Ihr seid nervös wegen eines anstehenden Referats auf Englisch? Ihr traut euch manchmal nicht, euch an englischsprachigen Seminar-Diskussionen zu beteiligen? Ihr wollt in eurer mündlichen Prüfung mit einer korrekten Aussprache des Englischen überzeugen?
Dieser online Workshop ist für alle Studierenden, die noch etwas unsicher sind, was ihre mündlichen Englischkenntnisse betrifft. Hier soll ein sicherer Raum geschaffen werden, um sich selbst auszuprobieren und mithilfe von Feedback der Dozentin die eigenen Fähigkeiten zu verbessern, mit dem Ziel, schließlich selbstbewusst in englischer Sprache zu kommunizieren. Obwohl der Workshop grundsätzlich allen Interessierten offensteht, ist er speziell auf die Bedürfnisse Studierender mit Deutsch als Muttersprache abgestimmt. Im Workshop wechseln sich Inputs von Seiten der Dozentin mit vielen interaktiven Sprechübungen in Kleingruppen ab. Die konkreten Fragen und Wünsche der Teilnehmenden stehen hierbei im Mittelpunkt und beeinflussen auch die letztendliche Ausgestaltung des Workshops.

Dr. Alena Cicholewski

Gender- und Diversity-Kompetenzen

VAKTitel der VeranstaltungDozentIn
09-70-B.2-2Community Formation in Digital Games (in englischer Sprache)


wöchentlich Do 16:00 - 18:00 SpT C4180

Communities that form around digital games and gaming have become increasingly significant. We may have heard of the ‘toxic’ communities of competitive games like League of Legends, the very young community of Roblox or Minecraft, the friendly history nerds of the Total War series, and so on. Perhaps most impactfully, GamerGate showed us that gaming communities can have very serious and far-reaching consequences. On the other hand, game communities formed around games like Animal Crossing: New Horizons and Among Us at the beginning of the pandemic demonstrated that they can also be a lifeline in difficult and uncertain times. In this seminar, we will focus on how these communities are formed and maintained. We will examine three crucial aspects of community formation: the affordances of particular games, the strategies developers use to create and engage with communities (or not), and the players themselves.

Dr. Dominic Ford

Studien-, Lehr- und Lernkompetenzen

Schreib- und Lesekompetenzen

VAKTitel der VeranstaltungDozentIn
Stwk S23 1.22Working with Secondary Literature in English (in englischer Sprache)
Workshop in English


Do 08.06.23 10:00 - 14:00 online
Do 15.06.23 10:00 - 14:00 online

In this 2 part online workshop, students will gain a basic understanding of how to engage with secondary literature productively. This workshop is designed for students who are new to doing research – no previous experience is needed. In the first section of our workshop, I will explain what secondary literature is, why it is an essential component of academic writing and where to find it. Students will then have the opportunity to get started with their research activities during the workshop and there will be plenty of room for students’ questions.
For the second part of the workshop, students will bring along the secondary texts they found, as this section will teach them how to assess secondary texts concerning their credibility and usefulness for a specific research topic. Students will also learn how to write excerpts for secondary texts that will help them to get an overview of the state of research on their research topic. Eventually, I will introduce students to different ways of referencing secondary literature in their own texts (without resorting to plagiarism), followed by several interactive writing exercises.
After the workshop, those students who want to receive 1 CP/ECTS for participation must write an additional piece of work, either an outline for a term paper (3 pages) or an annotated bibliography on a research topic of your choice (approx. 3 pages) and a self-reflection on the entire seminar (1-2 pages).

Additionally, after the end of the seminar, all participants have the opportunity to make an individual consultation appointment with me either by telephone, e-mail or as a zoom meeting to clarify open questions about a current writing project.

Dr. Alena Cicholewski
Stwk S23 1.23Working with Secondary Texts in English (in englischer Sprache)
Working with Secondary Literature in English
Workshop in English


Do 10.08.23 10:00 - 14:00 online
Do 24.08.23 10:00 - 14:00 online

In this 2 part online workshop, students will gain a basic understanding of how to engage with secondary literature productively. This workshop is designed for students who are new to doing research – no previous experience is needed. In the first section of our workshop, I will explain what secondary literature is, why it is an essential component of academic writing and where to find it. Students will then have the opportunity to get started with their research activities during the workshop and there will be plenty of room for students’ questions.
For the second part of the workshop, students will bring along the secondary texts they found, as this section will teach them how to assess secondary texts concerning their credibility and usefulness for a specific research topic. Students will also learn how to write excerpts for secondary texts that will help them to get an overview of the state of research on their research topic. Eventually, I will introduce students to different ways of referencing secondary literature in their own texts (without resorting to plagiarism), followed by several interactive writing exercises.
After the workshop, those students who want to receive 1 CP/ECTS for participation must write an additional piece of work, either an outline for a term paper (3 pages) or an annotated bibliography on a research topic of your choice (approx. 3 pages) and a self-reflection on the entire seminar (1-2 pages).

Additionally, after the end of the seminar, all participants have the opportunity to make an individual consultation appointment with me either by telephone, e-mail or as a zoom meeting to clarify open questions about a current writing project.

Dr. Alena Cicholewski
Stwk S23 3.24Writing retreat: Finish your thesis! (in englischer Sprache)
Academic Writing in English
Wissenschaftliches Schreiben in englischer Sprache


Mo 25.09.23 16:00 - 18:00 online
Di 26.09.23 - Mi 27.09.23 (Di, Mi) 10:00 - 17:00 online
Do 28.09.23 10:00 - 12:00 online

This 4-day online writing retreat is designed to give students who are working on term papers (particularly bachelor’s or master’s theses) the tools, time, and space to make progress on their writing projects. Through a combination of workshops, individual support, and dedicated writing time, this writing retreat explores various writing-related topics, such as coping with typical writers’ struggles, building sustainable writing habits, and experimenting with new writing strategies. Brief presentations and discussion groups will help orient participants towards positive writing practices and create a supportive community of writers. The majority of each session will be devoted to focused, independent writing time where participants can work on their own writing projects. During this time, participants will have a dedicated space to make progress on a writing project, while in the company and solidarity of other graduate and postgraduate writers. Optional individual counselling sessions with me will provide additional support to participants.

After the workshop, those students who want to receive 3 CP/ECTS for participation must hand in additional pieces of work: an excerpt of your term paper (approx. 10 pages) and a self-reflection on the entire seminar (1-2 pages).
Additionally, after the end of the seminar, all participants have the opportunity to make an individual consultation appointment with me either by telephone, e-mail or as a zoom meeting to clarify open questions.

Dr. Alena Cicholewski
Stwk S23 3.25Academic Writing in English (for International Students) (in englischer Sprache)


Mi 17.05.23 10:00 - 17:00 online

Many seminars at German universities require their students to write term papers. However, what your lecturer here in Germany expects from you might be very different from what is common elsewhere.
In this online workshop, students will gain a basic understanding of academic writing for German universities. At the center of this seminar is the format of the Hausarbeit (term paper). After I have introduced you to the formal criteria of German term papers, all participants will learn how to develop own research questions, how to create an outline for your term paper and how to kick off the writing process. All participants have the opportunity to work on their own topics. For students who do not yet want to tackle a specific writing project, I will provide exercises that are more general. While the workshop is open to anyone who is interested, it is specifically tailored to the needs of international students. In the workshop, inputs from the lecturer alternate with interactive writing exercises and there will be plenty of room for individual questions.
After the workshop, those students who want to receive 1 CP/ECTS for participation must write an additional piece of work, either an exposé (for a term paper) or an essay (a short, argumentative discussion of a scholarly research question) (approx. 3 pages) and a self-reflection on the entire seminar (1-2 pages).
Additionally, after the end of the seminar, all participants have the opportunity to make an individual consultation appointment with me either by telephone, e-mail or as a zoom meeting to clarify open questions about a current writing project.

Dr. Alena Cicholewski
Stwk S23 3.26Academic Writing in English (in englischer Sprache)
Wissenschaftliches Schreiben in englischer Sprache


Sa 08.07.23 09:00 - 13:00 online
So 09.07.23 10:00 - 14:00 online

Wie kann ich meine deutschen Bandwurmsätze in einen knackigen, englischsprachigen Fachtext verwandeln? Wie kann ich typisch „denglische“ Formulierungen vermeiden? Und was war nochmal der Unterschied zwischen „affect“ und „effect“?
Solche (und ähnliche) Fragen werden in diesem online Workshop geklärt, bei dem Studierende sich grundlegende Kenntnisse über wissenschaftliches Schreiben in englischer Sprache verschaffen. Der Schwerpunkt liegt dabei auf dem Verfassen von Hausarbeiten, je nach Wunsch der Teilnehmenden kann jedoch zusätzlich auch auf andere Textsorten wie beispielsweise Versuchsprotokolle, Fallberichte o.ä. eingegangen werden. Obwohl der Workshop grundsätzlich allen Interessierten offensteht, ist er speziell auf die Bedürfnisse Studierender mit Deutsch als Muttersprache abgestimmt. Alle Teilnehmenden haben die Möglichkeit, an ihren eigenen Themen zu arbeiten. Für Studierende, die noch kein konkretes Schreibprojekt in Angriff nehmen wollen, werde ich allgemeine Übungen zur Verfügung stellen. Im Workshop wechseln sich Inputs von Seiten der Dozentin mit interaktiven Schreibübungen in Einzelarbeit ab, deren individuelle Ergebnisse im Austausch zu zweit reflektiert werden. Am Ende jeder Arbeitsphase werden in der Gesamtgruppe die Ergebnisse formuliert sowie noch offene Fragen geklärt.
Im Anschluss an das Webinar müssen diejenigen Studierenden, die 1 CP/ECTS für die Teilnahme erhalten wollen, eine zusätzliche schriftliche Arbeit verfassen, entweder ein Exposé (für eine Hausarbeit) oder einen Essay (eine kurze, argumentative Auseinandersetzung mit einer selbstgewählten, wissenschaftlichen Fragestellung) (ca. 3 Seiten) sowie eine Selbstreflexion zum gesamten Seminar (1-2 Seiten).
Zudem biete ich nach Ende der Veranstaltung für alle Teilnehmenden die Möglichkeit einer online Einzelberatung entweder telefonisch, per Mail oder ebenfalls als Zoom Meeting, um offene Fragen zu einem aktuellen Schreibprojekt zu klären.

Dr. Alena Cicholewski
Stwk S23 3.28Editing and revising your own texts (in englischer Sprache)
Academic Writing in English
Wissenschaftliches Schreiben in englischer Sprache


Mi 20.09.23 10:00 - 17:00 online

This online workshop is designed to support students with editing and revising their term papers and/or bachelor/mastertheses. Students will get a concise overview of editing techniques that they can immediately apply to their current writing projects. We will talk about the common structures for term papers and practice streamlining your line of argumentation. You will also learn more about how to avoid plagiarism in their paper and get some practice in proofreading. At the center of this workshop are the students’ own writing projects that will be discussed in small groups. There will be plenty of room for individual questions throughout the whole workshop.

After the workshop, those students who want to receive 1 CP/ECTS for participation must hand in additional pieces of work: an outline for a term paper (approx. 3 pages) and a self-reflection on the entire seminar (1-2 pages).
Additionally, after the end of the seminar, all participants have the opportunity to make an individual consultation appointment with me either by telephone, e-mail or as a zoom meeting to clarify open questions.

Dr. Alena Cicholewski
Stwk S23 3.29Writing for and Publishing in Academic Journals (in englischer Sprache)
Workshop in English


Do 01.06.23 10:00 - 14:00 online
Do 29.06.23 10:00 - 14:00 online

The aim of this two part online workshop, is to prepare students to write their first own articles for publication in academic journals. While the workshop is open to anyone who is interested, it will be particularly useful for (master’s degree) students who are working on getting their research published. In the first section of our workshop, I will provide students with an overview of the academic publishing process: we will discuss how to find potential publication platforms, how to avoid predatory journals and gain an overview of the different kinds of academic journals that are out there. You will also learn more about the first steps of deciding on a journal and approaching editors.
Until the second part of the workshop, students have time to start writing their own article: together we will work on finding the most effective title for your article, writing a convincing abstract and creating a clear structure for your article. I will further provide advice on editing and proofreading and we will learn more about the peer review process.
After the workshop, those students who want to receive 1 CP/ECTS for participation must hand in an additional piece of work, either an outline for a journal article (3 pages) or a scholarly essay on a research topic of your choice (approx. 3 pages) and a self-reflection on the entire seminar (1-2 pages).
Additionally, after the end of the seminar, all participants have the opportunity to make an individual consultation appointment with me either by telephone, e-mail or as a zoom meeting to clarify open questions about a current writing project.

Dr. Alena Cicholewski

Moderations- und Präsentationskompetenzen

VAKTitel der VeranstaltungDozentIn
Stwk S23 2.13Public Speaking and Presentation Skills (in englischer Sprache)
Rhetorik und Präsentationstechniken
Workshop in English


Di 18.04.23 16:00 - 18:00 online
Di 25.04.23 16:00 - 18:00 online
Di 02.05.23 16:00 - 18:00 online
Di 09.05.23 16:00 - 18:00 online
Di 16.05.23 16:00 - 18:00 online
Di 23.05.23 16:00 - 18:00 online
Di 30.05.23 16:00 - 18:00 online
Di 06.06.23 16:00 - 18:00 online

This online workshop is designed to support students with their communication and presentation skills. Students will get a concise overview of the basics of rhetoric; afterwards, they can immediately apply what they learned to their current projects. We will talk about the common structures for speeches and presentations and practice organizing your content efficiently. You will also learn more about how to handle stage fright and nervousness and you will practice managing discussions with the audience. During the workshop, participants are expected to do a short presentation on a research topic of their choice. This workshop is particularly useful for students who are preparing for their first presentation at the university and/or who are preparing for an oral exam. There will be plenty of room for individual questions throughout the whole workshop.

After the workshop, those students who want to receive 3 CP/ECTS for participation must hand in additional pieces of work: a written outline for a research presentation and a self-reflection on the entire seminar.

Dr. Alena Cicholewski
Stwk S23 2.55Oral Communication in English in Academic Settings (in englischer Sprache)
An der Uni selbstbewusst Englisch sprechen


Sa 10.06.23 09:00 - 13:00 online
So 11.06.23 10:00 - 14:00 online

Ihr seid nervös wegen eines anstehenden Referats auf Englisch? Ihr traut euch manchmal nicht, euch an englischsprachigen Seminar-Diskussionen zu beteiligen? Ihr wollt in eurer mündlichen Prüfung mit einer korrekten Aussprache des Englischen überzeugen?
Dieser online Workshop ist für alle Studierenden, die noch etwas unsicher sind, was ihre mündlichen Englischkenntnisse betrifft. Hier soll ein sicherer Raum geschaffen werden, um sich selbst auszuprobieren und mithilfe von Feedback der Dozentin die eigenen Fähigkeiten zu verbessern, mit dem Ziel, schließlich selbstbewusst in englischer Sprache zu kommunizieren. Obwohl der Workshop grundsätzlich allen Interessierten offensteht, ist er speziell auf die Bedürfnisse Studierender mit Deutsch als Muttersprache abgestimmt. Im Workshop wechseln sich Inputs von Seiten der Dozentin mit vielen interaktiven Sprechübungen in Kleingruppen ab. Die konkreten Fragen und Wünsche der Teilnehmenden stehen hierbei im Mittelpunkt und beeinflussen auch die letztendliche Ausgestaltung des Workshops.

Dr. Alena Cicholewski

IT- und Multimediakompetenz

VAKTitel der VeranstaltungDozentIn
03-M-GS-7Introduction to R (in englischer Sprache)


wöchentlich Di 13:00 - 15:00 Seminar
wöchentlich Mi 16:00 - 17:00 Seminar
Prof. Dr. Werner Brannath
Eike Voß
03-M-SP-21Linear Regression Analysis with R (in englischer Sprache)

ECTS: 4,5

wöchentlich Mo 12:00 - 14:00 MZH 7200 Lecture
wöchentlich Mo 14:00 - 16:00 MZH 7200 Lecture / Exercise

Di 25.07.23 10:00 - 12:00
Maryam Movahedifar

Informations- und Recherchekompetenzen

VAKTitel der VeranstaltungDozentIn
03-M-SP-21Linear Regression Analysis with R (in englischer Sprache)

ECTS: 4,5

wöchentlich Mo 12:00 - 14:00 MZH 7200 Lecture
wöchentlich Mo 14:00 - 16:00 MZH 7200 Lecture / Exercise

Di 25.07.23 10:00 - 12:00
Maryam Movahedifar

Lehr- und Lernkompetenzen

VAKTitel der VeranstaltungDozentIn
eGS-VA-SM-10Sustainability Marketing (in englischer Sprache)


Whether it is coping with ‘Peak Oil’, meeting the challenge of climate change, helping farmers in poorer countries through fair trade, or finding ways to keep discarded products out of the landfills, sustainability issues are the biggest challenges facing businesses. The course shows how the complexities of sustainability issues can be integrated into marketing. The systematic, step-by-step approach of sustainability marketing involves: an analysis of socio-ecological priorities to complement conventional consumer and market research; an integration of ethical values into marketing strategy; the development of sustainability marketing strategies; a new consumer-oriented sustainability marketing mix of the ‘4 Cs’ (Customer Solutions, Communications, Customer Cost, Convenience) to replace the outmoded and producer-oriented ‘4 Ps’; and finally an analysis how innovation and marketing can go beyond responding to social change to contribute to a transformation to a more sustainable society. The course is ideally suited to both students and practitioners at many different levels and disciplines, including marketing, innovation, CSR, sustainability and environmental management.

In dieser videobasierten Selbstlernveranstaltung können Sie jederzeit einsteigen, in Ihrem eigenen Lerntempo die Videos durcharbeiten und den Prüfungstermin zum Abschluss der Lehrverantaltung frei wählen.

Weitere Infos finden Sie hier bei Stud.ip oder auf unserer Website

Bei Fragen wenden Sie sich gern an:

Dipl. Oec. Katharina Lingenau
Dr. Oliver Ahel
Dr. Christiane Bottke

Sprachenzentrum der Hochschulen im Land Bremen


VAKTitel der VeranstaltungDozentIn
SZHB 0600English (B1.1) (in englischer Sprache)
Eingangsniveau: A2.2


wöchentlich Di 16:15 - 17:45 GW2 A3060 (2 SWS)

N. N.
SZHB 0600aONLINE: English intensive course - Bildungszeit (B1.1) (in englischer Sprache)
Eingangsniveau: A2.2


Mo 07.08.23 - Fr 11.08.23 (Mo, Di, Mi, Do, Fr) 09:00 - 14:30 Onlinekurs/ Lernportal Moodle

Elham Jamshidipour
SZHB 0601English (B1.2) (in englischer Sprache)
Eingangsniveau: B1.1


wöchentlich Do 08:15 - 09:45 GW2 A4290 (FZHB ) (2 SWS)

Fatemeh Shiva Darkifard
SZHB 0601aONLINE: English intensive course - Bildungszeit (B1.2) (in englischer Sprache)
Eingangsniveau: B1.1


Mo 14.08.23 - Fr 18.08.23 (Mo, Di, Mi, Do, Fr) 09:00 - 14:30 Onlinekurs/ Lernportal Moodle

Elham Jamshidipour
SZHB 0602Academic English - UNIcert II part 1 (B2.1) (in englischer Sprache)
Eingangsniveau: B1.2


wöchentlich Do 10:15 - 11:45 GW2 A4290 (FZHB ) (2 SWS)

Fatemeh Shiva Darkifard
SZHB 0602aAcademic English intensive course - UNIcert II (1st part of 3) (B2.1) (in englischer Sprache)
Eingangsniveau: B1.2


Mo 31.07.23 - Fr 04.08.23 (Mo, Di, Mi, Do, Fr) 09:00 - 11:30 GW2 A4170 (CIP-Raum FZHB)
Mo 07.08.23 - Fr 11.08.23 (Mo, Di, Mi, Do, Fr) 09:00 - 11:30 GW2 A4170 (CIP-Raum FZHB)

Meron Biruk Beshewamyeleh
SZHB 0603Academic English - UNIcert II part 2 (B2.2) (in englischer Sprache)
Eingangsniveau: B2.1


wöchentlich Fr 10:15 - 11:55 GW2 A3060 (2 SWS)

Paola Kucera
SZHB 0603aAcademic English intensive course - UNIcert II (2nd part of 3) (B2.2) (in englischer Sprache)
Eingangsniveau: B2.1


Mo 14.08.23 - Fr 18.08.23 (Mo, Di, Mi, Do, Fr) 09:00 - 11:30 GW2 A4170 (CIP-Raum FZHB)
Mo 21.08.23 - Fr 25.08.23 (Mo, Di, Mi, Do, Fr) 09:00 - 11:30 GW2 A4170 (CIP-Raum FZHB)

Meron Biruk Beshewamyeleh
SZHB 0604Academic English - UNIcert II part 3 (B2.3) (in englischer Sprache)
Eingangsniveau: B2.2


wöchentlich Di 14:15 - 15:55 GW2 A3060 (2 SWS)

Paola Kucera
SZHB 0604aAcademic English intensive course - UNIcert II (3rd part of 3) (B2.3) (in englischer Sprache)
Eingangsniveau: B2.2


Mo 28.08.23 - Fr 01.09.23 (Mo, Di, Mi, Do, Fr) 09:00 - 11:30
Mo 04.09.23 - Fr 08.09.23 (Mo, Di, Mi, Do, Fr) 09:00 - 11:30

Meron Biruk Beshewamyeleh
SZHB 0605Academic English - UNIcert II part 3 (B2.3) (in englischer Sprache)
Eingangsniveau: B2.2


wöchentlich Do 12:15 - 13:45 GW2 A4170 (CIP-Raum FZHB) (2 SWS)

Paola Kucera
SZHB 0606Advanced Academic English - UNIcert III part 1 (C1.1) (in englischer Sprache)
Eingangsniveau: B2.3


wöchentlich Mi 14:15 - 15:45 GW2 A4290 (FZHB ) (2 SWS)

Fatemeh Shiva Darkifard
SZHB 0606aAdvanced Academic English intensive course - UNIcert III part 1 (C1.1) (in englischer Sprache)
Eingangsniveau: B2.3


Mo 07.08.23 - Fr 11.08.23 (Mo, Di, Mi, Do, Fr) 09:00 - 11:30
Mo 14.08.23 - Fr 18.08.23 (Mo, Di, Mi, Do, Fr) 09:00 - 11:30

Surayia Mostafa
SZHB 0607Advanced Academic English - UNIcert III part 1 (C1.1) (in englischer Sprache)
Eingangsniveau: B2.3


wöchentlich Di 12:15 - 13:55 GW2 A3060 (2 SWS)

Paola Kucera
SZHB 0608Advanced Academic English: Reading and Writing Skills - UNIcert III part 2 or 3 (C1.2) (in englischer Sprache)
Eingangsniveau: C1.1


wöchentlich Di 10:15 - 11:45 GW2 A4290 (FZHB ) (2 SWS)

Martina Behrens
SZHB 0608aONLINE: Advanced Academic English: Reading and Writing Skills intensive course - UNIcert III part 2 (C1.2) (in englischer Sprache)
Eingangsniveau: C1.1


Mo 21.08.23 - Fr 25.08.23 (Mo, Di, Mi, Do, Fr) 09:00 - 11:30 Onlinekurs/ Lernportal Moodle
Mo 28.08.23 - Fr 01.09.23 (Mo, Di, Mi, Do, Fr) 09:00 - 11:30 Onlinekurs/ Lernportal Moodle

Edwin Shillington
SZHB 0609Advanced Academic English: Listening and Speaking Skills - UNIcert III part 2 or 3 (C1.2) (in englischer Sprache)
Eingangsniveau: C1.1


wöchentlich Do 10:15 - 11:45 GW2 A4270 (CIP-Raum FZHB) (2 SWS)

Martina Behrens
SZHB 0609aAdvanced Academic English: Speaking and Listening Skills intensive course - UNIcert III part 3 (C1.2) (in englischer Sprache)
Eingangsniveau: C1.1


Mo 04.09.23 - Fr 08.09.23 (Mo, Di, Mi, Do, Fr) 09:00 - 11:30 GW2 A4240 (FZHB)
Mo 11.09.23 - Fr 15.09.23 (Mo, Di, Mi, Do, Fr) 09:00 - 11:30 GW2 A4240 (FZHB)

Martina Behrens
SZHB 0610Technical English (Zertifikatskurs FB 4) (B2.3) (in englischer Sprache)
Eingangsniveau: B2.2


wöchentlich Mi 16:15 - 17:45 GW2 A3060 (2 SWS)

Dr. rer. nat. Joselita Salita
SZHB 0611English for Students of Physics (B2.2) (in englischer Sprache)


wöchentlich Do 14:15 - 15:45 GW2 A4170 (CIP-Raum FZHB) (2 SWS)
wöchentlich Do 14:15 - 15:45 Externer Ort: NW1 N3130

Einige Teile des Kurses finden im NW1, N3130 statt
Kursinformationen und Onlineanmeldung unter[showUid]=14918

Prof. Dr. Hans-Günther Döbereiner
Dr. rer. nat. Joselita Salita
SZHB 0613Advanced Academic English for Business Studies & Economics: Presentation/Discussion Skills - UNIcert III part 1 or 2 (C1.2) (in englischer Sprache)
Eingangsniveau: C1.1


wöchentlich Do 14:15 - 15:45 GW2 A4270 (CIP-Raum FZHB) (2 SWS)

Martina Behrens
SZHB 0614Advanced Academic English for Business Studies & Economics: Reading and Writing Skills - UNIcert III part 1 or 2 C1.2) (in englischer Sprache)
Eingangsniveau: C1.1


wöchentlich Di 08:30 - 10:00 GW2 A4290 (FZHB ) (2 SWS)
wöchentlich Mi 08:15 - 09:45 GW2 A3060 (2 SWS)

Martina Behrens
SZHB 0615Advanced Academic English for Social & Political Sciences: Presentation/Discussion Skills - UNIcert III part 1or 2 (C1.2) (in englischer Sprache)
Eingangsniveau: C1.1


wöchentlich Di 12:15 - 13:45 GW2 A3220 (FZHB Selbstlernzentrum) (2 SWS)

Martina Behrens
SZHB 0616Advanced Academic English for Social & Political Sciences: Reading and Writing Skills - UNIcert III part 1 or 2 (C1.2) (in englischer Sprache)
Eingangsniveau: C1.1


wöchentlich Mi 10:15 - 11:45 GW2 A3060 (2 SWS)

Martina Behrens
SZHB 0617Advanced Academic English for Natural Sciences and Engineering: Presentation/Discussion Skills - UNIcert III part 1 or 2 (C1.2) (in englischer Sprache)
Eingangsniveau: C1.1


wöchentlich Di 14:15 - 15:45 GW2 A4270 (CIP-Raum FZHB) (2 SWS)

Dr. rer. nat. Joselita Salita
SZHB 0618Advanced Academic English for Natural Sciences and Engineering: Reading and Writing Skills - UNIcert III part 1 or 2 (C1.2) (in englischer Sprache)
Eingangsniveau: C1.1


wöchentlich Di 16:15 - 17:45 GW2 A4270 (CIP-Raum FZHB) (2 SWS)

Dr. rer. nat. Joselita Salita
SZHB 0619Legal English, ab dem 2. Fachsemester (B2.2) (in englischer Sprache)
Eingangsniveau: B2.1


wöchentlich Fr 10:15 - 11:45 GW2 A4290 (FZHB ) (2 SWS)

Martina Behrens
SZHB 0620Legal English, ab dem 2. Fachsemester (B2.2) (in englischer Sprache)
Eingangsniveau: B2.1


wöchentlich Fr 08:15 - 09:45 GW2 A4290 (FZHB ) (2 SWS)

Martina Behrens
SZHB 0621Legal English, ab dem 2. Fachsemester (B2.2) (in englischer Sprache)
Eingangsniveau: B2.1


wöchentlich Mi 14:15 - 15:45 GW2 A4170 (CIP-Raum FZHB) (2 SWS)

Martina Behrens
SZHB 0622Legal English (Hanse Law School) (C1) (in englischer Sprache)


wöchentlich Mo 10:15 - 11:45 GW2 A4270 (CIP-Raum FZHB) (2 SWS)

Martina Behrens
SZHB 0624Thesis Writing Society (C1) (in englischer Sprache)
Eingangsniveau: B2


wöchentlich Mo 14:15 - 15:45 GW2 A4270 (CIP-Raum FZHB) (2 SWS)

Martina Behrens
Katrina Stollmann
SZHB 0625ONLINE: English for Mathematicians and Industrial Mathematicians (Zertifikatskurs UNIcert II) (B2.3) (in englischer Sprache)
Eingangsniveau: B2.2


wöchentlich Di 16:15 - 17:45 Externer Ort: Onlinekurs (2 SWS)

Edwin Shillington

Studium und Beruf

Bewerbung und Selbstpräsentation

VAKTitel der VeranstaltungDozentIn
CC-01-SoSe23Einzelberatung und Bewerbungsunterlagencheck für Incomings | Individual counselling and application document check (in German and English) (in englischer Sprache)
Individual counselling and application document check (in German and English)


Einzelberatung und Bewerbungsunterlagencheck für Incomings (in Deutsch und Englisch) nach vorheriger Anmeldung. Beratung im Career Center, per E-Mail, Telefon oder Videokonferenzsystem.

Julia Heber, Termine werden individuell vereinbart per E-Mail:

One-to-one counselling and application document check (in German and English) by prior appointment. Counselling in the Career Center, by e-mail, telephone or video conferencing system.

Julia Heber, Appointments are made individually via E-Mail:

Weitere Informationen unter:

Julia Heber
CC-08-SoSe23Job application for Internationals – Application documents and application procedures in Germany (in englischer Sprache)


Fr 14.07.23 14:00 - 18:00 Online

Block event
This seminar provides you with all the important information to find your job in Germany. You will learn, how to successfully prepare your application for the German job market.

Registrations for July will run from 13th April until Thursday 08th June 2023 via (Search for events / Search in the course catalogue / Interdisciplinary courses / Career Center under: Application & Self Presentation).

As soon as the registration procedure is closed, you will receive an e-mail from us with the access data!

Ausführliche Informationen unter:

Julia Heber
CC-09-SoSe23Job application for Internationals – Fit for the job interview in Germany - preparation and training (in englischer Sprache)


Sa 15.07.23 14:00 - 18:00 Online

Block event

In this seminar, you will receive many tips that you need to prepare for the job interview. You will learn how to deal with stressful questions and can actively practise the job interview in a role-play.

Registrations for July will run from 13th April until Thursday 08th June 2023 via (Search for events / Search in the course catalogue / Interdisciplinary courses / Career Center under: Application & Self Presentation).

As soon as the registration procedure is closed, you will receive an e-mail from us with the access data!

Ausführliche Informationen unter:

Julia Heber

Betriebswirtschaftliche Kompetenzen

VAKTitel der VeranstaltungDozentIn
eGS-VA-SM-10Sustainability Marketing (in englischer Sprache)


Whether it is coping with ‘Peak Oil’, meeting the challenge of climate change, helping farmers in poorer countries through fair trade, or finding ways to keep discarded products out of the landfills, sustainability issues are the biggest challenges facing businesses. The course shows how the complexities of sustainability issues can be integrated into marketing. The systematic, step-by-step approach of sustainability marketing involves: an analysis of socio-ecological priorities to complement conventional consumer and market research; an integration of ethical values into marketing strategy; the development of sustainability marketing strategies; a new consumer-oriented sustainability marketing mix of the ‘4 Cs’ (Customer Solutions, Communications, Customer Cost, Convenience) to replace the outmoded and producer-oriented ‘4 Ps’; and finally an analysis how innovation and marketing can go beyond responding to social change to contribute to a transformation to a more sustainable society. The course is ideally suited to both students and practitioners at many different levels and disciplines, including marketing, innovation, CSR, sustainability and environmental management.

In dieser videobasierten Selbstlernveranstaltung können Sie jederzeit einsteigen, in Ihrem eigenen Lerntempo die Videos durcharbeiten und den Prüfungstermin zum Abschluss der Lehrverantaltung frei wählen.

Weitere Infos finden Sie hier bei Stud.ip oder auf unserer Website

Bei Fragen wenden Sie sich gern an:

Dipl. Oec. Katharina Lingenau
Dr. Oliver Ahel
Dr. Christiane Bottke

Going International

VAKTitel der VeranstaltungDozentIn
CC-02-SoSe23Einzelberatung und Bewerbungsunterlagencheck für Outgoings (in Deutsch und Englisch) (in englischer Sprache)
Individual counselling and application document check (in German and English)
Individual counselling and application document check (in German and English)


Einzelberatung und Bewerbungsunterlagencheck sowie Vorbereitung auf Vorstellungsgespräche für alle die international ein Praktikum oder eine Stelle suchen. Beratung in Deutsch und Englisch nach vorheriger Anmeldung. Beratung per E-Mail, Telefon und Videokonferenzsystem.

Termine werden individuell vereinbart bei: Angela Schütte,

Individual counselling and application document check as well as preparation for interviews for all those who are looking for an internship or a job internationally. Counselling in German and English by prior appointment. Advice by e-mail, telephone and video conferencing system.

Appointments are made individually with: Angela Schütte,

Weitere Informationen unter:

Angela Schuette
CC-05-SoSe23How to apply in English for internships and jobs abroad (in englischer Sprache)
How to apply in English for internships and jobs abroad (Cross-curricular, seminar language English)


Mo 19.06.23 18:00 - 20:00 Online

In this seminar you learn how to write your Resume/CV, letter of motivation and cover letter. You will optimize your application for the country you apply for. Our focus lies on Europe, North America and Asia.

After this seminar you are able to create your application in English successful. If you need more help our individual check of your application could be of use for you (just with prior appointment)

Applications for June will run from 16th March to Monday, 08 May 2023 via (Event Search / Search in Course Catalogue / Interdisciplinary Study Programmes / Career Center under: Going International).

As soon as the registration process is completed, you will receive access data from us by e-mail.

Ausführliche Informationen unter:

Angela Schuette
CC-06-SoSe23Successful job interviews via video conferencing systems for your internship and job abroad (in englischer Sprache)


Fr 23.06.23 14:00 - 18:00 Online

• Technical and content preparation for the job interview
• Dealing with stress questions
• Active training of the job interview in a role-play with feedback

In this seminar, you will get tips for your job interview in English and can practise the interview situations right away.

Registrations for June will run from 16 March until Monday 08 May 2023 via (Search for events / Search in the course catalogue / Interdisciplinary degree programmes / Career Centre at: Going International).

As soon as the registration process is closed, you will receive an e-mail from us with the access data!

Detailed information is available at:

Angela Schuette